Hello Community!


Earlier today I was looking for a way to filter records by default when a user enters a Section. For instance, if the user goes into Account, by default he'll see ONLY accounts that meet certain criteria. I know this is doable with advanced folders (by clicking on them) but is there a way to make it as easy as possible for the end user so they don't have to filter by folder but make it default instead?


Has anyone come across this same situation? Or perhaps know a workaround to my need?



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In order to implement the filter you need to create a replacing client module for the section. In that module you can override the getFilters method to add a filter to the filters collection. 

To create a filter use EntitySchemaQuery. 

Please find more information about filters in EntitySchemaQuery in the article below:


Here is the example of  filtering records in the account section by the category field :

define("AccountSectionV2", [],

    function() {

    return {

        entitySchemaName: "Account",

        attributes: {},

        contextHelpId: "1001",

        messages: {},

        methods: {


                     *@inheritDoc Terrasoft.GridUtilitiesV2#getFilters



                    getFilters: function() {

                        var filters = this.callParent(arguments);

                        var category = "B";

                        filters.add("FilterCategory", this.Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(

                                    this.Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "AccountCategory.Name", category));

                        return filters;




        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[    ]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/



Thanks Alina, this solved my issue!

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How can I send an email from a business process to a group of recipients who are in the same Organizational Unit?

For example, highlighted in the picture below I tried to make a process that sent an email to the contacts in the organizational role "Strategic Partner Support", however when the process ran, no email was sent. So instead I had to add individual contacts, but I am trying to avoid needing to update individual contacts in this process element as our employees come and go or change roles.

I also tried using a system setting, and added a organizational role to that system setting, but that did not send an email either. Can anyone advise on the best way to do this?


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Unfortunately, there is no opportunity to send an email to the organizational role via a business process element "Send email".

However the functionality can be implemented. An idea is to use a script task element in order to select all contact emails which are included in the role. They are selected from the database via EntitySchemaQuery. Then join all selected emails into a string using ";" as separator. After that use the newly built string of emails as an email for sending.

The basic business process "Send email to case group" works in the same way. Please feel free to use the business process as an example. I recommend you to copy the process, change conditions for launching according to your purpose and change an email template. Pay attention to the script task element "Prepare Recipient Emails".


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I'd like to add additional timezones into the exising Base time zone lookup, (namely time zones used in Australia external territories, such as UTC+10:30 for Lord Howe Island) but it appears that there isn't an option to add an additional New record to that lookup or modify any of the values shown



How do I add/modify the timezones in my bpm online instance?


Yours Sincerely,


Lachlan Devantier


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Dear Lachlan,

Lookup "Time zones" is a system lookup that is locked for editing because those values are needed for login in the system. After adding new value user with this time zone will be unable to log into the system, so this is why it is locked. Our R&D team responsible for this functionality is already working on the implementing this functionality in the future releases. 

Best regards,


Hi Angela,

Do you have a firm estimate on exactly when that will be?  Also, why are all the Time Zones in BPM Online using the old GMT naming convention when UTC superseded it in 1967?  Considering the full TZ database is provided freely by IANA (https://www.iana.org/time-zones), I find it puzzling that this was not already implemented within your application prior to it's worldwide release?

Yours Sincerely,

Lachlan Devantier


Lachlan Devantier,

Those values were taken from Windows timezone lookup and remained in this format. This format does not create any issues with integrations because API can receive such dates while working with .Net Framework.

As for now there is no ETA for this implementation. I will forward your post to the team in order to increase the importance of this functionality.

Best regards,


Hi Angela,

Then what version of Windows are you using in your infrastructure for BPM'Online?  Windows 2008?  The latest docs for Windows 10/Windows server clearly show the Time Zone display names using the UTC prefix instead of GMT), (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/d…) and I can confirm my copy of Windows 10 Pro certainly knows about the UTC+10:30 Time zone for Lord Howe Island.

Yours Sincerely,

Lachlan Devantier





Lachlan Devantier,

Those values were taken from it once and did not change afterwards. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Hi Angela, Quick related question. 

Is daylight saving handled by the system? If yes, How? I only find 'standard' times in the default time zone look up

M Shrikanth,

Yes, DST is implemented to Creatio application. If the user selects a time zone that uses DST (some countries do not have it) it will be shifted according to the DST rules. 


Best regards,


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from the value of lead module, qualified contact field I am trying to obtain data from the qualified contact, but when I generate the comparision in the business process I always receive value 0.

I send you the filter as attached doc, may anyone has any idea?

Thanks a lot in advance!

File attachments
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Most likely the process does not read anything due to incorrect filtering. Try changing filter conditions. 

