
Please improve the code editor in 8.1.5

The font choice in the code editor in 8.1.5 is absolutely horrible. I'm honestly surprised that someone made the decision to change the font in the editor to Open Sans. Please change it back or at least to a font choice ideal for code. 

The code editor in 8.1.5 also introduces an issue where pasting code into the editor makes it an unusable mess. I keep a notes app with common code and also from articles on my website that I use often to paste code blocks into the code editor and it's always worked fine. In the 8.1.5 editor it loses all line breaks and becomes all one single line. This worked before, so maybe this is due to the new font? Either way, productivity has taken a hit because of this.

The code editor has taken some steps backwards in 8.1.4 and 8.1.5. It has become more and more aggravating to use. The inconsistent use of spacing makes working in the code editor in Creatio very frustrating. When typing and you hit tab you get 2 spaces, but the designer adds to the page code using 4 spaces or an actual tab. It becomes a mess quickly and makes page code difficult to work with and difficult to read. The addition of updated jshint esversion for support of arrow functions, async/await, etc was a welcome change, but other than that things have become worse in the editor.

Please make some changes to the editor, it is desperately needed. It honestly wouldn't take much.

  1. A better font or go back to the one previously used before 8.1.5.
  2. Fix the inconsistent spacing - please, either tabs or 4 spaces like the older editor used, never 2 spaces.
  3. Fix whatever broke the ability to paste code into the editor, this one is very important and probably the worst of the list IMO.
  4. No line wrapping for long lines (this has always been an issue).

Sorry for the bluntness and venting, but I have to work in this editor every day and I know it can be better - because it was better before. I'd take the older code editor back over the new one for sure.



Hi Ryan,


Thank you for your detailed feedback. We have created a task for our R&D team to address all the suggestions you've provided. We understand the importance of these improvements and are dedicated to enhancing the code editor experience. Your input is valuable in helping us make these enhancements.

Dear support, please help us, I have the same problems reported by Ryan, I'm also and guess the most of us, had a library of code to paste and adjust it, but now is almost impossible to do this

Another major annoyance with the code editor that was introduced in 8.1.4. If you're typing in a line and the intellisense shows, before you could hit tab to select the item in the intellisense however now hitting tab indents the whole line in a tab.

That's actually a very good point. I thought I'm the only one who notice how eye sore it is. I used to do CTRL + Shift + Tab to fix code spacing before, but now it won't work and looks really messy. My work hours can't keep up with my OCD to always make the code line-up well. 

The more I use the code editor in 8.1.5 the more I can hardly take using it. It's bad enough that I wish I would have blocked Creatio from updating some of my customers to 8.1.5. It's unusable. 


Julio, did you say you also see the issue where you cannot paste code in a code editor in 8.1.5 and it becomes all one line? My coworker is able to paste code and the result is normal - same system, same code schema, pasting from same source. The only difference I can see (so far) is I am using Chrome on Mac, he is using Chrome on Windows. 

What OS and browser are you using? I am just trying to narrow down the cause to help get accurate info to Creatio about the issue. Thanks!

Ryan Farley,

Now I can paste, but the editor font type, font size is horrible, I need to subscribe additional lens to can see and edit the code:-(

Please go back the editor features, appearance and behavior to 8.1.4

Julio Falc贸n (NoCode-Services),

Oh yes, don't get me started on the horrible font choice. It's too small, too light, and the character width makes it almost impossible to see, especially how code blocks are lined up. In combination with the inconsistent, 2 space new line indents, it's a terrible developer experience. 

I've always loved working with Creatio, so it's frustrating that the state of the code editor is where it is now in 8.1.5 - plus it's the same in 8.2 as well 馃憥馃徎馃憥馃徎 It makes me want to keep systems on 8.1.4 until there's some improvements made.

Julio Falc贸n (NoCode-Services),

Something I've been doing when working for an extended period in the code editor is open dev tools and paste in this CSS: 

.cm-editor .cm-content {
    font-family: Consolas, monaco, monospace !important;
    font-size: 13px !important;
    line-height: 1.4 !important;
    tab-size: 4 !important;
    -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased !important;

This changes it back to look more similar to 8.1.4

If you want to also turn off line wrapping for long lines, you can also add this: 

.cm-content.cm-lineWrapping {
    flex-shrink: 0 !important;

Since this new font is in 8.2 as well, I'm considering making a Chrome extension to automatically inject this when working in the code editor. Hopefully I won't need to and it will get changed by Creatio.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan

Julio Falc贸n (NoCode-Services),

How did you fix the issue about pasting code and it becomes all one line?

Javier Collazo,

Sadly, I didn't. That is still an issue - it drives me completely crazy. I opened a case with support about that issue and they responded with:

Our RnD team already knows about the issue and informed me that this issue will be fixed around those dates 18.11 - 02.12. Unfortunately, we do not have a workaround for this issue.


Ryan Farley,

I might have to try this. I can barely even tell the difference between commented and non commented lines at a distance.

Kevin Brady,

I wrote up some steps to use a Chrome Extension to auto load the needed CSS. See https://customerfx.com/article/overriding-the-code-editor-font-in-creatio-8-1-5-and-higher/


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