In "old style" Creatio is possible to create different section pages depending on a lookup field, just like Activities out-of-the-box section (one page for Task, one for Email, one for Call).

In Freedom UI pages I cannot find the way to do the same thing: how can I setup different Freedom UI pages depending on the value of a lookup field of the record?



Like 3




Unfortunately, this feature is really not available in the current release version of the app.

However, our development team is already aware of this need, so this feature may appear in future versions of the app.

Pavlo Sokil,

Hello Pavio ,

Is this feature ready yet ?




Unfortunately, this functionality is not yet available. Due to complexity of the task our R&D team need time for testing and further implementation. 

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Hello ,

Is there any alternatives please ?




There is no available workaround for now.


8.1 Quantum release notes

Multiple form pages for a single object. It is now possible to create multiple form pages for a single object in the Object Designer as well as in the settings of both List and Button components. The app determines the page to open based on a field value. For example, this lets you have completely different pages for different request types.

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In the academy there is a link to the JS classes in Creatio which is extremely useful. I am referring to this:…

This has been an invaluable tool for finding out what is available and how to do various things. Especially useful that it allows us to see the source to understand how something works. However, this is becoming out of date. The current docs are apparently for 7.15 so it obviously doesn't include any of the angular components, classes, etc. I would love to see this get updated - or even something separate for Freedom UI classes, components and the new devkit sdk. This would allow for us to not rely so heavily on waiting for academy articles to get updated since we'd be able to see what is available on our own more easily. As it is now, we're in the dark with understanding what properties various controls have and digging though the source is difficult since everything is minified/transpiled. Even if it wasn't a full JSDocs and just a list of controls with available properties for each, that would be great (For the DevKit SDK as well) The point being, if it's quicker to just put out a summary list of available properties, etc, that we can use to figure details out on our own rather than waiting for full Academy articles, that would be great.

Hopefully this is something that is on the list to make available to us at some point. 



Dear Ryan,


Thanks for submitting your idea! 


We have forwarded your comments to the responsible team to update this resource and inform you once the changes are made. 


Best regards,


Rather soon than later would be awesome !

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Hello Community,


I wanted to validate Start date and enddate. For start date I will use current date to validate. But to validate EndDate I wanted the value of Startdate field. 

I want to know how to read the startdate attribute value in the end date validator. 

I am able to get the value of the attribute in handler, But i could not get value in the validators


                "validator": function(config){

                    return function(control){

                        var date1 = new Date();

                        var date2 = new Date(control.value);

                        var date3 = startdateAttributeValue;

                        return (date2 < date1 || date3 >= date2) ?  {"usr.usrenddatevalidator": { message: config.message }} : null;








Thanks in Advance 



Like 1



Hello Gargeyi,


Unfortunately there is no way to get data from other controls on the page in the context of validator execution triggered on some of the controls on the page. I've asked our core R&D team to add the possibility to operate with other controls values in terms of validator execution. Thank you for helping us in making the app better!

Oleg Drobina,

Thanks Oleg


I have the same issue, I saw this issue was from more than one year, I'm working on Creatio v8.1.3. Is still not possible to resolve what Gargeyi Gnanasekhar ask?


In my case I need to validate just when some conditions met regarding some data in the page, for example, the type of document is type1 or type2 or type 3.


Is there any workaround to accomplish this need?


Thanks in advance

Julio.Falcon_Nodos, hello!

I've checked the problem status, and it's in the process of being resolved. Follow the release updates to be the first to see the news.

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Hello Community,

How can we set a default Image for image link column in freedom UI?

I want to Change the Image to my own Default Image. Can someone help?


Thanks in advance!

Indurthi Yasaswini


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Best reply


Julio, he is referring to the Image column type that can be added to a Freedom UI page. It uses a default icon called "image-placeholder"


Hello community,


We have tried Localizable images and direct links to SysImage as well. Please give an example of how to use Resources.Images to have a default image set up


That image is not a resource image, but a mat-icon. I don't know whether the component has a property to select the default icon. I tried guessing at a few:

  • icon
  • defaultIcon
  • default
  • image
  • defaultImage

None of the above worked. It's possible that it does not have a property to set the initial default icon - but that seems unlikely? Either way, we'll have to wait for more documentation on what properties the component supports I suppose.


Which image, this one? 


