Hello, is it possible to have the global search include records from custom sections I've created? It appears to only search ootb sections. 

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You can try enabling the indexing for full text search option in section wizard.  https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/no-code_customization/ui_and_busi…

Can that only be done upon initial setup? I set this custom section up a year ago and now if I go to the section wizard I don't see that option.


Dear Mitch, 

Can you please check SysModule table and make sure that for this section value of "GlobalSearchAvailable" column is set to 1? 

Kind regards,


Roman Brown,

 It was not set to 1, I updated the column so it was now 1. But still, this section does not show up in the global search.

Dear Mitch, 

Please contact our support team at support@creatio.com with a short description of the issue or simply provide a link to this post so we could help you with it. 

Kind regards,


Will this work for detail columns also ?

Dear Shailey, 

Can you please provide more details on your question?

Kind regards,




same questions:


1. Custom section is set up as indexing for full-text search but I dont see in a result window.

2. Enabling section for fulltext search: would it find the details records aswell. For example if I search for product name, it find me all orders where that product in placed. Will it work for custom section as well with products detail?

Dmytro Oliinyk,

Did you manage to make it work? I'm curious about this too.


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Hi all,

I am facing this issue with filter functionality in Mobile App. In previous version we used to have filter icon for section, and in the current version (7.17) that replaced with search based on the first field on the page.

Is there any workaround to apply filtered search? 

This kind of annoying, specially when searching for full name and it doesn't respond when you are typing last name. For example, 'John Doe' only appears in search if you search for 'John'. If you type 'Doe' it returns with no results.

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Best reply

Hello Kavian,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your question correctly, it seems that search functionality didn't change (we have compared the last version (7.17) and the previous one (7.16)) and we were able to get search results via looking for the part of the full name and full name (for section search and for filtered search):






You can use '%' sign for partial word search if you are not sure in the full name:


Also, it is possible to configure columns by which search will be performed in mobile application from your side. Information on where and how it can be configured can be found in the next post: https://community.creatio.com/articles/search-multiple-columns-mobile-a…


Best regards,


Hello Kavian,


Hope you're doing well.


If I understood your question correctly, it seems that search functionality didn't change (we have compared the last version (7.17) and the previous one (7.16)) and we were able to get search results via looking for the part of the full name and full name (for section search and for filtered search):






You can use '%' sign for partial word search if you are not sure in the full name:


Also, it is possible to configure columns by which search will be performed in mobile application from your side. Information on where and how it can be configured can be found in the next post: https://community.creatio.com/articles/search-multiple-columns-mobile-a…


Best regards,


Roman Rak,


Roman Rak,

On the other note, is it possible to define the which fields to filter based on? for example, currently, it shows all the fields been used on the contact page, but we are only looking for searching based on 'Last name' and 'Type'



Hello Kavian,


Thank you for your question.


As for now, there is no such functionality. I have created the functional request to our R&D department about this case so they could consider enhancing the following functionality in the upcoming releases.


Best regards,


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Hi Community,


Any idea how we can re order the global search result based on Created On field. Recent one should be on top. Thanks

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Hello Fulgen,

Unfortunately, there are no basic tools to modify the global search results in the application. However, you can edit a schema that is responsible for displaying the found data taken from a particular object according to your needs. You can modify the diff part of the code in the inherited from the object schema located in a Custom package. For accounts it is AccountSearchRowSchema and for contacts - ContactSearchRowSchema.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,


Thank you so much Bogdan. Do you have any example how I can put sorting based on CreatedOn field on diff?

Hi Fulgen Ninofranco,


We've tried to set up such a filtering feature as well as discussed the task with Creatio R&D team. Alas, as it was mentioned before, there is no option to modify the global search results in the application. The platform uses the Elastic Search engine that returns the result as it is and we cannot affect it somehow manually. 




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How do I check which version of the global search service I have?

If you use Creatio cloud, you will always have the latest version of the global search service.

If you use Creatio on-site, run the following console command:

docker ps

This will open the list of all containers. The number of global search version will be available in the “image” column.

How do I initiate the re-indexing of my Creatio site?

