

I have this simple BP that has a Guid parameter which represents the Id of a real file inside the system. I take this file into a "Process file" element and tries to save it inside a specific Contact's attachment detail:


Then, in another "Process file" element up next, I take that file created inside the Contact's attachment detail in order to use it in the "Send Email" element:



However, upon checking both the email Activity created from this BP, as well as the Process log for this BP, nothing is attached:

Also, the resulting file collection from the second "Process File" element seems to be empty as well:



What am I doing wrong? I feel like this should work, it's a pretty simple example.


Thanks in advance,


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Your account attachments/files could be using one of two file locations/objects. With Freedom UI a generic " attached file" object was introduced that could be used with any object. However, many objects have specific file/attachments objects, such as "Account files", or "Contact files" (sometimes those are named "File and link of account"). Make sure that you're using the correct object based on what you have on the screens. To check this, open the page in the designer and click on the attachments list, you'll see the object the page is actually using there in the "File storage location" property. 


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Hi All, 



Attaching my source code file.


UsrDate -> Date 

UsrStartTime -> Time

CreatedOn -> Date/Time


I am getting following error in few records - 

Worklogs Integrations synchronized with errors: {"bd455ee2-8f6e-4aed-bafc-890304110ac3":"SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.","3d4508d8-bf40-48b4-ab65-d836c7c0b3da":"SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM."}

screenshot from the source code is below - 

Screenshot of the record is below - 



Is it because Start time is NULL ?

If yes how can I handle this in the code so that the records gets synchronized with NULL ?



File attachments
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I tried to do replicate the same situation. Activity table has a column SendDate which might be null. In business process i created a script task with the following code: 1

The result i got:
The values of SendDate columns in my Activity table were all null. All these values became the min value of datetime (1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM).

Your error message says that the datetime type in SQL Server has a limited range for dates it can store, specifically from January 1, 1753, to December 31, 9999. In .NET, the default value for DateTime is DateTime.MinValue, which is January 1, 0001. This default value is far outside the valid range for SQL Server's DateTime type.

After analyzing source code you provided i suggest taking a look at those lines of code and changing your sql command parameter types to SqlDbType.DateTime2:


Hope this helps

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Hello, I have a [Object A] form page where I have an Expanded List (detail) inside it [Object B] created. In [Object B] I need to have multiple records, so now I need to make a relationship between [Object A] and [Object B], but the app doesn't show me a relationship between IDs or anything like that.

I've already tried manually creating a Lookup inside [Object B] pointing to [Object A], but I was wondering if there's a better way to do it?

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Best reply


You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.


You need to create one-to-many relations between these objects. To do this, you need to create a lookup column in each object that will refer to another object. After that, you will be able to use filters and relationships to display and customize the necessary lists.
You can't do it using no-code elements because this connection is set up at the object level.

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Question: Is it not possible to add Virtual Detail in Modal?

I tried to add a Virtual detail in a Modal, but it do not shows Detail.
In Contact Page I have Virtual Detail and after clicking in row I open Modal where I added  Virtual Detail but it do not shows and there  are no errors also in Console.

This is A Modal after clicking in row and its empty.


Code For Modal:

define("UsrCreateVirtualFinancialAccountsModalPage", ["ModalBox", "css!UsrCustomStylesCss"], function(ModalBox, UsrCustomStylesCss) {
	return {
		attributes: {
		messages: {
			"DataFromModal": {
				mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.BIDIRECTIONAL
			init: function(callback, scope) {
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{
			"UsrFinancialAccountsVirtualDetail": {
				"schemaName": "UsrFinancialAccountsVirtualDetail"
		diff: [
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "MyContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"values": {
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.CONTAINER,
					"items": []
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "MyGridContainer",
				"parentName": "MyContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"values": {
					"itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.GRID_LAYOUT,
					"items": []
				"operation": "insert",
				"name": "UsrFinancialAccountsVirtualDetail",
				"values": {
					"itemType": 2,
					"markerValue": "added-detail"
				 "layout": {
                        "column": 0,
                        "colSpan": 25,
                        "row": 5,
                        "rowSpan": 5
				"parentName": "MyGridContainer",
				"propertyName": "items",
				"index": 1
Like 0



I implemented similar logic but instead of opening a modal page, i open card for the detail. In case section i added a test detail. When double clicking on a record in this detail onGridRowDoubleClick method is called which set values of record to sessionStorage and opens a UsrTestCardPage. Than init method is called while page is initializing which sets the field values.