Best regards,


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Hi all,

I created a chart with 7 series: 4 lines, 3 colums. All of them were created by using built-in chart.

How to make a line change to short-dot dashstyle?

I tried using json series but it showed only json series, all built in series did not appear.


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Unfortunately, there is no way to use this type of line in built-in dashboards. 

However in bpm'online it's possible to create charts of any complexity, with a lot of filters. In order to implement that just create a view in a database. Fill the view with filtered data. Then create a lookup based on the view. After that create a dashboard based on the lookup. How to create an object based on the view please follow the article by the link below


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I just installed a brand new local environment (SalesEnterprise_Marketing_ServiceEnterprise) and I can't even log in. 

When I click the login button, nothing happens. Chrome console shows that the request to http://localhost/ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login returns with 404.

I have checked that the service file is there, I gave the AppPool user complete permission over the root directory and everything therein. Here is a screenshot of what's installed for IIS: http://prntscr.com/oidka4 (names in Dutch).

Any idea what could be causing this? To me it feels like I missed a setting, but that wouldn't explain why older environments suddenly broke. This suddenly started happening last week.

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For those of you bumping into this later: apparently some update had uninstalled http activation of WCF services.... Re-enabling that fixed the login issue.

Jonas Van der Aa,

Useful !

Jonas Van der Aa,


Thank you! You saved my day :)

Thank you

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Hi ,

I am facing issues after setup of 7.14 version. While opening accounts getting error as shown in the attachment. 

Hope someone can help me solving the issue. Thank you.

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There are several recommendations that can be helpful by solving the issue.

1. Probably the issue is in a customization. Try to remove the customization from the Account page. If everything works fine without the customizations please debug js code in the customization in order to find the issue.

2. Analyse upgrade logs and make sure that errors didn't occur during the upgrade process . If there were errors, restore the application to the previous version from database backup and compile it. If compilation errors occur, fix them and after that do upgrade again.

If the tips mentioned above don't help then please contact support team. Send them the database backup before the upgrade. Send them the link to the application files on a new version, the upgrade files.Also please let the support team know if you upgrade the application manually or if you use the upgrade utility.

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1.Created an object "Vehicle details" in my package "Vehicles" inheritance Account (base).

2. Created a detail using details wizard "vehicle details"

3. Added detail in Accounts Section under "Account Info" tab. Gave Detail Column "Owner" and  "Id" for object column. 

4.Created a detail page with a "Purchased from" lookup referencing to Accounts.

Getting following error message when trying to create a detail record:

Item with name "KumarVehicledetailsCommunication" not found.


I am doubting 3rd step. Can someone help me on this.


Thanks in advance.

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Can you please send an email to support@bpmonline.com? We will be glad to help! 

Best regards,


I suspect step 1. instead of accounts as the reference object, can you use base object and include account lookup in the detail and try?

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We have a use case whereby the data we need to show in a detail needs to be fetched from a 3rd party API. We intend to do the following steps for this - 

1. Create a virtual object (Transient data. Not to be persisted in the database)

2. Call the the 3rd party API and populate the virtual object with the returned data.

3. Bind the virtual object to the Detail. 

The API is still under construction and we would like to mock / populate / hard code dummy data in the virtual object so that we can proceed with developing the detail. Let me know if there is a way to do this. 



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Best reply

Dear Shrikanth,

Please see the following article on how to implement virtual detail on page with calling API to populate data:



Hope you find it helpful,


Dear Shrikanth,

Please see the following article on how to implement virtual detail on page with calling API to populate data:



Hope you find it helpful,


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I am trying to set up a trigger email at the moment for anyone who downloads a whitepaper from our website. The email will have the whitepaper either attached or preferably linked in the body. How do I go about doing that?

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Hello Collette,

Bulk/trigger emails are not supposed to have files attached to them since email provider can reject sending this email. The only way to have pdf file being attached to an email if it is trigger/bulk email - is to put this file as a link to a body of an email. Your file should be stored in some public storage that can be accessible by anyone and the link to it will be like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf. But if you put this link to the body of an email - recipients will get an error when open it. So you need to use OpenElement parameter at the end and make the link look like this https://test_storage_system/$File/TestSheet.pdf?OpenElement. As a result users will see opened pdf document (which they can download after that) that can be accessed from your bulk/trigger email.

Best regards,


Thanks Oscar, 

Are there any add-ons in the market place that solve this? Or do you have a suggestion for a storage company that works well with bpm'online? 



There is no marketplace add-on that allows storing data. You need to create your own storage that can be accessible by everyone - for example public FTP storage system. Remote storage is just a remote storage and in terms of trigger/bulk emails there is no difference between them - the only requirement is that it should be accessible.

Best regards,


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