Hi all,

I follow the document in academy to create a custom marketing element https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/adding-custom-transition-flow-new-campaign-element

  • In the section 6 (CREATING THE CAMPAIGNCONNECTORMANAGER REPLACING MODULE FOR ADDING THE FLOW OPERATION LOGIC), it said “create a new module schema replacing the CampaignConnectorManager”
  • I can’t create a “replacing client module“ with another name “TestSmsCampaignConnectorManager”
  • And I can’t inherit that module when I create a module, system said “Substitution of modules is not allowed”. After saved, the parent object “CampaignConnectorManager” will remove when refresh page.

So, what can I do?

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In order to override the CampaignConnectorManager module you can create a new module and use "override" as it showed on the screenshot by the link below 


In order to activate the newly created module, you need to define it according to the documentation by the link below.


Best regards,


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The opportunity amount was getting updated based on the products added to the opportunity. But after i added replacing object to 'Opportunity product' with new column, the opportunity amount is not updating . 

The server side business process should also work even after we do replacing object with new columns. but this is not working.

Please help. And correct me if am wrong.

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Dear Sriraksha,

According to the out-of-the-box ligic, the calculation of the value in Opportunity Amount field is performed in the separate object - OpportunityProductInterest - by the object process 'CalckOpportunityAmountAfterSevedScriptTask' http://prntscr.com/o2usow You need to change replace this object and modify the method 'CalckOpportunityAmount', tick the checkbox 'override' and save the changes http://prntscr.com/o2uu4i

The other solution is to create a new separate business process that would update the Opportunity amount value.

Best regards,



Dean Parrett,

If we use replacing object , then the server side processes of the object should be reflected in latest one right!!.. Why this is not happening?

Dear Sriraksha,

Yes, when you replace an object, its built-in processes are transferred to the new object. But the object Opportunity doesn't have built-in process that is responsible for Opportunity Amount calculation. The required object with the required built-in process is OpportunityProductInterest. It is associated with the original Opportunity object only. Therefore, you need to replace OpportunityProductInterest and 'connect' it with the new replaced Opportunity object.

Best regards,


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Hi community!

Do you know if it is possible to include new items on the left panel in mobile application and when we click on it, it opens a new bpm'online blank page or an external link for example and not necessarily a new or existing section?



















Thanks a lot.


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Please use the code specified below

//new module

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.action.MyMenuAction", {

  extend: "Terrasoft.BaseMenuAction",

  config: {

     myMessage: null,

     disableSelection: true


  execute: function() {







  name: "myItem",

  caption: "MyMenuItemLS",

  iconCls: "cf-my-menu-item-icon",

  position: -1,

  actionClassName: "Terrasoft.configuration.action.MyMenuAction",

  actionClassConfig: {

     myMessage: "My menu item tapped"



//on the Less tab

.cf-my-menu-item-icon {

  background-image: url(...);


//adding the schema to the manifest



    "CustomSchemas": [





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There are a few questions that I have around the Web Service Components of BPM'Online(Global Search, Machine Learning, Bulk Email, etc). I would be immensely grateful for any help that I can get here.

1) There is a generic mention of Docker and Kubernetes in Software Requirements on the server-side (PFB the screenshot). Is this specific  only to Global Search, Bulk Duplicate Search and ML Service components and not to the main application components? If yes, wouldn't Docker and Kubernetes become optional software components as these services are themselves optional services? Please validate.

2) Are the Bulk Email and Data Enrichment services available on cloud only? If yes, do they also store state information about the application that is requesting these services? For example, there could be customers with on-premise BPM'Online instances and stringent security requirements who wouldn't want their data to reside on cloud. How do we handle such scenarios? On an other note, can these services be setup on-premise?

3) Conversely, do the global search, bulk duplicate search and ML services always need to be setup on-premise for an on-premise application? In other words, can an on-premise solution use a cloud version of these services and thus not needing a complicated setup for the same on premise? If yes, what are the parameters that help decide on-premise vs cloud fitment for these services?

