Hello everyone. Can someone tell me how to filter the list of emails address via Account? That is displayed when registering email sending activity via the Section Actions toolbar. Found a similar article https://community.creatio.com/questions/filter-contact-list-section-act….  Thanks!

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Hello Serhii,
Thank you for your question.

I have tried to use a similar approach to the one mentioned in the forum discussion. Here is an example of how to filter recipients to contain 'mycompany' in the email address in the action dashboard of the contacts section.

define("EmailMessagePublisherPage", ["LookupUtilities"],
       function(LookupUtilities) {
           return {
               entitySchemaName: "Activity",
               mixins: {},
               attributes: {},
               methods: {
                updateLookupFilter: function(lookup) {
                  lookup.config.updateViewModel = function() {
                    this.pushSelectFilters = function(select) {
                      const filters = select.filters;
                      const lookupInfo = this.getLookupInfo();
                      if (!lookupInfo.columnValue) {
                        const searchColumn = this.get("searchColumn");
                        if (searchColumn) {
                          const columnPath = searchColumn.value;
                          const stringComparisonType = this.getStringColumnComparisonType();   
                          const filter = select.createColumnFilterWithParameter(stringComparisonType, columnPath,
                          filters.add("searchDataFilter", filter);
                      } else {
                        lookupInfo.columnValue = null;
                openRecepientLookupEmail: function() {
                  var lookup = this.getLookupConfig("Recepient");
                  lookup.config.actionsButtonVisible = false;
                  var searchValue = this.get("RecepientLookupSearchValue");
                  if (searchValue) {
                    lookup.config.searchValue = searchValue;
                  LookupUtilities.Open(this.sandbox, lookup.config, lookup.callback, this, null, false, false);
               diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

Hope this helps!

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Hi Team,

How can I disable (override) method getIncrementCode in ContractPageV2?

We dont need the Auto Numbering feature in the Contract section.


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Hi Community,

Any update regarding the topic?


Hi Sasori,


we have done the following trick in onEntityInitialized


onEntityInitialized: function() {
 if ((this.isAddMode() && this.Ext.isEmpty(this.get("Number"))) || this.isCopyMode()) {
  this.set("Number", ".");
 if (this.get("Number")===".") {
  this.set("Number", "");


Hello Vladimir,

Thank you very much for the provided code!

I have tried this snippet and it doesnt work.

When I try to save the record ( the incremented value is still stored) even though in the page there is a black space.



Only overriding onEntityInitialized won`t be enough because there is also a server logic that sets the Number (ContractEntityEventListener schema). If you change only the onEntityInitialized, the system will still set a number if the contract was created using BP or integration.

If you want to turn it off you will need to also override ContractEntityEventListener:

 namespace Terrasoft.Configuration
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Events;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;
	[EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "Contract")]
	public class UsrContractNewEntityEventListener : BaseEntityEventListener {
		#region Methods: Public
		public override void OnInserting(object sender, EntityBeforeEventArgs e) {
			base.OnInserting(sender, e);
			var entity = (Entity)sender;
			entity.SetColumnValue("Number", "");



Thank you for the excellent response!

The last problem I am facing regarding this issue is when I 'Save' the record.

The 'Number' field is a mandatory field. Even though I put a value in Number i keep getting this pop-up:

Should I do any other modifications in the code ?


Sasori Oshigaki,


It's not related to any customization described either by Vladimir and Dmytro (I've tested both codes and they don't result in this ""Number" field is required" message). You have some another customization that makes the "Number" field mandatory (custom code, business rule, column settings on the object side or on the page side), you need to find and disable it.

Hi Oscar,

The number field is a required field (this is how daily business needs it)

Problem is, that even when we enter the number and save the record, the message pops-up. (Number field is required)

Is this probably because the code in the server side should be like this :


namespace Terrasoft.Configuration
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Events;
	using Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration;
	[EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "Contract")]
	public class UsrContractNewEntityEventListener : BaseEntityEventListener {
		#region Methods: Public
		public override void OnInserting(object sender, EntityBeforeEventArgs e) {

Just overriding the method and practicaly not do anything there ?


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Is there a way to initiate a business process from a Freedom UI page?

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Best reply

Hello Raoul,

There are no-code ways to start a process from buttons, etc in a Freedom UI page. I do have a article that outlines how to start a process via code on a Freedom UI page here: https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code…


Hello Raoul,

There are no-code ways to start a process from buttons, etc in a Freedom UI page. I do have a article that outlines how to start a process via code on a Freedom UI page here: https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code…


Ryan Farley,

Thank you Ryan.  That's awesome!

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Hello Community,

Besides the built-in functionality for data import, I have seen in community posts the possibility to import data to Creatio from ODATA protocol.

Are there any examples regarding this feature, academy article, or what to know before implementing it?

Best regards,


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Hello Sasori,


Regarding the general function of OData, you can find detailed information in the following resource:

OData Overview


For more specific examples and methods, you can refer to this documentation:

OData Methods and Examples

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Does anyone have any successful experience with authenticating to an external web service that only uses Token-based authentication?

I found a similar post, how the solution was proposed to be passed in the heder of the Authorization request: 

Authorization: Bearer .

