Sorting Details in Freedom Mobile

Hi guys,

Is there a way to sort a detail by a specific field in Freedom Mobile? I'm using this approach that works in Classic, but it does not seem to work when I switch to the Freedom version:

Terrasoft.sdk.GridPage.setOrderByColumns("Account", {
    column: "CreatedOn",
    orderType: Terrasoft.OrderTypes.DESC


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This approach won't work in Freedom UI, this one is for classic UI. Here is the example of the code for ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail out-of-the-box

"ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail": {
                "properties": {"readonly": true},
                "modelConfig": {
                    "path": "ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetailDS",
                    "cacheConfig": {},
                    "sortingConfig": {
                        "default": [{
                            "columnName": "CreatedOn",
                            "direction": "asc"
                        "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_SortingConfig"
                    "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail_ModelConfig"
                "name": "Attribute_ActivityDetailV2EmbeddedDetail"

added to the MobileCaseRecordPageSettings (edit page of the case section in mobile). The code for your detail should be found in the same schema and modified.

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