I am trying to create a basic printable report that includes data from Section as well as the detail of that section


and I have created the template in Word,


and the report setup in creatio is as below,

But the output only has data from the main section but not from the detail,

Can you please help with this?

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We are trying to integrate our service with Creatio CRM and one of our needs is adding custom fields to such entities as Lead, Contact, Order after getting an access token to customer's CRM account


Is there any possibility to use Creatio Rest API to add such fields? 

If yes, I would be glad to get an example of such request


Thank you

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Hello Community, 


Is there a way to copy the record on click of a button in the Form Page such that it will open the record with copied values and is open to edit values?

When I tried to copy a record using Modal class it directly creates a new record in the DB. I don't want to create a new record in DB with copied values but to open a new record with copied value.


Thanks in Advance

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By clicking a button you can start a business-process in which you have the element "Open edit page". In this element, you can also set default values from all the columns you need. 



Thankyou for your reply,

I tried doing this but I could not find my custom Form page in the Open edit page field. 

Actually I wanted to perform the same operation that we do on click of "Copy" of a record from a list page in the form page on click of button. 

On click of a button, Copy all the fields in the current form page and open a new record with  copied fields, But the record should not get saved in DB until user saves the record. 


Any Suggestions is really helpful. 







In that case, you can add a button with the action "Open new record".

With it, you can choose your objects and set the column values from the main record.

this button will open a new page without actually saving the record.

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Hi Community,


I would like to know how we can make a column mandatory in an attachment list (the detail here) as soon as we upload a file to the detail.



Thanks in advance!




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To make a column mandatory in FreedomUI, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the column you want to make mandatory in the detail view of your form.

  2. Open the code or configuration file associated with your FreedomUI implementation.

  3. Locate the section or code block related to the detail view of your form.

  4. Find the column you want to make mandatory within the code or configuration.

  5. Depending on the specific implementation of FreedomUI, you can typically add a validation rule or attribute to the column to make it mandatory.

  6. Add the necessary code or configuration to enforce the mandatory requirement for the column. This may involve setting a "required" flag, adding a validation rule, or specifying a validation message.

  7. Save your changes and test the form to ensure that the column is now mandatory in the detail view.

It's important to note that the exact steps may vary depending on the version and customization of FreedomUI you are using. Refer to the documentation or consult with the developers or support team of FreedomUI for specific guidance on making a column mandatory in the detail view.

More detail : https://360degreecloud.com/

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How can an otm file be loaded into the Creatio?



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Use the File extensions AllowList (FileExtensionsAllowList) system settings to set up a list of allowed file extensions. By default, this setting contains the most frequently used file extensions.

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Hi Creatio Community,


I would like to know the name of the function/handler that's called when creating a record and saving it in an editable detail in FreedomUI so that we can override it. We also noticed SaveRecordRequest doesn't seem to be called here.


Thanks in advance.




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These should be the crt.CreateRecordRequest request and the crt.CreateRecordHandler handler. Try those in either:


1) Page where detail is added

2) Detail schema

3) Edit page of the detail


and it should be triggered.

Oleg Drobina,


Tried these two methods. They don't seem to be called when creating and saving the records in an editable detail.


I tried this handler:

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
				request: "crt.CreateRecordRequest",
				handler: async (request, next) => {
					return next?.handle(request);

on the schema where detail is added and it's successfully triggered:

It also depends on which handler you have specified in the "Add button" properties, you need to find it in the schema diff (in my case it was crt.CreateRecordRequest):

				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "GridDetailAddBtn_z5e8jja",
				"values": {
					"type": "crt.Button",
					"caption": "#ResourceString(GridDetailAddBtn_z5e8jja_caption)#",
					"icon": "add-button-icon",
					"iconPosition": "only-icon",
					"color": "default",
					"size": "medium",
					"clicked": {
						"request": "crt.CreateRecordRequest",
						"params": {
							"entityName": "Contact"
					"visible": true,
					"clickMode": "default"
				"parentName": "FlexContainer_n5yrzkv",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 0


Oleg Drobina,


The detail we are working with uses an inline record to create new records which doesn't seem to be calling CreateRecordHandler or CreateRecordRequest. 


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I'm Getting Error while compiling the workspace everytime. I checked the error log and it's saying as below. Kindly help to resolve this. Have attached the file for reference.

[57] ERROR IIS APPPOOL\Creatio Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection OnCurrentUserConnectionChanged - Overwriting UserConnection.Current in the same context is not allowed    at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

File attachments
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Hi Creatio community,


While creating a list page or form page in FreedomUI, we noticed that the option to view the changelog is not present even after enabling changelog for that particular object. 


We would like to know how to get this option in the form page (edit page) like in the previous versions. 




Thanks in advance.




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Best reply

Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.

Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.



At the moment, Freedom UI doesn't have a quick way to go to the Change Log. This should be available in new versions. 


A workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL.


Regards, Anton 


Is there any update on this? I can't see the change log option in a recently created 8.1 free cloud environment after turning it on for an object, nor an action that would correspond to it similar to what the Access Rights has for that button.


Any news on this?

we also need to view change log.

As a temporary solution, is it possible to turn on the change log and view the changes in a lookup?

If yes, what object should be used to view the changes?




There's been an update on this - in release 18.2 there's a possibility to add a button with an action "Change log" - it can open a page with a change log for the record or entire object. The only thing is that it is still the old design and the button opens a new tab, so it's not visible on the record itself.

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Hi Community,


I've created a detail in FreedomUI that adds attachments to the SysFile table. But upon upload, I can see the newly added file in the detail only after reloading the whole page. 



I tried to reload the detail on upload using the following code but it didn't work:




                handler:async (request, next) =>{

                    console.log("new record");

                    await next?.handle(request);

                    const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;

                    for(var i = 0;i<2;i++)


                        await handlerChain.process({

                                                    type: "crt.LoadDataRequest",

                                                    $context: request.$context,

                                                    config: {

                                                        loadType: "reload"


                                                    dataSourceName: "DataGrid_0b46u59DS"






I would like to see the file in the detail as soon as its uploaded. 


Thanks in advance for any help!








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Please try reloading using this code

setInterval(async ()=&gt;{
                                const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
                                await handlerChain.process({
                                    type: 'crt.LoadDataRequest',
                                       $context: request.$context,
                                    config: {
                                        loadType: 'reload'
                                    dataSourceName: '{Your Data Source}'
                            }, 1000);



You can still use that approach, or you can add a standard attachment component.

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I want to create a custom Business process element as shown in in the below image. How can I implement this?



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Hello Pavan, 

Below, I have shared documentation to help you with this question: 


Best regards,

Orkhan Gojaev

Hi Orkhan,

Documentation you have shared is regarding custom user task. can we create a custom element in Business process just like send email element, approval shown in picture. and add my custom element in this list.

Thanks in advance.



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