Unfortunately, this method did not work. Please help me solve the problem

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Hello Olga,


Could you please clarify this question?

What difficulties arise?

Hello, Anastasia.

Now in the CRM - system only two methods of authentication are available - the basic and Auth 2.0, when setting up a web - service 

Only Token - based authentication is available for the web-service that we are trying to integrate with.

How can I configure Token - based authentication?



I will try to describe the problem in more detail

In the documentation of the web service, in addition to Token-based authentication, there is a description of the authentication method based on OAuth 1.0a

Here is a successful request to Postman


When I tried to send the same request from Creatio (I copied the parameters from Postman), I get an error



Hello Olga,


Please review this video material, as it may assist you in implementing your task:



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Is it possible to use a Microsoft Office word macro in the template of a MS-word printable?

The matter is: A word template is to be filled with data from Creatio. In the exported document, additionally, at another position in the document, a function is to be provided via a word macro.

The word macro can be added to the template. But when the report is exported, the Word macro is missing.

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We have discussed your case with the responsible R&D team. Unfortunately, as for now, there is no possibility to implement your business task in our application.

We want to assure you that we have created a request for our development team to implement this functionality in future versions of our application. We understand the importance of providing our clients with the best possible experience and will work hard to implement the changes you have suggested.

Thank you for this suggestion, this helps to make our product better!


Best regards,


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Dear Community,


we have the following case. We have some contacts who hold an honorary position (from - to). If the contact still holds the honorary position at the next year, the contact has an anniversary.


I was thinking of using the existing noteworthy detail for this. However, then only the owner of the contact record will receive the notification. All other employees should be notified about the anniversary as well


Can the Noteworthy detail be customized so that everyone and not just the owner receives a notification?

Or is it better to create a custom system notification for this case?



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Hello Florian,


I am afraid there is no option to change the logic of this detail.


However, you can try to build a Business process, which will read the data from this detail and create a notification. Then you will be able to add the group of the employees to receive the notifications.


Hope this will help you.




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Hi Team,


I'm looking for a solution where I can fetch the list of records from a section if the value of any three fields that i enter in the edit page form of a new record match with the current entry field values.


For example : In my current record I enter the values as follows for the customer CustomerA:

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 5;


Existing entries :

entry 1 : CustomerB

Field1 = 1;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 6;

Field5 = 9;


entry 2 : CustomerC

Field1 = 3;

Field2 = 2;

Field3 = 3;

Field4 = 4;

Field5 = 9;


entry 3 : CustomerD

Field1 = 10;

Field2 = 12;

Field3 = 33;

Field4 = 62;

Field5 = 91;


then, in this case system should be able to fetch the entry with customer names-CustomerB and CustomerC  in a list and display in a dialogBox .


Kindly help.

Many thanks in advance.


best regards,




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Please, specify the problem in more detail, what are the user's steps when reproducing it, what is the actual result and what is expected.

Screenshots are highly appreciated and will help us to find the best solution for you.

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Dear communitiy,

in a test environment i set up successfully a synchronisation between creatio and google in the activitiy section. When I create an appointment in Creatio it is transferred directly to google calendar. Thats fine. But if i delete the appointment in creatio it dosen't delete the appointment in my google account. Do you know if this is possible to set up?




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Hello Florian,

The logic of the Google Calendar Sync with Creatio is the following:

- If an activity was created in Google Calendar and then imported into Creatio, once you delete it in Google it will also be deleted in Creatio.

- If an activity was created in Creatio and then imported into Google Calendar, when deleting it in Creatio it will not be deleted from Google.

We already registered this issue for our R&D team and this system logic might be changed in future releases.

+ 1 for a reviewed logic (with possibility to choose how the logic works in configuration set up of email / calendar integration ) ;)

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Hello Community!

I have modified the Activity object in order to display a custom Object (Order) and added an Activity column too. 

Now, when clicking on the RightSideMenu I have the same object (Activity = Attività, and Ordini = Orders) repeated twice. Does anybody know which module is in charge of displaying the options within this menu? Or do you have any idea of what the "cleanest" solution might be?

Thank you and have a great day! :) 

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Best reply



Basically, there is a table in the database called EntityConnection. You can delete all the records from this table that refer to the objects which you do not need (for example, contact, requests etc).

You can do the following:

delete from EntityConnection where SysEntitySchemaUid in (select Uid from SysSchema where Name = '')

where '' is the name of the object, for example, Contact.

But the thing is if you delete the records from the EntityConnection table - the next fields on the activity page will be deleted automatically as well:

Best regards,


Hello Federica,

Could you please send the screenshot once again?

Best regards,


Hello Bogdan,

Here's the image, sorry for the mishap



Basically, there is a table in the database called EntityConnection. You can delete all the records from this table that refer to the objects which you do not need (for example, contact, requests etc).

You can do the following:

delete from EntityConnection where SysEntitySchemaUid in (select Uid from SysSchema where Name = '')

where '' is the name of the object, for example, Contact.

But the thing is if you delete the records from the EntityConnection table - the next fields on the activity page will be deleted automatically as well:

Best regards,


Thank you Bogdan! That's exactly what I did (according to your suggestion) ! :) Do you happen to know how to change the icon too? 


I made a few tests and to access the icons I need to implement EmailItemSchema client module


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