Card schema:
 define("UsrTestCardPage", [], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "UsrTestDetail",
        attributes: {},
        modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
        businessRules: /**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_BUSINESS_RULES*/,
        methods: {
            init: function() {
            getSessionStorage: function() {
                var UsrName_SessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem("UsrName_Session");
                var UsrIntColumn_SessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem("UsrIntColumn_Session");
                var Id_SessionValue = sessionStorage.getItem("Id_Session");
                this.set("UsrName", UsrName_SessionValue);
                this.set("UsrIntColumn", UsrIntColumn_SessionValue);
                this.set("Id", Id_SessionValue);
        dataModels: /**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DATA_MODELS*/,
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "UsrName2a0f6821-93ff-4f8b-a8c0-e58bb9032171",
                "values": {
                    "layout": {
                        "colSpan": 24,
                        "rowSpan": 1,
                        "column": 0,
                        "row": 0,
                        "layoutName": "ProfileContainer"
                    "bindTo": "UsrName"
                "parentName": "ProfileContainer",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 0
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "INTEGER406f5583-84ac-4659-9ff8-46b9c72de82a",
                "values": {
                    "layout": {
                        "colSpan": 24,
                        "rowSpan": 1,
                        "column": 0,
                        "row": 1,
                        "layoutName": "ProfileContainer"
                    "bindTo": "UsrIntColumn",
                    "enabled": true
                "parentName": "ProfileContainer",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 1
                "operation": "insert",
                "name": "LOOKUPcb467c2f-f352-4ac0-90ea-f25c2ed22119",
                "values": {
                    "layout": {
                        "colSpan": 24,
                        "rowSpan": 1,
                        "column": 0,
                        "row": 2,
                        "layoutName": "ProfileContainer"
                    "bindTo": "UsrCase",
                    "enabled": true,
                    "contentType": 5
                "parentName": "ProfileContainer",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "index": 2



Detail schema:

Hope this helps

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Is there any possibility to show in a filter only the legal entities that I select in advance?

For example, in the "Branch" lookup, I would like to see only the legal entities with a property set by me, not all of the LE.


Like 2




Unfortunately, the basic functionality of the platform doesn't allow you to filter values specified by you. However, we've registered this idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Great idea :) It's like also making sure some inactive values are not only inactive in dropdowns, but also in filters. 

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Hi, mentors, 


      I'd like to have the function to auto save for specific field when lookup change,  instead of clicking the Save button. 

I think it might need the handler function is js, if existed, please kindly share. 




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Best reply

You'll need to add a change request handler to know when the lookup value has changed. See https://customerfx.com/article/responding-to-an-event-when-a-field-is-changed-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Then you'll execute a crt.SaveRecordRequest to save the record. See https://customerfx.com/article/saving-a-page-before-some-action-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/


You'll need to add a change request handler to know when the lookup value has changed. See https://customerfx.com/article/responding-to-an-event-when-a-field-is-changed-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/

Then you'll execute a crt.SaveRecordRequest to save the record. See https://customerfx.com/article/saving-a-page-before-some-action-on-a-creatio-freedom-ui-page/


Ryan Farley,

I've implemented it, and it works. thanks. 

Ryan Farley,


if we use input number field instead of lookup to do auto save, would you recommend any reference that might help. Becaue of the  Lookup value for quantity is not quite appropriate, we decide to use input number field for quantity information. We hope when user input the quantity, after losing focus to the number field, it can do the auto save. 

Thanks for your help in advance. 

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Again in Creatio 8.1.4 we found not available the selection of a contact to create a new Creatio User.


To enable this you need to enable the SysAdminUnitFeatures.ShowContactInAdminUnit Feature.


But when did it, and try to save get an error "Name field must be filled in".


