
with next formula: [#Leer datos lead.Primer elemento de colección resultante.Punto Información#] != Guid.Empty

I always receive Operator no valid as error. I have reviewed documentation as it is the same syntax.

Any idea of the problem?

Waiting for your help, thanks a lot in advance!

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"Punto Información" is a lookup?

Check that, if is not a lookup the formula would like != ""


juan cruz,

Hi Juan!

Punto información is a lookup :(

Thanks for your help!


Could you please send an email to support@bpmonline.com? We will be glad to help!

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks Angela, i will resend to support



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We are building a portal website (PHP) where we want to provide PDF-files to the users. These PDF-files are stored as attachments in the 'Attachments and notes'-tab of a section in bpm'online.

With odata, we receive a link to the PDF file. But when a user clicks this link, the login-page of bpm'online is shown.

Is there any way we can extract these PDF files from bpm'online towards the portal without user login required?

For example, stream the base64 data from bpm'online and recreate the PDF in the portal?

Kind regards,


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Dear all,

Problem is solved by casting the InvoiceFile.Data-field to base64 in the SQL-query of the view in bpm'online:

cast('' as xml).value('xs:base64Binary(sql:column("invf.[Data]"))', 'varchar(max)') AS UsrInvoicePDF,

Now the base64 data can be fetched by the portal via odata, and the PDF file is recreated in the PHP-code of the portal.

Kind regards,


It's possible to change web service mode to anonymous. However in this way it will be a clear violation of security policy. All files from bpm'online will be accessible to everyone, so it's not recommended to do. Before making requests a third party application must be authenticated and receive the corresponding cookies. Please use cookies and sessions in all requests. I hope the article below will help you.



Vincent Tahon,


Hi , I have also the same scenario where I need to fetch the documents from Custom Section from Creatio to the third-party portal so that end customers can download the files.


I was struggling to understand how it can be done at a third-party application using OData. 


My application is on .NET (C#).


It will be helpful you can guide me for the same.

Many thanks



Could you please elaborate on what is hard for you to understand? 

At what point are you having trouble ? 

Best regards, 


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I'm hoping to set up colour-based row filtering for a section list (as per https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/how-highlight-…), but only in a particular folder.

Is there any method or property I can access from a section schema that would tell me which folders or filters are currently applied to the list?

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There is an opportunity to find out which folder is applied to the list. Please use the property this.get("CurrentFolder"), which will give you all information you need.

Excellent, thank you.

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Hi, How am I able to return a value of a Lookup (the Name) using ESQ, JS? I have defined the Lookup as an attribute: "DevCertPublicationFrequency": { DataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP, }, I have the following function: getLookupValue: function (DevCertPublicationFrequency, safe) { var column = this.columns[DevCertPublicationFrequency]; if (column && (column.isLookup || true)) { var columnValue = this.get(DevCertPublicationFrequency); this.set("DevCertPublicationFrequency", columnValue); } }, When the record is saved I want to check the value of the Lookup and call a function if the Lookup value selected prior to the save = 'Daily' Save: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.getLookupValue(); var textmessage = "Verification will be performed"; //if periodical edition = daily then perform verification var DevCertPubFrequency = this.get("DevCertPublicationFrequency"); if (DevCertPubFrequency === "Daily") { Terrasoft.showInformation(textmessage); this.verification(); } },

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It's pretty easy to get a value from a lookup attribute using this.get("NameOfLookupAttribute"). Please debug your js code using the article below 


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I want to create a new section called "Purchase Orders" which will be same as the existing "Orders" section, how can that be achieved?




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Dear Aaykay,

There is the post describing the whole process. The guide on how to do it can be found here https://community.bpmonline.com/articles/register-custom-section-existing-object

Best regards,


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I need to integrate with a system that has its own custom identity provider which isn't LDAP, it's more a forms way of authentication that generates a user token. Is there a way of integrating over SSO on BPM'online to use the custom identity provider?

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There is an option to integrate using Single Sign-On in bpm online. Please check the academy article below:


Best regards, 


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Can someone please direct me to any documentation around how to add data to bpmonline when receiving the data through an API?


Does the JSON.NET work for bpmonline or do I have to use JavaScriptSerializer class?

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Hi aaykay

Please refer to the below link:


The above link will have all information related to API integration and the management of data recieved through them.

In the below link, you will specifically find how to do CRUD operations in BPMOnline objects like Contacts etc.






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How can I Sync Contacts with Leads?

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Dear Pedro,

A lead will be associated with the contact right away if you add the required contact on a lead page https://prnt.sc/o80jst. As the result, on the contact page in the history tab, you will be able to see the associated lead https://prnt.sc/o80l57

Best regards,


I currently have fields in both Contacts and Leads that are common, such as First Name, Last Name, Address, etc. What I need is that when I update these fields in Contacts I also update in Leads for the same record and vice versa.

Pedro Longa,

You can create 2 business processes that will start on lead/contact name change (http://prntscr.com/otmd6e) read data from this lead/contact (http://prntscr.com/otmeoq) and change contact name accordingly: http://prntscr.com/otmfe9.

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I need to delete the Full name field from the mini page of the Lead section and add the First name and Last Name field separately. When I'm going to delete it from the Wizard section, this field does not appear. I do not know if this is part of the header.

File attachments
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Dear Pedro,

It would not be possible to remove this field from the section wizard. Try to add this operation in the LeadMiniPage schema of the Custom package. Here is the example of the code:


                "operation": "remove",

                "name": "Full name"


Best regards,


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 I wanted to integrate wordpress landing page to new object(say UsrTempInfo) in bpm'online.

I went through the below link



the below image is the screen shot of lead registration form. But if we are doing this for new object(not lead), how can we include the html code (step 2), since i am trying to add record in new object. The steps are not clearly mention  in the above link. how to get the html code.Please help...

because to integration wordpress landing page we need landing id which is in html code. i.e auto generated .


Please Help!!!!

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It requires to be a wordpress developer in order to apply the landing page code to a wordpress application. Otherwise please consider using the plugin.


Even after installing this plug in are you sure my integration of landing page to new object can be achieved ? 

I would like to know this... but in this plug in i dint find saying integration for new object. So please help!!!!!

Thanks in advance


We mailed the above plug in support asking if our requirment can be achieved. So that we can buy the plugin. They mailed saying, it is not possible.

We our self could get the landing ID in the web link when entered the landing page . Refer below image

With this we could integrate the landing page with new object by following steps in the below link.


Thank you

Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to create custom objects from a landing page. However please feel free to create a lead as usually. Then create a business process. It's possible to design a business process that will create a custom object based on the newly created lead.

Alina Kazmirchuk,


Thank you for the reply.

I din't ask for creating a custom objects from landing page. I asked for creating a record in custom object(new object) from landing page, just like lead get creates from landing page. 

Anyways it worked for me. i have explained how i did it in my previous comment.

Thank you

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