Hide Complain Button and Leave a Message for the Support Team box



We are repurposing the Case section in the Self Service Portal to create an Opportunity via a business process. As such, we do not need the Complain button nor the ability to Publish a message to the support team box.  Is there a method to remove these two items from the Self Service Portal Case Page?



-Scotty Chapman 


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Hello Scotty,


Please create a replacing view model and select PortalMessagePublisherPage module as a parent and specify the following code in the created schema:

define("PortalMessagePublisherPage", [],
	   function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "PortalMessage",
		mixins: {},
		attributes: {
				 * Publish message enabled flag.
				"IsPublishButtonEnabled": {
					dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN
		methods: {
			setPublishButtonProperties: function(publishMessageInfo) {
				this.set("IsPublishButtonEnabled", false);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

As a result once the schema is saved and the page is refreshed you will see that the button is always disabled:

Best regards,


Update - I did find the System Setting for Enable Complain Function and am able to disable and hide the button that way. Still wondering if there's a way to disable the Publish Message box though.  Thanks!

Hello Scotty,


Please create a replacing view model and select PortalMessagePublisherPage module as a parent and specify the following code in the created schema:

define("PortalMessagePublisherPage", [],
	   function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "PortalMessage",
		mixins: {},
		attributes: {
				 * Publish message enabled flag.
				"IsPublishButtonEnabled": {
					dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN
		methods: {
			setPublishButtonProperties: function(publishMessageInfo) {
				this.set("IsPublishButtonEnabled", false);
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

As a result once the schema is saved and the page is refreshed you will see that the button is always disabled:

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Hi Oscar,


I will give this a try. Thanks so much!


-Scotty Chapman 



Oscar  - that worked like a charm. Many Thanks!

-Scotty Chapman 

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