Hello, I would like to get assistance on how to implement the "Account Addresses" detail within contacts section, inside activities for the mobile app. When you view a contact in the mobile app and see their addresses in the "Account addresses" detail you can click the address and it will open the native maps app on your phone so you can get directions. 


How do I set this up within the activities section of the mobile app so that if I put in a location, it can be a clickable field similar to Contacts section?


Also, is there a way to pull in the contact's address to the activity that can be clicked to open the maps app?


Thank you,



Like 2



Hello Eric,
Thank you for your question.

Yes, it is possible. For the example, in Configuration menu i added an object (UsrActivityAddress) with a parent object - BaseAddress and a column UsrActivity with data source - Activity, which links UsrActivityAddress with Activity. 

Then go to Mobile application wizard. Here i created a custom workplace and added Activity section to the workplace. In page setup:

Save and go to Configuration. There search you need to search for the name of the detail that mobile wizard provides for the detail on the page you just added. For this search for MobileActivityRecordPageSettings[plus the name of workplace you are adding activity with address to]. In my case it was UsrMobileActivityRecordPageSettingsUsrTestMobile. After that scroll down and find items which represent fields that you added to mobile section page wizard. The name of the detail looks might look like this "UsrSchema302ae53eDetailEmbeddedDetail". Copy the value and go to the top of file.

Then you need to add viewConfigDiff:1
Here you delete those details fields from you mobile page layout and you merge AddressPreview component. If the column name was Address in viewConfigDiff it becomes [name of your detail in mobile wizard]_ItemLayout_[column name]. 

Also note, that this component is not described on the Academy and designed for internal usage thus in not recommended for public usage in current version.

Hope this helps

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how is it possible to implement action to create account address by geolocation in mobile app?


I see, that Creatio field sales can get location of check-in. So, if we use similar functionality, we have just to find address of these coordinates.

Do you have any idea how to do that?


Thank you!


Like 2



Hi Vladimir! How are you? It seems you could use for example this service from Google Maps Platform:   https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/requests-rev…

Uriel Nusenbaum,

Thank you for this information. Do you know, does this service require any lincense from Google?


Vladimir Sokolov,

You should configure an API Key follow this article: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/geocoding/cloud-setup and here you have the pricing information: https://mapsplatform.google.com/pricing/
You have the option to try the service and several requests per month for free.

Hello Vladimir,
Thank you for your question.

After consulting with R&D team i got some information regarding your case. Mobile phones have build-in API to work with geolocation however currently it is impossible to customize our mobile application directly. Javascript also has some methods to determine user's geolocation like getCoordinates. 
So the possible workaround right now is to create service that will receive coordinates from and send them to an external service like Google Geolocation.

Hope this helps and let me know if you any question left.

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Hello friends!


We've been working on creating custom branded mobile applications for android and iOS.  Still working on finishing iOS, but Android is done, with the exception of one issue that I cannot resolve.  Everything is branded using our images, with the exception of the launcher icon itself.  I added all of our custom images to the src folder and all of the images in the application were updated as expected (including notification icons). Any icon used for the launcher should be in the "mipmap_xxxx" folders and we have added equivalents in the SDKConsoleUtility/src folder.  We know this is working, since the notification icons are using our custom icons.  As a final attempt, I replaced every instance of a creatio icon image I could find in all of the source repository files and still the launcher icon is the creatio icon.  

Has anyone successfully custom branded the mobile app for Android and was able to use a custom application launcher icon?

As a reference, we've been following the academy article here:  Brand and publish mobile apps basics | Creatio Academy

Please let me know what I'm missing.

Thank you!



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Hello Jeremy,

To change the launcher icon you have to specify the "app_icon_path" in the SDK.config file from the article that you've mentioned

For example:

"app_icon_path": "../res/AppIcon.png"


Hi Anhelina


The config value "app_icon_path"  is for iOS only, according to the documentation here: SDKConsole utility parameters | Creatio Academy


For Android, there is a value for "native_resources_path" that is the path to the src folder with the custom image resources.  This value is set and working as all of other images in the app have been referencing our custom images there. It's just not using our image for the application launcher icon.


Any ideas?


Jeremy Couzens,

It usually works with native_resources_path for Android. The default folder is res/android/res, and folders with resources should be placed inside, as is done in Android projects. The directory can contain subdirectories with drawable, drawable-xhdpi, and other icons.

Maybe the reason is the file type? You can use the xml and webp
In another case, it's hard to understand the reason remotely.

Hi Jeremy, 

I'm currently working on the branding of the mobile application. 
Can you tell me how did you change the login page logo, by default it's the bpm'online logo and I cannot make it change to our custom image.

