
I have created next approval: https://cl.ly/784ee656da57

When executing, it generates a web notification, but nothing appears on the notification panel: https://cl.ly/8307768a34e0

Is there any aditional configuration for notification panel?

Waiting for your help, thanks in advance!

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Unfortunately such issues cannot be processed in terms of community posts so please email us at support@bpmonline.com and we will take a closer look at this issue.

Best regards,


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Good day.

I'm trying use Entity schema query for get the records from the database, but I when use the following code the result is zero, my code is following

showWorksDoneInfo: function() {

                // Receiving the order end date.

                //var dueDate = this.get("UsrFechaCompra");

                // Calling the standard system method for the data window display.


                var worksDonecount="0";

                var esq = this.Ext.create(Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery, {

                    rootSchemaName: "UsrWorksDone"



                //var car = this.get("Id");



                esq.addAggregationSchemaColumn("Id", Terrasoft.AggregationType.COUNT, "WorksDoneCount", 



                //Filtro por Id de carro en WorksDone

                //var idCar = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, 

                //"UsrLookupCarWorkId", this.get("UsrLookupCarWorkId"));


                //Agrego filtros a la consulta

                //esq.filters.add("idCar", idCar);




                    //worksDonecount = result.entity.get("WorksDoneCount");






Result, is always "result is not defined"

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Please catch the request with fiddler and check if the filtration in the request matches to your needs. 


Then please deploy the application locally and use SQL server profiler in order to catch the request that takes the data from the database. 


This way you'll be able to find what's wrong. 

Calling esq.getEntity requires an ID for the entity record you wish to get, this is provided as the first parameter to getEntity. Like this:

esq.getEntity(someIdValue, function(result) {
}, this);

Otherwise, you can use getEntityCollection and not specify a specific record. This will return just the records that match your query. This would better fit what you are needing, even though you're getting an aggregate, your collection will just have the one row:

esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {
}, this);


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Suddenly the "Do not use mail" becomes inactive. I have seen the check box active in eariler version.

 we are in version

Did anyone noticed this?

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Just checked this behaviour on my demo - the checkbox is active: http://prntscr.com/o2e25u. Check your business rules and code of the schema to make sure that there are no customizations. 

Best regards,


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How do I import a BPMN model in Studio (not the free version)?

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Dear Bernhard,

Current functionality of BPM'online process designer allows to create diagrams based on this notation but it does not support export/import in BPMN format. We recommend using Studio Free for such purpose. 

Best regards,


Any update on this? Is there already the opportunity to export into bpmn in latest Creatio versions?


bpmonline sales enterprise & marketing & service enterprise

Yuriy Konstantinov,

Please, create a new process, click on Actions and "Select Import *.BPMN", see it on 




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What are the recommended ways / tools to measure performance / Load test metrics for the following

1. Web GUI

2. Custom web services built on bpm'online

Are there any performance metrics available for the Out of the box GUI and inbuilt web services that we can benchmark our development on?

Note : We are looking at an on site installation of Bpm'online studio v7.14

Thanks & Regards


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Unfortunately, there are no out-of-the-box monitoring tools on the client end. Please feel free to write them in the mentioned custom web services and pages. 


Thanks Eugene. Are any external tools like 'JMeter' recommended by Bpm'online to test the client application?

M Shrikanth,

Unfortunately, there are no recommended tools for that. The main idea is that the integration should be correct according to the development guide and it shouldn't overload a server. This way the performance will be fine.

Eugene Podkovka,

Thanks Eugene

Eugene Podkovka,

Eugene, Wanted to re clarify on the following ques - 


'Are there any performance metrics available for the Out of the box GUI and inbuilt web services that we can benchmark our development on'

I presume that no benchmark metrics are available. Pls confirm.


M Shrikanth,

As Eugene already mentioned, there are no such tool in the OOB functionality.

I was referring to performance benchmark data or metrics Eg Page load time is 0.2 sec for any OOTB section page.

I gather now that no such data nor is there any recommended tool for measuring it. Thanks Angela Reyes

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Hi , 


I want to create a template for Invoice printable. Please help me with the way forward. How can I edit the columns in existing template. If I need to add certain tax parameters in the printables , please tell me how to move ahead with this . 



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Dear Shailey,

To edit the existing templates, you need to go to the Lookups, open Printables lookup and select the required report. In the opened window you will see the list of fields that can be edited by clicking on the button 'set up list of fields' http://prntscr.com/o176fm Once the changes are performed - save them by clicking on the button 'OK' 

If you want download and upload the template - use the correspondent buttons 'Download template' & 'Upload template' 

Apart from that you can use MS Word plug-in to edit the templates through Microsoft word. Here is the article on how to install and set it up. 



