Get address by geolocation in mobile app



how is it possible to implement action to create account address by geolocation in mobile app?


I see, that Creatio field sales can get location of check-in. So, if we use similar functionality, we have just to find address of these coordinates.

Do you have any idea how to do that?


Thank you!


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Hi Vladimir! How are you? It seems you could use for example this service from Google Maps Platform:…

Uriel Nusenbaum,

Thank you for this information. Do you know, does this service require any lincense from Google?


Vladimir Sokolov,

You should configure an API Key follow this article: and here you have the pricing information:
You have the option to try the service and several requests per month for free.

Hello Vladimir,
Thank you for your question.

After consulting with R&D team i got some information regarding your case. Mobile phones have build-in API to work with geolocation however currently it is impossible to customize our mobile application directly. Javascript also has some methods to determine user's geolocation like getCoordinates. 
So the possible workaround right now is to create service that will receive coordinates from and send them to an external service like Google Geolocation.

Hope this helps and let me know if you any question left.

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