4) Are the containerization requirements listed at the below link needed only for the setup of Global search, bulk deduplicate search and ML services, as the data enrichment and bulk email service seem to be cloud services only?


5) The containerization requirements from the link above give recommendations on the configuration of Kubernetes masters, nodes and loadbalancers. Is this recommendation per service(like global search, ML, service, etc) or is it for all applicable services? In other words, do we have to replicate the same setup of masters, nodes and loadbalancers for each service that we setup or can we have just one unit of masters, nodes and loadbalancers for all services?

6) I assume that each component of each service(like the gs-web-api of the global search service) needs to be installed as a docker container on a kubernetes node through a deployment that is managed through a kubernetes master. Please validate.

7) I have a requirement to build an on-premise BPM'Online application using the Sales module for 2500 users in production. BPM'Online is just one component in a large enterprise architecture containing many different applications. They also have strict data security requirements. The Global Search, Bulk Deduplication and Bulk Email services also need to be used for this implementation. What is the recommendation for each of these services from a deployment standpoint (on-premise vs cloud)? If it is on-premise, would you recommend Docker Enterprise Edition over the Community Edition? Does usage of Kubernetes involve any cost?


Thanks in advance...

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Please see all answers below: 

1) Those components are optional and required only if you want to use services like Global Search

2) Bulk emails cannot be deployed locally client can only connect to our services, data enrichment- can be deployed or system can be connected to our services. There are several options, so if you need more details I recommend you to contact support team directly.

3) They need to be set up on premise. There is an option to connect to cloud services, but it is not available for global search. Parameters are cost+secure policies since on-premise instance must be opened for our services.

4) Those are requirements needed for all services mentioned in the article if you decide to host them on your services. Bulk emails cannot be deployed locally thought.

5) It is up to the system administrator - we do not have recommendations for deployment as it fully depends on customer.

6) Indeed it is

7) It is also up to the client since both deployment methods have their pros and cons and it is up to  the client what is more important for him. As for the docker and Kubernetes - since it is not bpm'online product we do not have any recommendations for it.

Best regards,


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I created 3 diferent pages on "Case" section and when i search for a case in the search box on top of the page, it always opens the information in another page.

For example: I have 3 pages: Transports, Civil responsability and Vehicles. Then I create a case: 'Case 1' of the type Transports. When I search for it on the search box it appears the right information of the case but in the Vehicles page.

PS: I'm not using default page in any of the 'Cases'.

Is that a application bug or am i doing something wrong?


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Hello Nuno,

Seems that you've faced one bug of the application that can be easily fixed. Here is step by step explanation on how to do it:

1) Case pages differs based on the value of some field. For example "Case category" field. You need to find how is it named in a database. To do it you need to go to section wizard, find this "Case category" field (http://prntscr.com/nzq5hv), open its settings (http://prntscr.com/nzq5m2) and see its name in the DB (http://prntscr.com/nzq5oe). In my case it is "Category".

2) You need to execute this query:

select * from SysModule where Caption like '%Case%' and ModuleHeader = 'List of cases'

It will return one record. We are interested in the value of "Attribute" column for this record. It should be empty. And you need to fill it in with the value of the name of the object which is used to determine page layout in the DB (from step 1).

update SysModule set Attribute = 'Category' where Caption like '%Case%' and ModuleHeader = 'List of cases'.

3) Once query is executed - re-login to the application and the issue should be solved.

Meanwhile our R&D team is planning this fix to be deployed globally for our users of the application in one of nearest versions.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan

Hi Oscar,

I followed the steps you said but in the value "Attribute" it says "Category" and the problem is not fixed.


Nuno Gonçalves


Try to compile the application after it is done. It should also help, but if not - please email us at support@bpmonline.com and provide us with the link to the application where you've faced the issue.

Best regards,


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I have changed the string type to text(50 characters) but it is not working how to resolve this issue in BPM online

                      I have changed the string data type to text(50 characters) in system advance settings using configuration module for a created custom package.