For global search versions lower than 2.0:

1. Open gs-mysql container via the following command:

docker exec -it gs-mysql bash

2. Run the following command in the opened gs-mysql container:

mysql -p1665017 use gs; UPDATE GlobalSearchIndexingEntity SET LastIndexedOn = NULL, InProcess = 0;

For global search version 2.0 and up:

Execute the following request on

gs-web-api: `/indexation/{siteName}/reindex/full

How do I enable logging the global search service?

By default, the service logs only errors. To enable logging of all events, locate the following string in the docker-compose.yaml file:


Replace the string with the following string:


Note that if you enable logging of all events, the number of log files will increase significantly.

Which metrics and tracking schema can I use to monitor the global search operation?

Execute the following request:


Here, [GS-WEB-API] is the server address, and [SITE_NAME] is your Creatio website name.

How do I set up access to ElasticSearch via a password?

You can restrict access to ElasticSearch using Haproxy, which supports base64 authentification. Use the x-pack plugin to set up access to ElasticSearch via a login and a password.

How do I add a new object to the ElasticSearch indexing, or change the settings for the indexed fields of existing objects?

You can enable and configure indexing of specific sections using Creatio in-app tools. By default, ElasticSearch will index only sections, regardless of their author, as well as lookup columns (with a few exceptions). The attached PDF file contains the list of exceptions.

How do I deploy ElasticSearch on several servers with a single URL? How do I set up clustering?

This information is available in the Elastic service documentation.

Why the “Duplicates search rules” setting is not displayed for me?

Check if the “DeduplicationWebApiUrl” system setting is populated and whether the following features are enabled in “FeatureToggle:”

  • “BulkESDeduplication”
  • “ESDeduplication”
  • “Deduplication”

Learn more about working with additional options in the “Feature Toggle. Mechanism of enabling and disabling functions” article.

Can I use the global search and bulk duplicate search services in two Creatio applications simultaneously?

If you are using two Creatio applications, for example, production and developer environments, set up the global search and bulk duplicate search services for each of them independently. Use the following guides to set up the services:


File attachments
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Hi Andre Kosolapenko,

Thanks for the article. I have performed the operation as guided for re-indexing and below is the result I got and it states that 0 rows got affected.


Is there any additional items to be handled ?

Please let me know.

Thanks in advance!

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A few questions on this topic:

1. Can you configure global search to affect how many objects it searches? For example, if we only want to search knowledge base, could we prevent the global search from looking through other objects? We have many records in cases with lots of columns, currently the global search spins for a minute or more before the results finally load.

2. Can you configure the criteria for the matching results? For example, right now the search will return words that have three letters in the same order as what we searched. If I search "Compliance Connect", I get lots of results like "Concatenate", "Select", "Correctly"

3. Is there any good documentation that helps to explain ALL the possible ways you can configure the global search functionality? Or is there any documentation that explains how global search finds results?

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Dear Mitch, 

1. Unfortunately, you can't configure that in the global search, you can use regular filter in the section if you want to search record in a particular section or choose which section records to display in the section menu (http://prntscr.com/q4ti9f)

2. There are several built-in configurations of Global search: 3-letter search, 2-letter search and a full word search. Unfortunately, if you are using cloud version the only way to change the configuration is to send a letter to the creatio support (support@creatio.com). If you are using on-site version here is an academy page on setting up global search:


3.Here are academy pages on global search: 



Best regards,


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I imagine it is not likely that this is possible, but I did have an employee ask if there is away to run a search in Creatio that searches the contents of attached documents? Is there any such feature?

For example, if you attach a Microsoft Word document to the attachments detail of a case, then run a global search on a word that is in that document, will it return that as a search result?

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There is a marketplace add-on that does this: 



Hello Mitch,

Our R&D team has a task in "Planned" status registered on their side regarding full text search in files using Global Search feature. Currently the workaround is to use marketplace app Ryan provided you with. I will also make sure our R&D team could know about your community question so it could raise the priority of the problem.

Thank you for helping us to make our application better!



Oscar Dylan,

That's great news Oscar, thanks for the info.


Ryan Farley,

Oscar Dylan,

Thank you both!

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How to search emails from a connected mail box? Version used in 7.14.0.


How to include Activity section in search results? Already ticked the "indexing for full text" in activity section; still activities are not listed while searching for a contact.

