Hi Team,

i have a scenario where i have to 2 lookups in a section - 

lookup 1 - which as fixed set up values (value1, value2, value3...)

lookup 2- whose values are dynamic and should be fetched from external api based on value from lookup 1. 

for example: if value1 is chosen, it hits external api and gets set of values that should be populated to choose from.

Please guide me in implementing the same.




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Maybe someone can give a solution or a hint how to resolve this situation.

We have several processes with starting signal 'Lead added'. Everything works fine when Lead is added manualy. But when Lead comes from Landing page processes are not started and we see following error in BusinessProcess.Log:

Error while running process [ebda75d0-3e3b-4cb9-ac04-2cc30f61d512] for Lead (Id: [071ded65-fe59-4641-b265-2f04c733b509])

System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to get the context for the background operation. For services without authorization it is necessary to call Terrasoft.Web.Common.SessionHelper.SpecifyWebOperationIdentity.

   at Terrasoft.Core.ServiceBus.BusUtils.CreateUserContext(String userName, String sessionId, Guid externalAccessId)

We have tried several solutions:

1. Disabled CSRF protection in web.confing


    and even



    This didn't help

2. Modified starting signal, setting 'Run following elements in the background'. This gave some results, but the process haven't got values from the Lead, so we have tried to add timer. But as there can be a lot of such processes, timer has crashed regulary, so processes were stayed in Running status forever. That's why we have refused to use timer.

3. Than we have created process in the Lead object on message LeadInserted calling usual Process with Lead.Id parameter. This actualy works on our environment, but still raise error 'Failed to get the context for the background operation' on Customer's environments.

So, there is probably some differences in configuration.

Do you have any ideas what this can be? Or any ideas for more workaround solutions?

Thank you!

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can you please clarify which version of the site do you use as it may affect the process?


Also, please, check if the "Run in background" checkbox is on. If it is, please disable it so the process won't run in the background. After that, you can try performing the action again and notify us about the result.



Kind regards,



Thank you for your replay.


1) Our client uses version 7.16.3 now. We have tested this process on version 7.18.5 (but only on our environment) - it works correctly. Also we have similar process on 7.13.2 - it also works correctly. But I am not sure if environment configurations are the same.

Besides, it would be nice to resolve this issue without upgrade now.


2) We've set 'Run in background' to off. In that case process starts correctly, but there is another problem - some values of Lead are not available in the process (e.g. default values from Landing page are not set yet). So, this solution doesn't fit our case. (I've described this in p.2 with timer)


Vladimir Sokolov,


thank you for the additional information.


Unfortunately, there might be quite a lot of reasons for the missing values in Lead (e.g. access rights, configuration, etc).


We would recommend you create a separate case for the support team so that we will be able to reproduce the error on the instance.


Also, it is recommended to update to the newest version to avoid errors that were fixed in the latest updates.




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Hi community!

We have created replacing schema - VisaNotificationsSchema. In VisaNotificationsSchema we added code to hide "Reject" and "Change approver" buttons. We want to apply it for specified objects . To do it we need to retrieve object Id from Approval. Any suggestions how can we do it?

Best regards, 



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Hi Yana,


I just prepared working example so You can adopt it to Your case

 define("VisaNotificationsSchema", function() {
   return {
      methods: {
         getVisaActionButtonMenu: function() {
            var menu = this.get("VisaActionButtonMenu");
            if (!Ext.isEmpty(this.values) ? this.values.SchemaName=='Opportunity' : false) {
            return menu;
      diff: [
            "operation": "merge",
            "name": "VisaActionButton",
            "parentName": "NotificationItemTopContainer",
            "propertyName": "items",
            "values": {
               "itemType": Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON,
               "style": Terrasoft.controls.ButtonEnums.style.TRANSPARENT,
               "classes": {"wrapperClass": ["visaActionButtonWrap-class"]},
               "caption": {"bindTo": "Resources.Strings.VisaActionButton"},
               "prepareMenu": {"bindTo": "selectNotificationItemOnActionButtonClick"},
               "menu": {
                  "items": {"bindTo": "getVisaActionButtonMenu"}

Best regards,


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Hi Team,


I need one functionality where the pop-up should get displayed with custom message whenever I hover on a specific field value. How can this be achieved?


