I am trying to enable a web service for a portal user. When I try to trigger the service however, I receive a 500 Error.
When I trigger the service using an internal user account, the service triggers with no issues. My test portal user however receives the error. To me that says portal users are unable to trigger a batch query but I've been unable to find anything that says it for sure. Is there a setting I need to adjust?
Thank you for the recommended page. However I have already looked through this page and it makes no mention of using SspServiceAccess which is the piece I'm having difficulty with.
I need construct a batchquery but in one column is necesary constuct a string with the id of the object. How can call the id object in the insert?
var insert = Ext.create("Terrasoft.InsertQuery", {
insert.setParameterValue("EmailURL", "?entityid="+//Need put the Id of object Entity//, this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT);