

I'm doing an Web services to send a document to sign, the api request the Url of the document so I'm using the following link https:[creatio instance]/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a/ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875


70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a correspons to the  UId from the SysSchema table where the attachments are stored and the ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875 is the Id of the attachment. This URL allows me to dowloand the document to my computer, so I know that is the right link but when I used it in the web service it says that there is no document. 


The json of the request is the following 

    "url_doc": {
        "url": "https://151929-crm-bundle.creatio.com/0/rest/FileService/GetFile/70ec5d9f-a55e-4f5c-8f59-30d2c5149c4a/ef68e95e-ef77-eddf-dfa8-685557ee4875",
        "name": "Contrato.pdf"
    "stickers": [
            "authority": "Vinculada a Correo Electronico por Liga",
            "stickerType": "line",
            "dataType": "email",
            "data": "laura@artica.digital",
            "imageType": "stroke",
            "page": 0,
            "rect": {


When I sent the request the response is 


    "error": "No document"


I had try this request with a Dropbox URL and works fine but I need to send the documents that are generated by the Word Reports. That why I'm trying to get the document from Creatio using the URL the API also gives me the option of sending the document using base64 but I dont know how to convert the file easly. 


Can you help me please to know what is happenig? 

Thank you

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The reason why this isn't working is because FileService/GetFile requires authentication to read. This is not an anonymous endpoint. The receiver of this, where ever you're sending this URL of the document to, is actually getting a 401 Unauthorized. 

You'd have to either go the route of sending the base64 of the file, or expose an anonymous service in Creatio to provide the file to the other service.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you, can you explain me please how can I convert the file to base64 please, I had see some examples but I not sure if I can do it using a script task in a business process or a source code 

Laura Jurado,

The code would look something like this (not tested, but this should get you started). For this, I have two process params, one a uniqueidentifier AccountFileId (an Id of an account file) and second an unlimited text AccountFileBase64. The script task would look something like this:

var fileId = Get<Guid>("AccountFileId");
var entity = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("AccountFile").CreateEntity(UserConnection);
if (entity.FetchFromDB(fileId))
    var base64FileData = Convert.ToBase64String(entity.GetBytesValue("Data"));
    Set("AccountFileBase64", base64FileData);


Ryan Farley,

Thank you very much. It helped me a lot 

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I am connecting a third-party API to Creatio, it delivers different types of data including this:
"user_id": [
"Luismary Mendez"
In the parameters of the Creatio response I have set it as an Array Text and as an Object


But when I try to connect this variable to the process it does not display it in the list of possible result values.

The field is Vendedor:

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This is because the user_id is an array in the payload received from the web service, not just a single value. If you know the array will only contain a single set of values and the first value in the user_id array will always be the integer Id and the second value will always be the text name, you could flatten them out by mapping them as text and integer values:

  • Map ID as: user_id[0]
  • Map Name as: user_id[1]


Ryan Farley,

What you're telling me is that I have to set the user_id as an object?

You could, but that doesn't pass to a subprocess (with an array inside an array). If you are able to flatten it out and if you know the array will only contain a single set of values and the first value in the user_id array will always be the integer Id and the second value will always be the text name, that will pass easily to a subprocess. Like this for the "user_id" first element in array, which is an int from what you've shared:

The second value in the user_id array, which is a string from what you've shared, would look like this:

This is assuming your JSON looks like this:

	"result": [
			"id": "someid",
			"name": "somename",
			"user_id": [
				"Some name"

You're basically changing it from an array with an int in index 0 and string in index 1 to flattened out properties pointing to the value in index 0 and index 1. This is, of course, assuming that the user_id array will only contain an int at index 0 and a string at index 1.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I understood your explanation, I will apply it and let you know how it goes.

Carlos Soto,

Thanks Ryan. It's works

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I have a web services API that requires an Id and an hmac generated with the request parameters and an API Key to be placed in its authorization header.

