How to map the related detail records from the section(root schema) with the external web form using landing page integration.
Example Scenario, When we are trying the create a Lead record using the landing page integration. The web form contains the "List of interested Products/Equipment" which is multi-select. When the user selects the values from the multi-select it should create a record in the Product detail in the Lead section. How do we implement this scenario?
Anastasiia Zhuravel, WordPress auto-updated to 6.2 from 6.1.1 last night and since then, the entries are stuck in my wordpress database and not going into Creatio. I'm using Gravity Forms and I'm not seeing any error message. I also tested another form we use in Drupal 7 and these work fine
We have found a new way to integrate WordPress forms using WP engine version 6.2 and upper. Please take a look at the article below. I hope this solution will be helpful for you.
Yes, it is possible to create an email content block without using MJML code. There are various ways to create email content blocks, such as using HTML code.
Many anti-spam/anti-virus software remove the html comments used by MJML in the body of emails, so emails received by recipients differ from the preview shown by creatio.
Could you please explain in more detail when and why end users have to use an external HTML editor, and what issues you are facing with the current editor you are using? Additionally, I'm interested in learning more about the problems with your markup, so that I can better understand your needs. If possible, please provide me with a detailed description of the situation so that I can provide you with more specific information.
This error could occur due to a missing assembly binding redirect, which means that the application is trying to load a version of the assembly that is not compatible with the version installed on the system.
To troubleshoot this error, you can try the following steps:
Check if there are any missing assembly binding redirects in the web.config file of the application.
Check if there are any conflicting versions of the assembly on the system that could be causing the issue.
If the application is running in an Azure Functions environment, check if the correct version of Azure Functions is being used.
When you are creating an event in a certain service (Google Calendar, for example), there is an option to create a link that adds an event to the google calendar:
If you want a universal link, you would need to generate an .ics file and put a link to it into the email.
You can add such links to the email template and hide them under text, buttons or images.
our customer needs to send out trigger emails from a campaign to contacts who have the "Do not use email" flag set at that moment.
The emails are confirmations for the contact persons that they have registered for an event, so that is completely fine from a legal and GDPR perspective (=legitimate interest).
However, it is currently not possible, because trigger emails miss the functionality that is available in bulk emails with the "system email" flag, which causes Creatio to skip the evaluation of the "do not use email" flag before sending the email.
Does anyone know of a way to work around this? Programming would also be fine.
Is there a way to add Date Macros in Bulk Email Template? Suppose a bulk email was sent on Monday and the second email is sent two days later(Wednesday), I need to add the day on which previous email was sent(Monday) to the email body of the one sent on Wednesday. The second email should read, "I left you a voicemail on Monday...." and the day should be populated dynamically by going back 2 days from today. Any way to add javascript inside the HTML code for the block?
Somebody know how can I start a campaign from a process?
Or execute the code behind the "START CAMPAIGN" button on campaigns, when campaign is on manual start mode or the SCHEDULE CAMPAIGN if the campaign start mode is "at the specified time"
Hi, sure I have a campaign we need start and stop due some conditions, so I can change from a Process some campaigns values, but cannot Start it from the process (or I don't know how to do it).
If I have a manual start campaign, it has a button to start it, and if it has a start date defines we have the Schedule campaign button, so in both cases the campaign need a manual action to start immediately or to schedule to start in the specified date.
My question is, can I from a process trigger the actions behind the buttons, or start it when manual or schedule when has a start defined date?
If I want to add dynamic links in an email template, I tried to do adding a button to click to product with the URL to open the Web page get from a macro (URL is on a field on contact table), didn’t work, didn't add the tracking tokens, for example:
It appears when Creatio “see“ where must be a URL, a non-URL string, as is the case of a macro, it “think” there aren't any URL to track, and didn’t add the tokens, to complement Dan comment, what I did to solve the problem:
* In images I introduce, on the image address, the first part of the image URL “” and add the field using macro to complete the URL with the specific image address, getting something like this in the Image URL:[#Contact.UsrImgProdID2#], in the UsrImgProdID2 field I have the rest of the URL, like this "img/1000/HERCAR0005-1.jpg"* For the Product, in Link to Open add “” and later the rest of the product URL from the macro, resulting value getting something like this[#Contact.UsrButtonProdID2#] and works as is expected, Creatio add all the expected tokens. In the UsrButtonProdID2 field I have the rest of the URL to open the product page in the store, like "inicio/productos/ficha/gata-hidraulica-32-toneladas-HERCAR0005"