I would like to be able to change the records that are can be viewed by the workplace that the section is viewed in and/or the current user role.  For example, if the section, Requests, is viewed by Product Quality Engineers in Product Qualification, I would only want to display Qualify a Product requests.


Dear Janine,

Could you please give us some more details on your idea? Do you want display only those records in the section that are on some particular stage? Thank you for more details in advance.

Looking forward to your reply. 


Dean Parrett,

Whenever a user views records in a section, I would like to be able to filter the records that they can view by the Workplace they are viewing and their role.  It is irrelevant to the status of the record, but being able to filter by record fields and user characteristics would be helpful. I would like sections to look different depending on who is viewing them and where they are viewing them, rather than having to rely on lists in dashboards or folders.

Dean Parrett,

A good start would be to be able to select a default folder by Section, but it would be better if it was also sensitive to the Workplace the Section is in because Sections can be used in multiple Workplaces.

The Janine,

Thank you for the reply.

We've registered your idea and forwarded to our R&D team for consideration and implementation in future. Thank you so much for helping us to improve our product.

Best regards,


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I believe there should be a Recycle bin / Trash can in Studio Free where the "Removed" processes and Folders go. The possibility to restore the processes and folders from the recycle bin is important.

I believe it's currently very easy to accidentally remove the items and all of your hard work without possibility to restore the item.


Hello Julius,

Thank you for the great idea! This is the first time we face such request so our business analytics have already added it to the development backlog. Thank you for helping us become better!

Best regards,


Yes please, for data and processes!  Will avoid issues with accidental deletes. Thanks 

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I have one specific field called "Email" in all of my web pages footers and I would like to know how can I get that "Email" information from all of my pages to my LandingPage and create a new Lead for each "Email" received.

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1. Create a functionality on the web pages that will collect the data from all "Email" fields. The realization will be different depends on the website structure and the programming language. 

2. Create a web service in bpm'online that will receive the email collection and create leads from them. 


The following article explains how to call a configurational web service. 


3. Transfer the data.

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Is it possible to generate a list of product in an offer by category and sum the total by category for example in an offer?


We have several products and would like to have a table with a service products'list and a total of services. Then a separate table with maintenance products'list that would be a yearly fee and a total of maintenance.


Thanks in advance

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Such printable can be done. Products can be filtered in table of printables settings and total can be displayed via fields of printable setting. If an object which is used for printables is connected to the services by any field those services can be displayed in printable. 

Best regards,


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If I have to build a web service from bpmonline through an api which requires the method signature to be generated by taking the query string, and creating a HMAC-SHA256 signature using your API key as the secret key.

Is there a way to do that?

There is available a sample c# code, if that helps.

Generating the method signature

    <span>private</span> <span>static</span> <span>string</span> <span>GetSignature</span><span>(</span><span>string</span> <span>args</span><span>,</span> <span>string</span> <span>privatekey</span><span>)</span> 
        <span>var</span> <span>encoding</span> <span>=</span> <span>new</span> <span>System</span><span>.</span><span>Text</span><span>.</span><span>UTF8Encoding</span><span>();</span> 
        <span>byte</span><span>[]</span> <span>key</span> <span>=</span> <span>encoding</span><span>.</span><span>GetBytes</span><span>(</span><span>privatekey</span><span>);</span> 
        <span>var</span> <span>myhmacsha256</span> <span>=</span> <span>new</span> <span>HMACSHA256</span><span>(</span><span>key</span><span>);</span> 
        <span>byte</span><span>[]</span> <span>hashValue</span> <span>=</span> <span>myhmacsha256</span><span>.</span><span>ComputeHash</span><span>(</span><span>encoding</span><span>.</span><span>GetBytes</span><span>(</span><span>args</span><span>));</span> 
        <span>string</span> <span>hmac64</span> <span>=</span> <span>Convert</span><span>.</span><span>ToBase64String</span><span>(</span><span>hashValue</span><span>);</span> 
        <span>return</span> <span>hmac64</span><span>;</span> 

<span>I am trying to integrate with </span>https://apidocs.unleashedsoftware.com/AuthenticationHelp


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It's hard to understand what is "from bpmonline through an api". Will the service be in bpm'online or somewhere else? Should bpm'online call an external web service? 

Anyway. Please find more information about calling web services in the article by the link below.


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Hello everyone,


I'm trying to add some custom quick filters to bpm solutions I'm working on. Specifically I need to add filters for dates: 30 and 60 days (Creation date until Current date), which are similar to the 1 and 7 days already provided. And Team based filter, similar to the employee/owner one, but instead of 1 person, 1 team (which might include several employees in a custom object)

Has anyone done anything similar? If so,how?

I've already read through this post https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/adding-quick-filter-block-section but has not answered my questions.






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to further clarify. Is there a way to do this from the original code for quick filters?

Technically the buttons are in the "FixedFilterViewV2" module. But it will be very hard to modify it. I think that it will be easier to create your own control and place it to the container with the buttons with the same style.

Please find more information in the article by the link below.  


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Is there a step-by-step guide on how to install bpmonline instance on the pc?

Please don't redirect me here:


I am new to this so don't get any of what's on that page. If someone can be kind enough to generate a list of steps to be taken in order to install the instance, that'd be really helpful.

Thanks in advance.




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I'm afraid that the article you've mentioned is the most detailed instruction we have but in case you face any difficulties while installing the application, please let us know here or email us at support@bpmonline.com.

We are happy to help :)

Best regards,


I was able to get info from support over email. :)

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after making any modification in contact schema page, it does not save change. The gif "loading" and nothing else happens.

This kind of problem began to me when I created a new type of page for a type of contact.

I send you a video as example: https://cl.ly/d6b2dbb6b7ce

I receive next error: Unable to cast object of type 'Terrasoft.Core.SchemaManagerItem`1[Terrasoft.Core.ClientUnitSchema]' to type 'Terrasoft.Core.ISchemaManagerItem`1[Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchema]'.

Any idea where can be the problem?

Waiting for your help, thanks a lot!

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Dear Sarauzo,

Such issue can happen because of many reasons. It is not possible to determine which one in this particular case, therefore, please send us an email to support@bpmonline.com and we will be happy to help you!



Anastasia Botezat,

Thanks Anastasia

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I'm creating a campaign, which one is including a marketing email. This email have around 20 different links. 

I'd like to sort out the contacts, using a condition flow (Set up responses for transferring participants --> Email clicked).

But when it comes to select the concerned links, only 9 links are available for selection. 

Any idea about how to solve this issue? 

Thank you! 



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Hello Jacob,

Seems that links in your template has duplicated value of "bpmtrackid" parameter (if you choose the link you will see something like that https://example.com/test123?bpmtrackid=0). The point here is that there are links with similar value of "bpmtrackid" parameter - only one of those links will be displayed in the lookup in campaign conditional flow.

To resolve this issue you need to check all links and change "bpmtrackid" parameter values to unique values if there are similar values. Or you can create absolutely new template using those links and the system will automatically apply unique values to links.

Best regards,


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Trying to add another user to my space so I can share the processes......


P.S. The studio app is not even in the "Product" drop-down list.

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 Dear Aaykay,

Could you please resend the image from your post? Unfortunately it seems like it is corrupted and we cannot open it. Thank you so much beforehand.

Looking forward to your reply.

Best regards,


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