Is there a way to obtain the call body to perform the HMAC?

In postman I have been able to make the call successfully with a pre-request which is the following:


const apiKey = pm.collectionVariables.get("apiKey");;
const webId = pm.collectionVariables.get("webId");
const crypto = require('crypto-js');
if(pm.request.method === 'POST') {
    const parsedBody = JSON.parse(pm.request.body.raw);
    const jsonParams = JSON.stringify(parsedBody);
    // Create HMAC
    const hmac = crypto.HmacSHA256(jsonParams, apiKey);
    const hmacb64 = crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(hmac);
    // Set computed HMAC as an environment variable (or you could add it directly to the headers)
    pm.environment.set('hmacb64', hmacb64);
    // Construct the Authorization header
    const authorizationHeader = "signmage " + webId + ":" + hmacb64;
    pm.environment.set('Authorization', authorizationHeader);
} else if(pm.request.method === 'GET') {
    const url = pm.request.url.getPathWithQuery();
    const hmac = crypto.HmacSHA256(url, apiKey);
    const hmacb64 = crypto.enc.Base64.stringify(hmac);
    // Set computed HMAC as an environment variable (or you could add it directly to the headers)
    pm.environment.set('hmacb64', hmacb64);
    // Construct the Authorization header
    const authorizationHeader = "signmage " + webId + ":" + hmacb64;
    pm.environment.set('Authorization', authorizationHeader);


But in Creatio I'm a little lost if it's possible to do something similar.

I would appreciate it if you could help me know if this is possible. Thank you.

Like 1



Hello Laura,

Thank you for your question.

I have contacted our R&D team regarding when this functionality will be implemented in our system. The HMAC-SHA256 signature is planned to be implemented with the 8.3 release. Currently, there is no built-in API to use HMAC.

Hope this helps.

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I have integrated SOAP service in trial version of Sales Creatio. The test request was successful and returns the response parameters correctly, but when I'm trying to call the webservice in business process and bind the response parameter to auto-generated page, it shown only "Response body" in Process Elements parameter.


Please, refer the screenshots attached.




Any guidance would be appreciated!

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My guess is that it is because the web service is returning an array of records and the MemberNumber is from an element in the array/collection. If the web service is really just returning one record, but wrapping it in an array, you could map the field in the web services setup in Creatio as something like (you might need to modify this to match the structure of the json returned from the API):


To specifically get the value from the record at index 0 of the array.


How to bind all the records from array/collection in grid from web service response without entity?


You’ll need to use a subprocess and pass each item returned to the sub process. See an article on that here https://customerfx.com/article/working-with-collections-from-a-web-service-element-in-a-process-in-creatio/


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Hello Community,


When calling a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication from the browser using this link : 



The page does not seem to work.


Note :  we have an on premise Creatio instance on Linux based on .Net Core.


Bellow are the steps to reproduce the case:


The Academy guides on how to Create a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET Core : https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back_end_development/web_ser…

This is the class indicated in the first step (that returns the contact ID by the contact name) : 

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.KycCustomConfigurationService {

    using System;

    using System.ServiceModel;

    using System.ServiceModel.Web;

    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;

    using Terrasoft.Core;

    using Terrasoft.Web.Common;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;

    using Terrasoft.Web.Http.Abstractions;


    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]

    public class KycCustomConfigurationService: BaseService {

        private SystemUserConnection _systemUserConnection;

        private SystemUserConnection SystemUserConnection {

            get {

                return _systemUserConnection ?? (_systemUserConnection = (SystemUserConnection) AppConnection.SystemUserConnection);