Julio, he is referring to the Image column type that can be added to a Freedom UI page. It uses a default icon called "image-placeholder"


Thanks Ryan, sorry, also have no idea how change it

Hello Yasaswini,


You will need to add these fields as shown on the screenshot:


      "placeholder": "eye-blue",



Best regards,

Yuliya Gritsenko

Yuliya Gritsenko,

Thanks for this Yuliya. How can we go about finding this sort of thing out for ourselves in the new angular components? In the Extjs-based pages, it's easy to look at source to see what things can be done. However, with the angular components, plus everything being minified, it's very difficult to find where to look. Are there any tricks to using devtools to find the source of the components to look for this sort of thing (even if minified)?


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Hello Community,

How can we set the default Image to Image link Column in freedom UI.I have tried using this code but I'm getting a error as e.indexof.Can Someone help?


                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "ImageInput_sb3tqam",

                "values": {

                    "layoutConfig": {

                        "column": 1,

                        "row": 1,

                        "colSpan": 1,

                        "rowSpan": 1


                    "type": "crt.ImageInput",

                    "label": "$Resources.Strings.ImageLinkAttribute_qlbk2ae",

                    "labelPosition": "auto",


                    "size": "large",

                    "borderRadius": "medium",

                    "positioning": "cover",

                    "visible": true,

                    "placeholder": "",

                    "tooltip": "",

                    "readonly": true,

                    "disabled": false,


                "parentName": "GridContainer_brxu7gm",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0


handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[



                handler: async (request, next) => {  

                    const imageColumnValue = await request.$context.ImageInput_sb3tqam;

                return this.Terrasoft.ImageUrlBuilder.getUrl(request.$context.Resources.Images.Image1);




Thanks in Advance

Like 0



Hello Community,

I have a boolean field in my section I want to change that boolean field to a toggle bar .Can someone help?


Thanks in Advance 

Like 0



At the moment, this functionality can only be implemented using development methods.

Unfortunately, we do not have any sample code that would help you with such an implementation, but we have registered such a request to our development team, and this functionality may appear in future versions of the application.

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but i can change "CONTACTS" section

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Dear Arkadiusz,


Thanks for your question. To analyze the issue, could you please contact us at and provide us with external access to the instance? Thanks in advance. 


Best regards,


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Hello Community,

I'm trying to implement the opportunity Client in creatio Latest version. How can we add diff and attributes in latest version?

I tried in this way, but it didn't work. Is there any way to do the multilookup column or can we do multilookup column in latest version.


                "operation": "insert",

                "name": "Customer",

                "values": {

                    "type": "crt.ComboBox",

                    "label": "Customer",

                    "control": "",

                    "listActions": [],

                    "showValueAsLink": true,

                    "controlActions": [],

                    "multiLookupColumns": [




                    "layoutConfig": {

                        "column": 1,

                        "row": 1,

                        "colSpan": 1,

                        "rowSpan": 1


                    "controlConfig": {

                        "enableLeftIcon": true,

                        "leftIconConfig": {

                            "bindTo": "getMultiLookupIconConfig"




                "parentName": "SideAreaProfileContainer",

                "propertyName": "items",

                "index": 0



Thanks in advance! 


I Yasaswini

Like 1




Unfortunately, for now, you cannot create a multi-lookup column on the Freedom UI page. 

We already created a request for our R&D team to add this feature in the future version.

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Where Can I find the function original code for  crt.UploadFileRequest and crt.LoadDataRequest. How can I Override the handler without losing the original functionality.(more like callparent(arguments) in Older version )

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crt.UploadFileRequest and crt.LoadDataRequest cannot be overridden because they are located inside the core. 

They cannot be described as typical methods, they work more like a way to transfer information between different core components.

Dmytro Vovchenko,

How can I develop my own handler functions?

Dear Ajay,

Thank you for your question.

Regarding implementing custom handlers, there are a couple of articles available on the Academy:

  1. Implementing a custom request handler
  2. Implementing a custom handler using a remote module

You might also find useful information about implementing custom handlers on the Community:

  1. Function handler called when creating a new record detail
  2. How can we segregate handler code into multiple callback functions in Freedom UI

Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any questions!

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Hello community,

I tried to change freedom UI to Classic UI Using System Settings and Lookup for Converting Freedom UI Pages to Classic UI Pages but the list_Page and Form_Page, didn't convert to Classic UI.

Thanks in advance.



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hi Yasaswini Indurthi

This will help you convert the Freedom Shell of Creatio UI back to Classic UI pages.

Creatio Freedom UI to Classic UI

Best Regards,

Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

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