Kindly Help!


Thanks in advance



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Hi Sakira,


You can populate tooltip field property on the Page Designer. Is this what You are looking for ?



Best regards,




Hi Sarika,


Columns on the page don't have inbuilt onMouseOver event. You can only add popup hints as described here and only for the elements with the following data type:

  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.LABEL
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COLOR_BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.INFORMATION_BUTTON
  • for elements with the specified generator property

Best regards,


Hi Oscar,


The aim for the functionality is that on field hover , a method should get invoked from the edit page and the showinformationdialog would be a part of that function only.

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Q: Why there is no option to select "Amount" when creating business rule on Order page?

Also.. no option to select "Price" when creating business rule on Order-products page

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The requirement is to hide the business process a business process from the record/list page for certain user roles.

For example we have connected an approval business process with a section, we need to show that process only for the approver user roles.

Is there a way we can configure this. Please advice

Thank you!

Like 1



Hi, community.

When you click an activity on dashboard within Case, you get mini page where you can complete the activity or cancel it. I need to remove the "cancel activity" button for specific type of case service.

I have found how to remove 'Cancel activity' from all  mini pages,

{ "operation": "remove", "name": "CopyButton" }, 
{ "operation": "remove", "name": "DeleteButton" }, 
{ "operation": "remove", "name": "OpenButton" } }

but need to add extra condition to apply it only for cases with specific Service.


Best regards,



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Hello Jana,


You can try replace ActivityMiniPage view model by this code. Inside canCancelActivity method You can implement Your logic.

 define("ActivityMiniPage", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Activity",
				"GetColumnsValues": {
				mode: Terrasoft.MessageMode.PTP,
				direction: Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
		methods: {
			canCancelActivity: function() {
				var stage = this.sandbox.publish("GetColumnsValues", ["Stage"], [this.values.MiniPageSourceSandboxId]);
				return stage.Stage.displayValue=='Presentation'? true : false;
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
				"operation": "merge",
				"name": "CancelButton",
				"values": {
					"visible": {"bindTo": "canCancelActivity"},
					"tag": "Cancel"
		rules: {}

Best regards,


Marcin Kott,

Thank you!

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Hi team,


Please suggest me some way to remove the decimals from currency data type.


Please note that I can not use integer data type in this case as the data input value range is very less in integer which does not allow huge numbers like 180000000000 to be entered which is why I'm using currency data type.


Kindly help





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Dear Sarika,


Thank you for your question!

Please, consider using string data type to achieve what you want.


Best regards,


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Hi Team,


Please suggest me some way of sorting the lookup values in order.


For example, if the two values are 151 and 50, ideally 50 should appear first and then 151 should be there. but in creatio, sorting is done based on the first character or number which is why 151 is appearing before 50 in the list.


Similarly, I want to be display another lookup with values , A , A+S and S in the order A , S and A+S. but right now, it is sorting it as  A , A+S and S


To resolve this sorting issue, I already had tried numbering the values with 1, 2 and 3 as :

1. A

2. S

3. A+S


which is helping in sorting but the client is not satisfied with this approach as it is adding extra numeric values in the lookup .

kindly help!





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Hi Team,


I have applied red asterisk using CSS on the fields that are mandatory in a section edit page using a client module for CSS.



The asterisk are visible in the pre-existing records but not in the new record. Please help me resolve this issue.


New record page :



Previously saved Record:



Also I'm facing this error of amplitude not defined 


Many Thanks,



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Hi Sarika,


It the fields are mandatory then make them mandatory in the section wizard directly, but not applying red asterisk via css. Using the wizard the fields will be mandatory even when adding a new record.


Best regads,


Hi Oscar, the labels that you can see are field default values that is being used as field label which I have implemented for proper alignment of section fields layout.

The Label Group Name is itself a field and the blank space for the value for Group name is another field whose title has been hidden.

That is why, for applying style, I have used CSS.


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