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Dear Krishna,

Indeed, by default the Activity records are not included to the global search results. After you enabled full text indexing it is better to wait for some time till the records are indexed. Once the process is finished - they should be displayed in the search results. Note, the activities with the type 'Email' are not displayed in the global search results. If you still don't have the activities in the search results, we suggest to contact our support team via support@bpmonline.com and request the full manual re-indexation. Thus, all data in the database will be re-indexed and will be displayed in the search results. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks Dean!!

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Is there some requirements for global search criteria? When I put part of a case number, there are no results. If I put the entire case number, the case is shown in the results. I've reviewed the system settings for global search but it does not appear I can make any adjustments that resolve this.


partial case #:

full case #:

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Dear Mitch,

To provide you with a solution, we need to investigate the issue. Please submit a case to support@bpmonline.com and we provide you with a solution in terms of the case.

Best regards,


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I am trying to add TAGS in the global search function.

Someone now how it has to be done?

Thanks in advance.


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Dear Stephane,

As for now, there is no such functionality in the system. As a workaround, you can create a text field at the page and configure the business process that will automatically add the text value from the tag to this field. After that, you will be able to search tags using Global search.

Also, we have informed our R&D team regarding your request so they consider enhancing this functionality in upcoming releases. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


Thank you Ana for this good workaround


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There are a few questions that I have around the Web Service Components of BPM'Online(Global Search, Machine Learning, Bulk Email, etc). I would be immensely grateful for any help that I can get here.

1) There is a generic mention of Docker and Kubernetes in Software Requirements on the server-side (PFB the screenshot). Is this specific  only to Global Search, Bulk Duplicate Search and ML Service components and not to the main application components? If yes, wouldn't Docker and Kubernetes become optional software components as these services are themselves optional services? Please validate.

2) Are the Bulk Email and Data Enrichment services available on cloud only? If yes, do they also store state information about the application that is requesting these services? For example, there could be customers with on-premise BPM'Online instances and stringent security requirements who wouldn't want their data to reside on cloud. How do we handle such scenarios? On an other note, can these services be setup on-premise?

3) Conversely, do the global search, bulk duplicate search and ML services always need to be setup on-premise for an on-premise application? In other words, can an on-premise solution use a cloud version of these services and thus not needing a complicated setup for the same on premise? If yes, what are the parameters that help decide on-premise vs cloud fitment for these services?

4) Are the containerization requirements listed at the below link needed only for the setup of Global search, bulk deduplicate search and ML services, as the data enrichment and bulk email service seem to be cloud services only?


5) The containerization requirements from the link above give recommendations on the configuration of Kubernetes masters, nodes and loadbalancers. Is this recommendation per service(like global search, ML, service, etc) or is it for all applicable services? In other words, do we have to replicate the same setup of masters, nodes and loadbalancers for each service that we setup or can we have just one unit of masters, nodes and loadbalancers for all services?

6) I assume that each component of each service(like the gs-web-api of the global search service) needs to be installed as a docker container on a kubernetes node through a deployment that is managed through a kubernetes master. Please validate.

7) I have a requirement to build an on-premise BPM'Online application using the Sales module for 2500 users in production. BPM'Online is just one component in a large enterprise architecture containing many different applications. They also have strict data security requirements. The Global Search, Bulk Deduplication and Bulk Email services also need to be used for this implementation. What is the recommendation for each of these services from a deployment standpoint (on-premise vs cloud)? If it is on-premise, would you recommend Docker Enterprise Edition over the Community Edition? Does usage of Kubernetes involve any cost?


Thanks in advance...

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Please see all answers below: 

1) Those components are optional and required only if you want to use services like Global Search

2) Bulk emails cannot be deployed locally client can only connect to our services, data enrichment- can be deployed or system can be connected to our services. There are several options, so if you need more details I recommend you to contact support team directly.

3) They need to be set up on premise. There is an option to connect to cloud services, but it is not available for global search. Parameters are cost+secure policies since on-premise instance must be opened for our services.

4) Those are requirements needed for all services mentioned in the article if you decide to host them on your services. Bulk emails cannot be deployed locally thought.

5) It is up to the system administrator - we do not have recommendations for deployment as it fully depends on customer.

6) Indeed it is

7) It is also up to the client since both deployment methods have their pros and cons and it is up to  the client what is more important for him. As for the docker and Kubernetes - since it is not bpm'online product we do not have any recommendations for it.

Best regards,


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