I m trying to copy an email Model HTML content into a section textarea.
Here's my code:
onUsrModeleIdChange: function() { var ModeleId = this.get("UsrModeleId").value; var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "EmailTemplate" }); esq.addColumn("Body"); esq.filters.add("IdFilter", esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter( Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Id", ModeleId)); esq.getEntity(ModeleId, function(result) { var BodyContent=result.entity.get("Body"); this.set("Corps", BodyContent); }); },
I get the BodyContent variable, but the this.set comes out in error:
I don't understand why the this.set does not works.
Is it because the field is an textArea ?
Thank you !
As an FYI, you can retain the scope by passing this as the final parameter to the ESQ getEntity.
esq.getEntity(ModeleId, function(result) { var BodyContent=result.entity.get("Body"); this.set("Corps", BodyContent); }, this); // note 'this' passed as final parameter
This is also the case with getEntityCollection:
esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) { // scope retains 'this' context }, this);
context error...
i used: var scope = this; to reach the object
onUsrModeleIdChange: function() { var scope = this; var ModeleId = this.get("UsrModeleId").value; var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", { rootSchemaName: "EmailTemplate" }); esq.addColumn("Body"); esq.filters.add("IdFilter", esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter( Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "Id", ModeleId)); esq.getEntity(ModeleId, function(result) { var BodyContent=result.entity.get("Body"); scope.set("Corps", BodyContent);; }); },
As an FYI, you can retain the scope by passing this as the final parameter to the ESQ getEntity.
esq.getEntity(ModeleId, function(result) { var BodyContent=result.entity.get("Body"); this.set("Corps", BodyContent); }, this); // note 'this' passed as final parameter
This is also the case with getEntityCollection:
esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) { // scope retains 'this' context }, this);
Ryan Farley,
Hello Ryan and thank you for the reply !
Do you know how i can retrieve the message template Body in french ?
Ryan Farley writes:
var BodyContent=result.entity.get("Body"); //in french ?