Had somebody try this?, is some workorund? or another way to enable select a contact to cerate a New User in STUDIO Creatio instance (JUST Studio)




Julio Falcón



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1) When adding this feature, you should specify "For all employees".
2) Save for current user. 
3) Enable the feature in general.
Then the error shouldn't occur.


Ivan Savenko,

Thanks Ivan


I saw I need to 

1.- Open the Feature page, 

2.- Add the All Employees group, 

3.- Check enable the feature to all Employees,

4.- Click on Status to Enable

5.- Save (Still getting the error, but saves)

6.- Logout & Login and voila, the contact search in System Users is available.


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I am currently working on a functionality within our Creatio system where I need to open a mini page that is part of the Classic UI by clicking a button in a Freedom UI section. Despite my efforts, I have encountered some challenges in achieving this integration.


Could you please provide guidance or any relevant documentation on how to successfully link and open a Classic UI mini page from a button click within a Freedom UI section? 


Any tips or best practices you could share would be greatly appreciated.


Thank You.

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Hi Satyam, 
You can try using crt.7XRequest with action 'EditRecord'/ 'AddRecord'. Please see this article on community : https://community.creatio.com/questions/base-function-lookup-value-clic…

Yurii Sokil,

The Terrasoft modules are also still available. You can use the same code as in classic UI, something like this will work in a Freedom UI request: 

	parameters: {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity"
	valuePairs: [
		{ name: "Type", value: "fbe0acdc-cfc0-df11-b00f-001d60e938c6" },
		{ name: "Contact", value: contactId },
		{ name: "Account", value: accountId }
	miniPageSchemaName: "ActivityMiniPage",
	operation: Terrasoft.ConfigurationEnums.CardOperation.ADD,
	showDelay: 0,
	miniPageSourceSandboxId: null


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Hello all,


Is there any way yet to disable Creatio automatically generating packagess and adding dependencies? It seems to completely disregard my current package system setting and Creatio's assigns dependencies to go in circles which then takes more time for me to clean up. Half the time when I remove dependencies, I go back to make a save in a package and Creatio assigns more dependencies that I don't want.


I end up with so much junk packages in the database with nonsense App_ues323 names and I can't find a way to turn it off.

Like 3



Hi Kevin, you need to disable the Feature called UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy. In yor instance must add this "/0/Shell/#Section/AppFeature_ListPage" after cretio.com to open the Features Page, search the feature, disable (turning off the “Is enabled” and “Is enabled for current user”), save and click on  button "Clear Cache".



Julio Falcón


Are there any caveats to doing this Julio?

Gareth Osler,

This basically just reverts the behavior to use the "Current Package" system setting, even for all Freedom UI stuff. I have more info on that here: https://customerfx.com/article/reverting-the-behavior-for-saving-pages-in-the-creatio-freedom-ui-designer-to-use-current-package-setting/




The new package is creating if changes have been made to the application, but its main package is locked.


When developing an application, you can force the application not to create a new empty package, but to save changes to the package you created.
This can be done by disabling the UseSchemaDesignPackageUIdByHierarchy system feature - it is responsible for the logic of checking and creating a new package for the application, as well as the CurrentPackageId system setting and the Installed application and Package lookups. 

Now you will need to specify the package (recommended Custom) in the CurrentPackageId setting.

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Hi all, 


any sol for this available? I am completely new to Creatio and wanted to set dependencies (ProductCore) for a new package. I always get this error.


Best; Greg 





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This message is referring to the data elements in your package. There are sections added to workplaces in the package (SysModuleInWorkplace) but the Workplaces they are added to are not bound in data elements in the package (SysWorkplace). To resolve, look at any data elements for SysModuleInWorkplace in your package and make sure you add a data element for SysWorkplace for the workplaces that the sections are in.


This message is referring to the data elements in your package. There are sections added to workplaces in the package (SysModuleInWorkplace) but the Workplaces they are added to are not bound in data elements in the package (SysWorkplace). To resolve, look at any data elements for SysModuleInWorkplace in your package and make sure you add a data element for SysWorkplace for the workplaces that the sections are in.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks alot!

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