Also, here are more articles on how to design your reports. Most likely you will need to use custom macros to set up some specific parameters in your templates.



Best regards,



Thanks Dean Parrett,


I am trying to install the plugin but it is not supported for MacOS . Could you please suggest . 

Dear Shailey,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to use word plug-in on Mac devices. In this case you may just use upload and download template buttons on the printable edit page. The plug-in for Mac devices will be developed for the future application versions. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks dear. I have installed as per the instructions in academy page . But still I cant find the plugin in my word document . I need to edit the printable document. 

Dear Shailey,

There are 3 possible reasons for it.

1. When installing the plugin, do not confuse your Windows OS bitness and MS Word bitness. You can check your MS Word bitness here http://prntscr.com/o3a04n In my case I would need to download 32bit version of the plugin. 

2. The required software was not installed. After you downloaded the archive with the MS Word plugin, make sure to install all the subordinate applications, that go together with the actual plugin, in the order indicated in the article http://prntscr.com/o3a26z Without this software the plugin will now work. 

3. Check if the plugin is active in the Word settings http://prntscr.com/o3a103 

Best regards,


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In my object "Case" i created a new value ofthe type integer that was suposed to beused to calculate de average from all records, but by default the value is 0 wich will afect the result, is there any way to make that value "NULL"?


Best Regards,

Nuno Gonçalves

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Dear Nuno,

If you need to store NULL value and calculations result in a field - use "String" data type field and use convertions from integer to string and vise versa. As a result you will be able to store integers and NULL in such a field. Here is an article regarding convertion from String to Integer (from our Community) and from Integer to String (from Stack Overflow).

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

This is not an acceptable response because the String field allows non-numeric answers that generate errors when parsed to numbers.  The only reliable work around is to add a boolean field that the user can check to indicate that a zero is really the answer, which is ridiculous.

This is the community article I wrote on parsing a String to an Integer:


Janine White,

There is no such a data type accept of string data type that allows storing NULL (not empty value but NULL) and integer values in it. Also I was referring to your community post when answering this question (you can simply check it if you click on "Sting to Integer" text in my previous reply).

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When Open edit page is used in a process, how do you complete the process if the page is canceled?  If the user selects CANCEL, instead of SAVE, the process should continue and this should be detectable in some way. How do I set it so that the element is considered complete without saving the record and verify it afterwards?

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If the page is canceled the process is left in "Running" status so the system user could return to it and complete this element (if he doesn't want to reschedule completion of this element, for example if the page was opened by mistake).

If you select "Cancel" the process is not finished and it is still in "Running" status and you can see it in process log section.

You can leave the page without changes and click on "Save" and the process will go to the next step in this case.

We will leave a suggestion to our R&D team to change the logic of "Cancel" button so it could be easier for users to work with an edit page. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

So, what's the difference between CANCEL and PERFORM LATER?  Why are there two buttons?  The CANCEL button should be eliminated until the code is fixed to represent the meaning of the button if it doesn't actually stop the process or throw a signal.  It's particularly annoying because the user can delete the notification and ignore the process completely, but the process is left running.

Janine White,

I guess "Cancel" button was left in the application when "Perform button" was developed. I agree that from technical point of view "Cancel" button is useless and should be removed. I've already created a problem for our R&D team and also left your feedback on this question. Hope they will remove this button from the application in nearest version.

Best regards,


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I need emails in contact history will have by default access to some users, but I cannot identify the object to be managed to grant access by default.

In the screen you can see how I have configurec access to email object, but it does not work: https://cl.ly/90ce74590592

Can anyone help me to identify the object?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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Since emails may contain personal data its access rights are set up in different way. First of all the [Email] detail is not displayed for contacts who have the “Employee” value specified in the [Type] field. For all other contacts user can see emails if he has access to the mailbox and this can be set up in mailbox settings: http://prntscr.com/o2d47j

Best regards,


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Is there a way to show multiple attributes / properties in a dropdown list?

Eg In a dropdown of Employees, show 'Employee ID - Employee name' (Or some other form of concatenation) as values instead of only list of Employee names.

We cannot use a lookup pop up as the drop down data is transient and comes from a Webservice call.



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In order to achieve the described behavior please create your own control and make it work according to your needs. 


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