

Could you please let us know if we can follow the same documentation for setting up our Non-prod environments from a hardware configuration perspective based on user load? Will the numbers tally or is the documentation meant only for production environments?


Here is the link to the documentation on the academy that I am referring to



Thanks in advance...

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Dear Amanthena,

These requirements are set for the best application speed and performance. It doesn't matter whether it is production or non-prodiction instance. We recommend to follow these requirements for the best application productivity. 

Best regards,


Thank you, Dean!

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To change a String into an Integer, the Int32 C# library must used, for example,


Note that if the string is not a number, the process will error.  Int32.TryParse is not available in functions to check that the string parses to a number.

This is handy for ordering lookups without changing advanced settings by entering the order of a lookup in the Description field. Multiple levels of ordering can be easily combined.  For example, details with and order could be sorted with a grouping characteristic:

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Hello:  Has anyone had experience in copying an Account default field into a Contact record so both have identical information?




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Hi Paul,

Usually such tasks can be solved via business process. Can you please specify what kind of fields you want to copy?

Best regards,


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Has anyone had experience in setting up Contact fields to display and locking them so users cannot change the setting?  Looking for help in how to do this.


Thank you!


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Dear Paul,

You can setup column permissions to fields for specific roles so users could only see values of fields but they will not be able to edit them. Here is an Academy reference on this topic here.

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Than you Oscar! Much appreciated. 


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Where could I find the document about how to automatically fill come fields when creating a new lead? 

The idea would be: When creating a new, we should be able to indicate only the contact linked to the lead, and the other fields (account, email, phone number, etc.) would be automatically filled in the Lead according to the information indicated in the linked Contact. 

Could it be possible to do this without creating a process? 



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Dear Jacob,

Yes, you can create such functionality by the means of JavaScript development.

The algorithm is the following:

1. Create a replacing client module for LeadPageV2, if you do not have one already.

2. In the methods block of the page override a basic save() method. This save() method would be checking if you are creating a new record, or editing existing one. Here is a code snippet to implement such logic:

this.isAddMode - returns true if it is a new record.

If AddMode you take the value from Contact field (this.get("Contact").value) and run an ESQ to the Contact object, filtering by contact Id to receive needed data from this contact.

Set received values to the Lead fields (this.set).

Afterwards, do not forget to call parent realization of save method.

If this is not an AddMore, you simply run parent realization of save method. 

Please find the documentation on how to create ESQ queries to the database and proceed the results.




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I want to trigger some processes on user login based on some conditions. Is there a way of doing it?

Thanks in advance...


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Dear Amanthena,

As for now, there are no tools to trigger any process upon a user login. We already had similar requests from multiple customers and our R&D team already added this idea to the development backlog. This functionality will be available in the future application releases. Apart from that, you may develop your personal trigger/task by adding it to the 'qrtz_triggers' and 'quartz' tables. It might help you to find the solution. Here are some useful materials for setting up the scheduler https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/scheduler-setup

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Hi Dean. By any chance is the login event available now on the platform?

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Hi Team, 


I am trying to clear the stage values which are not in my Opportunity Stages . When I am trying to delete , it says there are multiple records connected with it. May I know how this connection is established while the stage does not even occur in the cases. 

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Dear Shailey,

Try to check the opportunity history tab on the opportunity page and you should find the record on the Stages detail. For example, If I try to delete one of my stages http://prntscr.com/nwuu67 I will see the same notification as you. If I open the opportunity page, I will see the stage in the history http://prntscr.com/nwuv9b Also, most likely your stage was renamed to 'Id.decision makers' like I renamed my 'Qualification' stage to 'test stage'

Since it is the basic stage, we do not recommend to delete it or any other original lookup values since it may influence the functionality performance. If you need some new stages, it is better just to rename the existing ones and not delete them.

Best regards,


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Is there a way of sending an SMS from a business process?


Thanks in advance...

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You will be able to send an SMS if you install the specialized application from the marketplace, for example, "SMS Sender for bpm'online" application (https://marketplace.bpmonline.com/app/sms-sender-bpmonline). For now, it is one way to send an SMS from a business process.

Best regards,


Thank you, Anastasia!

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I am trying to set-up the activity tasks and the owner of that activity, as in the users who get notified of that activity, should be the users who belong to one of the functional roles in the organisation.

Question 1: Is it possible to do that?

Question 2: How to do that?

P.S. I did try inputting one functional role from the lookup Roles(view) but then the process goes into the ERROR stage when it reaches that task.

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Could you please specify, how do you want to notify about the task? Did we clearly understand - you want to notify both owner and other users, which belongs to one of the functional roles? Maybe you can attach a screenshot of your business process?

Best regards,


Anastasia Polo,

In the process below, I want to all of the users of a functional role to get notified of the task and then anyone can go in the record and perform the task.

Can that be done?




It is possible to set up a described process. Firstly, use please "Add data" element instead of "Perform task" element http://prntscr.com/nx4e36, after that use another "Add data" element with such settings http://prntscr.com/nx4gcc, http://prntscr.com/nx4glm. This part of the business process will create an activity and send a notification for users of the chosen functional role (System administrators in the example). If you want to continue the business process running after completing an activity, use the "Wait for signal" element http://prntscr.com/nx4jqd.

Best regards,



Thanks for your response.

I didn't try it yet but looks like it should work.

Thanks again. :)



I am trying this now for one of our clients but it's not giving any notification for the selected roles.

Attaching the screenshots of the Process and the Process log. You'll see that the process did run but it did not give the notification to the users in the roles selected.

Process: https://prntscr.com/ogm9iq https://prntscr.com/ogm9g4 https://prntscr.com/ogm9dj https://prntscr.com/ogm9a1 https://prntscr.com/ogm94q https://prntscr.com/ogm8zn

Process Log: https://prntscr.com/ogm9ok





To resolve this issue we need access to this process. Please submit a case to the support team (support@bpmonline.com) and we will investigate the issue.

Best regards,


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Hello Community,

I am looking to change the order of lookup values.  For example: we want the field to display Low,Medium, High in that order  It seems the system defaults to alphabetical order.(High, Low, Medium).

Thank you in advance.


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Dear Melanie,

There are no basic application tools to change the alphabetical order, however it can be achieved with the help of the development tools. Here is the example what should be done.

You can add the "order" attribute for every field that you need to sort to the edit page schema where the field is located.In the following example we created the integer "UsrSorting" field in the lookup UsrTestLookup1 and copied the values from the "Name" field there. 


attributes: {

            "UsrTestLookup1": {

                lookupListConfig: {

                    orders: [


                            columnPath: "UsrSorting",

                            direction: Terrasoft.OrderDirection.desc







As the result, your lookup will be sorted in the 'descending' mode, from the higher to lower value

Best regards,


Thanks so much for your help!

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