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Hi guys,


Is there a way to sort a detail by a specific field in Freedom Mobile? I'm using this approach that works in Classic, but it does not seem to work when I switch to the Freedom version:


Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Account", {
    column: "CreatedOn",
    orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC



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This approach won't work in Freedom UI, this one is for classic UI. Here is the example of the code for ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail out-of-the-box

"ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail": {
                "properties": {"readonly": true},
                "modelConfig": {
                    "path": "ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetailDS",
                    "cacheConfig": {},
                    "sortingConfig": {
                        "default": [{
                            "columnName": "CreatedOn",
                            "direction": "asc"
                        "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_SortingConfig"
                    "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_ModelConfig"
                "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail"

added to the MobileCaseRecordPageSettings (edit page of the case section in mobile). The code for your detail should be found in the same schema and modified.

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Hi team, 


I have a case when after trigger record.save() on the page I want to reload the embedded details. The record is saved correctly and entered on the success method. How can force the reload of the store for the detail?



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Hello Federico,


It should be tested, but if I remember correctly if controller is used for the action the




method can be called to force reload all details on the page. You can also find its uage in the MobileActivityGridPageControllerV2 from the Mobile package.


There is also an option that our R&D team used, the case was the following: changes were applied on the edit page and data on all previous pages should've been updated. For this purpose the following approach was used:

completeDataSaving: function(operation) {
		let operationConfig = this.createPageOperationConfig(operation);
		return Terrasoft.BaseEditPageController.superclass.completeDataSaving.apply(this, arguments).then(() => {
			let pageHistoryItem = this.getPageHistoryItem();
			let useOptimisticEditing = this.useOptimisticEditing();
			if (useOptimisticEditing) {
				Terrasoft.PageNavigator.refreshPreviousPages(operationConfig, pageHistoryItem);
			} else {

But this is more for the previous edit pages rather than for the current edit page. Examples of Terrasoft.PageNavigator.refreshPreviousPages() can be found in base-edit-page-controller.js and in the base-preview-page-controller.js

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Hi there - I'm trying to figure out where to put this schema in Creatio configuration to allow for a button in mobile.  I've found this article but it isn't clear how/where to apply this:




Thank you!

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Please contact our support team at support@creatio.com and describe your situation to us. We will be happy to help you. 

Best regards,


In this article, you can find the description of the page, on which the button component should be added.

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I am trying to filter lookup values in the mobile application based on two columns "UsrStartDate" and "UsrEndDate". These two columns are present in the lookup object. But somehow the rule is not working. Any Comments?

				value: new Date() // current date	

this is the rule placed in another module : "UsrMobileFilterModelConfig"

Also attaching the code of manifest file 

  "SyncOptions": {
    "SysSettingsImportConfig": [],
    "ModelDataImportConfig": [
        "Name": "UsrDisplayImages",
        "SyncColumns": [
        "Name": "Employee",
        "SyncColumns": [
        "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram",
        "SyncColumns": [],
        "Ignore": false,
        "QueryFilter": {
          "items": {
            "dab489b7-06c4-4f1a-b588-0fe00e965bf7": {
              "filterType": 1,
              "comparisonType": 8,
              "isEnabled": true,
              "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": true,
              "leftExpression": {
                "expressionType": 0,
                "columnPath": "UsrEndDate"
              "isAggregative": false,
              "dataValueType": 8,
              "rightExpression": {
                "expressionType": 1,
                "functionType": 1,
                "macrosType": 4
            "5c38cd37-a1bd-49bb-9cd8-2f11e8b7fbee": {
              "filterType": 1,
              "comparisonType": 6,
              "isEnabled": true,
              "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": true,
              "leftExpression": {
                "expressionType": 0,
                "columnPath": "UsrStartDate"
              "isAggregative": false,
              "dataValueType": 8,
              "rightExpression": {
                "expressionType": 1,
                "functionType": 1,
                "macrosType": 4
          "logicalOperation": 0,
          "isEnabled": false,
          "filterType": 6,
          "rootSchemaName": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram"
        "SyncFilter": null
        "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_yes_no_lookup",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "UsrDisplay_Img_Spiff_Month",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "Contact",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "SocialMessage",
        "SyncColumns": [
        "Name": "SysFile",
        "SyncColumns": [
        "QueryFilter": {
          "items": {
            "DesignerDefaultRecordSchemaNameFilter": {
              "filterType": 4,
              "comparisonType": 3,
              "isEnabled": true,
              "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false,
              "leftExpression": {
                "expressionType": 0,
                "columnPath": "RecordSchemaName"
              "rightExpressions": [
                  "expressionType": 2,
                  "parameter": {
                    "dataValueType": 1,
                    "value": "UsrDisplayImages"
          "logicalOperation": 0,
          "isEnabled": true,
          "filterType": 6
        "Name": "FileGroup",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "UsrDisplay_Image_Status",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "UsrBrand",
        "SyncColumns": []
        "Name": "Account",
        "SyncColumns": []
  "Modules": {
    "UsrDisplayImages": {
      "Group": "main",
      "Model": "UsrDisplayImages",
      "Position": 0,
      "isStartPage": false,
      "Title": "UsrDisplayImagesSectionTitle",
      "Hidden": false,
      "screens": {
        "start": {
          "schemaName": "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesGridPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace"
        "edit": {
          "schemaName": "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace"
  "Models": {
    "UsrDisplayImages": {
      "RequiredModels": [
      "ModelExtensions": [],
      "PagesExtensions": [
    "SocialMessage": {
      "RequiredModels": [],
      "ModelExtensions": [],
      "PagesExtensions": []
    "SysFile": {
      "RequiredModels": [],
      "ModelExtensions": [],
      "PagesExtensions": []
  "ModuleGroups": {
    "main": {}
  "UseUTC": true,
  "Remove": {
    "SyncOptions": {
      "ModelDataImportConfig": [
          "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram",
          "QueryFilter": null


