Custom detail with hyperlink to get file via web service


I have a detail area on a section which lists documents from an external system via a call to a Creatio configuration service.

How do I set up a grid column(like "DocumentName") such that it can be clicked on and can make a call to a configuration service via service helper?

Thanks for you help.


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Dear Allen, 


You can do it by extending or overriding class Terrasoft.Grid (you can find it in the web console, you won't be able to find it in configuration) and changing the method formatCellContent to call formatCellLink, forming the link in a way that it would call the needed service with needed parameters when you need it to do so. You can debug method formatCellContent and see how it works in OOB version and create your own based on that. Unfortunately, we don't have examples of such implementation. 

Please see the following articles on how to override modules:


Best regards, 


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