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Best reply

when I was trying to change the string data type to text(50 characters) in system advance settings ==> configurations

Dear Gupta, 

Could you please specify what does not work? You are getting an error (if so, when you are getting an error) or text gets truncated, or the text doesn't get populated at all (if so, how you try to populate it)?

Best regards, 


when I was trying to change the string data type to text(50 characters) in system advance settings ==> configurations


Could you please specify which exact error did you get? 

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Can i set up different section access for portal users? Say section 1 & 2 in portal workspace to be given with portal user 1 and section 2 & 3 to be given to portal user 2. If possible how to do?

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Dear Krishna,

You can create a functional role, add it to the portal user and set up permissions not for all portal users, but for a created functional role. So using different functional roles for portal users you can differentiate access permissions.

Best regards,


Anastasia Polo,

Thanks worked, Thanks!!


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How can i create different branch in the same package. So that the next sprint changes will be in branch 2.0 but int same package. 

Please help.

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Please use https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/development-file-system

It allows uploading files into a file system and then applying SVN or GIT directly to them. Then please check the SVN and GIT documentation in order to find how to create branches.

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Hi there,

Can someone please let me where in the CRM are all the attachments stored in the database?

So say if I attach a file in the Attachment and Notes tab in the Contacts section, I know that the Attachments detail is called Contact's Detail but which object holds those attachments in the database?



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All files are stored as binary data in the "data" column of the object. Each one is stored in their own column, for example 'ActivityFile'

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


Is it possible to copy the attachments from one object to another by copying the binary data from "data" column of the object.





If the field "Data" contains a correct value and not something like "0x" then yes, you can take this data and add it to another object.

For example, you can do it inside a business process script task.


var fileName = file.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Name");
            var fileType = file.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("TypeId");
            var fileData = file.GetBytesValue("Data");
            var fileEntity = new ActivityFile(userConnection);
            fileEntity.SetColumnValue("ActivityId", activity.Id);
            fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", fileType);
            fileEntity.SetColumnValue("Name", fileName);
            fileEntity.SetColumnValue("Data", fileData);


Dmytro Vovchenko,


Thanks for the response Dmytro. I am trying to copy the attachments from section A to section B. I have used "Add Data" element inside a BP to copy the data from A to B. The BP runs without any issue but when I try to open the same attachment from section B its throwing below error.

When I queried the object the attachments(both the sections) , it just shows the data type(System.Byte[]).


Can you please show how exactly you copy data in your bp?

Dmytro Vovchenko,




It looks like you cannot use "Add record" and "Read record" in this case because they cannot work with the "Data" type. You really need to use a script-task to read and add file:

        var ESQ = new EntitySchemaQuery(manager, AccountFile);
	    ESQ .AddColumn("Name");
	    ESQ .AddColumn("Data");
	    ESQ .AddColumn("Type");
	    var dataQueryResult = ESQ.GetEntityCollection(userConnection);
	    foreach(Entity file in dataQueryResult) {
		    var fileName = file.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Name");
		    var fileType = file.GetTypedColumnValue<Guid>("TypeId");
		    var fileData = file.GetBytesValue("Data");
			var fileEntity = new ContactFile(userConnection);
		    fileEntity.SetColumnValue("CintactId", contact.Id);
		    fileEntity.SetColumnValue("TypeId", fileType);
		    fileEntity.SetColumnValue("Name", fileName);
		    fileEntity.SetColumnValue("Data", fileData);


Dmytro Vovchenko,


I was able achieve it using the "Add data" itself. I missed to update/add the attachment type. After I added it I am able to open the attachment. Thanks for your input.

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I am facing issue in using SVN repository. Kindly help. I have briefly explained about the issue in the excel taking an example from development.


Kindly help, how this can be resolved.



File attachments
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Dear Sriraksha,

Changes will always be overwritten, they cannot be "merged", since different changes can be done to a single object (one developer can rename the field and other developer can delete it). With SVN you can rollback changes or commit new changes, but not merge them.

Best regards,


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