        /* The method that returns the contact ID by the contact name. */


        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,

            ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]

        public string GetContactIdByName(string Name) {

            SessionHelper.SpecifyWebOperationIdentity(HttpContextAccessor.GetInstance(), SystemUserConnection.CurrentUser);

            var result = "";

            var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(SystemUserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Contact");

            var colId = esq.AddColumn("Id");

            var colName = esq.AddColumn("Name");

            var esqFilter = esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Name", Name);


            var entities = esq.GetEntityCollection(SystemUserConnection);

            if (entities.Count > 0) {

                result = entities[0].GetColumnValue(colId.Name).ToString();

                result = entities[0].GetTypedColumnValue(colId.Name); */


            return result;




and this is the changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json file

"Terrasoft.Configuration.KycCustomConfigurationService": [



Thank you,


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Based on the coe alone it is almost impossible to say what is the cause of the issue.
What kind of error you are facing, why do you think that the page isn't working?
Make sure that you created a class in the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel for your service and check if you modified a services.config files as well as the Web.config.

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In a Business Process, we are calling a Web Service using the Web Service Call element, but sometimes we will get a failure that we need to log to a custom table for action later. We really could do with as much information about the failure as possible, including being able to log out the parameters that the Web Service was passed so the support users can assess what happened without having to have trace logging turned on for the BP and digging into the BP log as well. I can't see any output on the web service call for that, but maybe someone else has found a way to get this info?

Like 2



Hi Harvey, we have similar needs, but no result, unfortunately. 

So, we log all parameters manualy before calling web service :(

Hello Harvey,

If you want to see the body of the request generated by the web service and the response that comes from the server - You can try to use Telerik Fiddler tool to capture requests that are being sent from the Creatio instance


But this advice is relevant only for local environments.

If the environment is on a local machine, you can connect Fiddler and test it.


In general, if you do not want to use data tracing for a process, we believe that this goal can be achieved through development. For example, a web service call will be made using a script task, in which you will process various responses from the server and write the information you need into a table using C# code.

Thank you.

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we use Web service element in our business process, where we set several parameters. For logging purposes we need to get JSON of request body, but there is no such option (I see only Response body)

How can we get request body from the Web service element?



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Unfortunately, Web service element doesn't directly expose the request body for logging within the element itself. 




and no hidden workaround? Or any methods, which are used from request body generation, that we could use as well?

Kind regards,


Hello Vladimir,

You can try to use Telerik Fiddler tool to capture requests that are being sent.

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I need to send an image through an API to convert it to base 64, I tried to do it using the Web service tool but it does not allow me to place an image or file field to use it from the bpm, I was looking for some information and I saw that it could be done using a script, I just haven't found a way to do it. Could you help me with some example or idea so I can do this please?




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Hello Laura, 


Please refer to this article for more detailed information about such functionality.  

Also, similar questions have already been discussed in the below posts, please review them for the detailed information:



Please inform us in case of any questions!

Best regards,


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Hi everyone,


if I have an interface marked as ServiceContract, and some method marked as OperationContract.

After that I have 2 classes implementing that interface and two different behaviours for a method in the interface.

How we can specify which implmentation we need to use when we hit that endpoint?


public interface IServiceContract
    void SomeMethod();
public class ImplementationClassA : IServiceContract
    public void SomeMethod()
        // Implementation for Class A
public class ImplementationClassB : IServiceContract
    public void SomeMethod()
        // Implementation for Class B


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Do you have the possibility to create an instance of ClassA or ClassB when calling the service (based on some input parameters) and call the SomeMethod method from the correspondent class instance? It will call the method implemented in the correspondent class and your task will be achieved.

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Hi Guys,

I have created a webservice using out the box webservice section and calling this webservice in business process.

Issue :- I have to pass collection inside collection to call the webservice. I am passing collection inside collection correctly but Creatio is not able to send collection data to webservice. Any idea how to resolve it?


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It seems that the issue is that you are passing the first item read in the "Read bank account" element of the process (see [#Read bank account.First ite... in the "PartyAcctRelType" collection property settings from your screenshot). What should be done is modifying the "Read bank account" element and reading collection of records there, not the very first element from it:

And pass an actual collection of data read. This should work properly.

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