How to log web services and record them in a section

Hi Creatio Community,

I am working on extending the existing implementation of the Execute method in the web service designer, which is part of a base package in Creatio. My goal is to modify the method to add additional functionality: specifically, I want to save the web service response as a record using an EntitySchemaQuery (ESQ), so that the response can be displayed in a custom section inside Creatio.

However, I am encountering a compilation error:

cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Terrasoft.Configuration.ServiceSchemaParameter>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Terrasoft.Configuration.ServiceSchema.ServiceSchemaParameter>'

It appears that the system is having difficulty converting between two types that have the same name but are possibly from different namespaces. I am using ServiceSchemaParameter in my custom implementation, but the IServiceSchemaClient.Execute() method is expecting the parameter to be of a slightly different type.

Here’s an overview of my approach:

  1. I've modified the Execute method to include an ESQ that logs the web service call and stores the response.
  2. The issue arises when passing the parameters (of type List<ServiceSchemaParameter>) to the Execute method, where it's expecting IEnumerable<ServiceSchema.ServiceSchemaParameter>.
  3. I believe the conflict is due to namespace ambiguity or mismatched types between base and custom implementations.

    My code: 
  4. namespace Terrasoft.Configuration
        using System;
        using System.Linq;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Runtime.Serialization;
        using System.ServiceModel;
        using System.ServiceModel.Web;
        using System.ServiceModel.Activation;
        using Terrasoft.Core.Factories;
        using Terrasoft.Services;
        using Terrasoft.Web.Common;
        using Terrasoft.Core;
        using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
        using Terrasoft.Configuration.ServiceSchema;
    	#region Class: CallServiceSchemaService
    	[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]
    	public class CallServiceSchemaService : BaseService
    		#region Methods: Public
    		[WebInvoke(Method = "POST", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,
    			ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]
    		public CallServiceSchemaResponse Execute(string serviceName, string methodName, List<ServiceSchemaParameter> parameters) {
    			if (parameters == null) {
    				parameters = new List<ServiceSchemaParameter>();
    			try {
    				// Getting the builder and client from the ClassFactory
    				var builder = ClassFactory.Get<IServiceSchemaParameterBuilder>();
    				var serviceSchemaClient = ClassFactory.Get<IServiceSchemaClient>();
    				// No need to cast, List<T> already implements IEnumerable<T>
    				var serviceResponse = serviceSchemaClient.Execute(UserConnection, serviceName, methodName, builder.Build(parameters.AsEnumerable()));
    				// Log the request and response
    				LogWebServiceCall(serviceName, methodName, parameters, serviceResponse);
    				return new CallServiceSchemaResponse(serviceResponse);
    			} catch (Exception e) {
    				return new CallServiceSchemaResponse(e);
    		private void LogWebServiceCall(string serviceName, string methodName, List<ServiceSchemaParameter> parameters,
                IServiceClientResponse response = null, Exception error = null) {
                var entitySchema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("UsrWebServiceLog");
                var assignersEntity = entitySchema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
                assignersEntity.SetColumnValue("UsrServiceName", serviceName);
                assignersEntity.SetColumnValue("UsrMethodName", methodName);
                // Log additional columns if needed, as seen in your commented code
    	#region Class: CallServiceSchemaResponse
    	[DataContract(Name = "CallServiceSchemaResponse")]
    	public class CallServiceSchemaResponse : ConfigurationServiceResponse
    		#region Constructor: public
    		public CallServiceSchemaResponse(IServiceClientResponse serviceResponse) {
    			StatusCode = serviceResponse.StatusCode;
    			Success = serviceResponse.Success;
    			ResponseBody = serviceResponse.Body;
    			ResponseRawData = serviceResponse.RawDataResponse;
    			RequestBody = serviceResponse.RequestBody;
    			RequestRawData = serviceResponse.RawDataRequest;
    			ParameterValues = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serviceResponse.ParameterValues);
    		public CallServiceSchemaResponse(Exception e) : base(e) {}
    		#region Properties: Public
    		public int StatusCode;
    		public string ParameterValues;
    		public string RequestRawData;
    		public string RequestBody;
    		public string ResponseRawData;
    		public string ResponseBody;
    	#region Class: ServiceSchemaParameter
    	public class ServiceSchemaParameter
    		#region Properties: Internal
    		[DataMember(Name = "code")]
    		public string Code;
    		[DataMember(Name = "value")]
    		public object Value;
    		[DataMember(Name = "nested")]
    		public List<List<ServiceSchemaParameter>> NestedParameters;


Could anyone guide me on how to properly resolve this type conversion issue? If there is a better way to manage the namespace or cast the types correctly, I would appreciate any advice or best practices to ensure compatibility between the types.

Thank you for your help!

Code Context:
Service Designer Package

Looking forward to your suggestions and insights!

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