In the screenshot I can not see the notification panel on Portal Workspace when portal user logs in. I want it to be visible to portal user in case of notification comes. Or else if there is another approach to notify portal user then please suggest.


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Hello Ramnath, 

Unfortunately, there is no OOB tools or information about partner customizations available which would add the notification panel for the portal user.

We will pass this request as an idea to the responsible R&D team so they will consider the possibility of adding the requested functionality in future Creatio releases. 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

I wanted the notification panel on Portal Workspace for process/requests he need to complete. The process has a pre-configured page. Which needs to be filled by Portal user. But process will only show in notification. Not in the Case I build on the section page. 

Is there any other way to notify user to access and complete the process.



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I need one clarity.

When the user clicks on the emojis in feedback email sent to customer, for displaying the "Feedback" page with provision to enter comments and submit, do one portal license need to be given to "SysPortalConnection" user? 

is this a mandatory thing? Any workarounds by not giving the portal license?




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Hello Krishna,


Yes, you should distribute a portal license to the SysPortalConnection Creatio portal user to set up the customer satisfaction evaluation. 


You can find more detailed instruction on how to configure Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) evaluation in the following Creatio Academy article:…


Please, let us know in case you have any further questions. 


Best regards, 

Olga Avis. 

Olga Avis,

Thanks Olga

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In OpportunityPageV2 using custom code I'm checking the type of current user successfully.

			initializeCustomCssOpportunityPageV2: function() {
				var currentUser = Terrasoft.SysValue.CURRENT_USER.value;
				var sysAdmins = "720b771c-e7a7-4f31-9cfb-52cd21c3739f";
				var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
					rootSchemaName: "SysUserInRole"
				esq.UseAdminRights = false;
				esq.filters.add("SysUser", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysUser", currentUser));
				esq.filters.add("SysRole", Terrasoft.createColumnFilterWithParameter(
					Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "SysRole", sysAdmins));
				esq.getEntityCollection(function(response) {
					if (response.success) {
						var result = response.collection;
						var isPortalUser = (result.collection.length !== 0);
						if (isPortalUser) {
							Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIOpportunityPageV2", true);
						} else {
							Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIOpportunityPageV2", false);
				}, this);

 If current user is portal user than "CustomUIOpportunityPageV2 = true" otherwise "CustomUIOpportunityPageV2 = false"

In css code its identifying "CustomUIOpportunityPageV2 = true" for portal user and applying the css successfully but its not identifying "CustomUIOpportunityPageV2 = false" when current user is not portal user and not applying css

body[OldUI=false][CustomUIOpportunityPageV2="true"] {
	.grid-captions {
		background: black !important;
[CustomUIOpportunityPageV2="false"] {
	.grid-captions {
		background: blue !important;


How can css for non portal user should work?

Any help will be highly appreciable



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Hi Muhammad,

I checked on my end - the given CSS works both with true and false value so I assume that your code is giving wrong value. You can open chrome debugging tools and put a break point to check which value you are setting.

To check if the current user is portal or not you can use Terrasoft.isCurrentUserSsp() function instead of the provided snippet.



Dmytro Smishchenko,

Thanks for suggestion, its working in  "OpportunityPageV2"

From "UsrPortalDashboardCSS" the code is working fine. Whatever css defined its applying everywhere in list/detail/edit views of CRM and Portal (globally).

In code under "BootstrapModulesV2" I'm checking if current user is portal user than only apply CSS. same logic is working fine on other pageV2 for example "AccountPageV2" but the problem is that, CSS only applying on Account Section.

Below code is not working on "BootstrapModulesV2" console log is also not showing output.

Any help will be highly appreciable.

define("BootstrapModulesV2", ["css!UsrPortalDashboardCSS"],
function() {
	return {
		methods: {
			init: function() {
			initializeCustomCSS: function() {
				var CurrentUser = this.Terrasoft.isCurrentUserSsp();
				if(CurrentUser === true){
					this.console.log("Current User is portal user");
					Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIPortalUser", true);
				else {
					this.console.log("Current User is not portal user");
					Terrasoft.utils.dom.setAttributeToBody("CustomUIPortalUser", false);


Muhammad Shajiuddin,

Below code is not working on "BootstrapModulesV2" console log is also not showing output.

This is because the BootstrapModulesV2 simply returns an empty object, it does not have an init method so your code is never getting called. You can try a different schema to add this to such as MainHeaderSchema and use the init or onRender.


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Can you set up a dashboard for portal users such as on the Case Message History object?

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Dear Mitch,

Yes, such dashboard can be added, however you should note that Case Message History contains not only portal messages but also emails, system messages and status changes so you should filter records that user should see. 

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

How can I automatically distribute license to portal user upon self registration? I already followed below set up from Academy but upon self registration license was not distributed to the user


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Hello Fulgen,

If this is an on-site application you need to modify Web.Config file in Terrasoft.WebApp folder:

<add key="SspUserRegistrationLicPackage" value ="bpmonline Customer Portal On-Site" />

If this is cloud application - please contact creatio support team and tell the the name of the application where you want to make this change.



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Hi. I have read the articles about Portal Users that are available;

What portal users are. How to create them. How to set up their rights.

But what I want to know is what can't they do? Surely there must be some limits of a Portal User compared to a full licensed user.

Or is this just a result of what I allow my Portal users to do in my environment? Although I agree and understand that it would not be recommendable to let a Portal user do anything.


Best regards,


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Dear Julius,

The application portal is a part of the platform used by external users and it is limited. There is no way to turn the portal user into the regular system user. The portal users' functionality is limited by the licenses and the objects permissions. Apart from that, there are a lot of back end functionality which is not compatible with the portal users. For example the portal users will not be able to run the database triggers for majority of the default functionality, access the portal through mobile application, run bulk emails, etc. Basically, there is no point to allow external users to use the application through the portal as a regular company employee. For this purpose, it is better to create a regular user for this individual. Theoretically it is possible to allow external users to use the application functionality on the company employee level, however it can only be done with the help of separate development project. 

Best regards,


Ricardo Alberto Cruz López,


Please note that the emails functionality is not available and cannot be setup for portal users.

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Hi Community,

How we can add functional roles to Portal Users?



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Hi Fulgen,

You can fallow the below link for creating the portal users

If you observed in below screenshot there is an option called function roles you can add there.



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I wanted to make a query regarding the Command-line that comes by default in BPM'ONLINE. What happens is that I would like to know if it is possible or is there some form and / or code that allows me to show the Command-line in the profile of the portal users?


I found this tutorial that shows how the Command-line works but not how to make the portal user see it.

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Unfortunately now there is no good way to transfer the command line on a portal. It would be basically equal to implementing new command line. RnD team already working on adding command line for portal users in future versions, there is no ETA for this yet. 

Best regards, 


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Custom CSS is working fine but its reflect on both interfaces (CRM/Portal) I need to apply CSS only for portal.

Any suggestion?



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Hello Muhammad!

In such case, you may add custom attributes or classes to html attributes basing on some condition. There is community article that describes how to achieve it:

Best regards,


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