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Are these rules configured on a Classic or a Freedom UI page?

If it's a Freedom UI then these types of rules won't work, see this discussion.

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is it possible to log calls from mobile application? When I click on the 'call' icon and dealer is started with selected number, I need to create a record, that call was done from the mobile


Thank you!


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Hello Vladimir,

There is no such option for now.

However, we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.


Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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Hello Community,


We are currently working on a custom button for contact edit page in mobile application which will reload the page and shows a popup . We have an issue with the reload. I have tried using this.reloadEntity and location.reload. But it is navigating to the list page and the popup is not showing. Can anyone please help me on this.



Pavan Manne.

Like 1



Hello Pavan,


I guess you need to use refreshDirtyData method as described here. location.reload should reload the mobile app completely and you will be redirected either to the start page with the list of sections or to the section list of your current record and this.reloadEntity cannot be used in mobile app, it's only for desktop app.

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Please help.

I created an object called UsrAppMobNotifications, which includes a Boolean variable UsrBoolRead. In the mobile application version 8.1, I need to set up a business rule so that when a user opens a record of this object, the UsrBoolRead variable becomes true.


The code of the mobile app's record page (UsrMobileUsrAppMobNotificationsRecordPageSettingsPortal) doesn't contain any blocks (like handlers).

Question 1: How can I add my own business rule?

Question 2: I tried to create a rule based on examples, but it doesn't work.

My rule^

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("UsrAppMobNotifications", {

name: "SetUsrBoolReadTrueRule",

ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,

events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load],

executeFn: function(model, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig) {

model.set("UsrBoolRead", true);

Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope);



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Please be advised that adding business rules to a page using the Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule(name, config) method is only supported on the old user interface. Unfortunately, the feature to create business rules on the mobile application is not yet available, as it is currently under development. However, I can assist you in setting up card-level business rules, that might be helpful for you.

At the moment, the difference between the rules on the card and the model is insignificant. Namely, the difference is that the card has Visibility rules that can show or hide card elements. Therefore, let's consider this particular example, and try to hide a column under a condition.

1. Set up the rules in the web.

2. The names of the controls ("Code" and "Element code") must be given according to the names of the columns. That is, if the column is called UsrText, then the control should be called that way (because the names are generated by the web by default):

3. The rule that hides the UsrText field can be configured as follows:

When saving, do not forget to click Save in the card itself.

4. Add a new (or existing) section in the mobile application wizard and configure the card properly.

5. Go to the Configuration (WorkspaceExplorer) and look for the card setup scheme (scheme name format: Mobile[Object name]RecordPageSettings[Workspace name]):

In this case, the object name is Rules.

6. Open this schema. Open its metadata (Actions → Open metadata) and look at its metadata (Metadata (Read-Only) section) and copy its Uid, PackageUid and CreatedInPackageUId.

7. Export the rules configured in step 3.

8. This metadata needs to be slightly adapted to the mobile platform. Open the downloaded metadata file and make the following changes:

а) Change the Uid. You can either generate it or simply change a few digits/characters in the current value. The old UId must be changed throughout the scheme (at least 2).

b) Give a new name to the Addon in Name and A2. The format will be as follows: [Object name]RecordPageSettingsBusinessRule (for example, RulesRecordPageSettingsBusinessRule).

c) Replace all "EntitySchemaManager" with "ClientUnitSchemaManager", if any.

d) In B6, write the PackageUId from step 6.

e) In AD1 and TargetSchemaUId, write the UId from step 6.

f) In A5 we write the CreatedInPackageUId from step 6.

g) Replace all the names of the controls generated on the web with the corresponding column names. You can search for them using the following masks: LookupAttribute_, Input_, ComboBox_.

For example, instead of LookupAttribute_6wy705z, you should use UsrContactType.

h) Save the changes.

9. Import this modified schema. Select the desired package in the Configuration, click "Add" and select the "Import" item in the list (at the moment it is the last in the list).

As a result, in the package in which this section was added in the mobile application wizard, an Addon scheme with rules that are linked to the card configuration scheme in the mobile application should appear.

10. After that, synchronize the mobile app with Creatio and check the rule's operation.

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