Hi Community,


We this requirement below:


Suppose Sales Team email is configured as a mailbox in CRM, so basically his/her incoming emails will synchronize in CRM. Some of these incoming emails will include some meeting invites. Now, how can we add these meeting invites as Activity of type “meeting” in CRM? Any suggestion please.  


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Hello Fulgen, 


I suppose that you are talking about auto-generated invites for the meetings that can be created in the calendar on the email provider side. You can use the mailbox synchronization setup page to set up the synchronization of the Creatio activities with the tasks and meetings created on the Exchange/Google server-side. 


More detailed information on how to synchronize Creatio activities can be found in the following Academy articles:

Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


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I am wanting to achieve the following:

1. Activity Status = Completed AND Category = To Do

2. Upon save, field validation occurs to display a pop-up (or similar) asking user to set a correct Category value


This is to improve data analytics for the category data, as currently my users are not changing this value when an activity is completed. A category of To Do, does not make sense if the activity is now complete you see.

I found this post - https://community.creatio.com/questions/messagebox-display-popup-box-requesting-user-confirm-some-situation, but I do not know how to complete this for the correct actions i.e. Only when the above condition is in place and click Yes means continue and submit the form or No means close window and allow user to change Category value.

Thanks for any help.


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Best reply

Hello Mark, 

Please refer to the following code in order to add the functionality requested:


define("ActivityPageV2", [], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Activity",
        messages: {
        methods: {
            save: function() {
                var IsToDoCategory = this.get("ActivityCategory") && 
                    this.get("ActivityCategory").value === "f51c4643-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
                var IsCompletedStatus = this.get("Status") && 
                    this.get("Status").value === "4bdbb88f-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
                if (IsCompletedStatus && IsToDoCategory) {
                    this.showConfirmationDialog("Please, set proper category!");
                } else {
        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

Kind regards,


Hello Mark, 

Please refer to the following code in order to add the functionality requested:


define("ActivityPageV2", [], function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Activity",
        messages: {
        methods: {
            save: function() {
                var IsToDoCategory = this.get("ActivityCategory") && 
                    this.get("ActivityCategory").value === "f51c4643-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
                var IsCompletedStatus = this.get("Status") && 
                    this.get("Status").value === "4bdbb88f-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6";
                if (IsCompletedStatus && IsToDoCategory) {
                    this.showConfirmationDialog("Please, set proper category!");
                } else {
        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/

Kind regards,


Thanks for your reply Roman, this worked beautifully.


I am interested in the GUID values you have in the code, is there any meaning to these values?


Note for others, the code above needs the && replaced with &&

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Hi All,

For an on going project, in the contact centre, when a customer calls and asks for certain specific service requests, few (3 to 5) security questions need to be asked (based on the category and service selected for the case) to validate that the customer himself is calling.

For this, we are having a lookup to keep the pool of questions. Can we have the answers (object and it's columns where the answers are populated) also captured in this lookup? 

For e.g. for question "What is the birth date?", can we record the answer to be checked against Contact (object) > birth date (column) ? 

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Dear Krishna, 

It would be much more convenient to create a separate detail which would contain all questions along with an answers and all needed information. 

By the way, can you please specify for which section you would like to add the described functionality? Cases or any other? 

Kind regards,



Roman Brown,

Thanks Roman for the inputs.

Yes I would like to add the questions connected with cases section.


I had created a detail for the same in cases (given below).

Also creating activity connected to cases to prompt agent to ask questions and capture the responses for these questions.


Is there anyway these questions can be asked one by one in a UI ?


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If we change the status of an activity to closed, it still shows up in the related account as not completed (in the DCM part). How do we make the system see these activities as closed? 


Right now they only dissapear when they go to the account and click complete.


I tried looking at the complete request in the network console, but all I see is that it sets the activity status to the same status it had before: https://prnt.sc/rj40so 

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Hi Jonas!


How are your completing activities? Can you record a video of this behaviour? 

Angela Reyes,

Not really. We have created a second lookup that is more granular and maps to the Activity.Status in client code. When they select a value from this lookup, we set Activity.Status behind the scenes. However, when I check the database after these operations, Activity.Status is set to Closed.


This is the same status that I can see being used by the Dcm module. We want to have the same behaviour as when you would click the complete button in this screen: https://prnt.sc/rj5a24 and then click save.

Jonas Van der Aa,

and how is the status changed to Closed then? 

Angela Reyes,

This code in ActivityPageV2


syncActivityAndVisitStatus: function() {
				if (this.isVisit() === false) {
				var visitStatus = this.get("UsrVisitStatus").value;
				this.console.trace("Visit status = " + this.get("UsrVisitStatus").displayValue);
				const tracePrefix = "Set activity status to ";
				switch (visitStatus) {
					case "33e7d31f-9e8b-4e36-b716-8b49370a6b1e": //Visit Scheduled
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("Not started", "384d4b84-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "Not Started");
					case "3e023a20-474d-426d-9a3e-73e25db47ea3": //Close & Notify
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("Completed","4bdbb88f-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "Completed");
					default: // everything else
						this.set("ActivityStatus", this._createLookup("In Progress", "394d4b84-58e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"));
						this.console.trace(tracePrefix + "In Progress");

This method is triggered by the following attribute:

			"ActivityStatus": {
				dependencies: [{
					columns: ["UsrVisitStatus"],
					methodName: "syncActivityAndVisitStatus"


Dear Jonas,


In order to provide you with a proper solution, please tell us how the “_createLookup” function works. I could not find the source code of the function, so it should be your custom function. Looking forward to your reply.


Best regards,


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There is a difference between incoming and outgoing emails in the Communication Panel

But my question is if there is a parameter which separates these E-mails on the Activity object?

I can't seem to find a parameter for this.

Calls has the Direction parameter.

Activities lack this parameter

Should there be one?



Dear Julius,

This option is available. If you are talking about business process, you should use Message type lookup to select the required parameter http://prntscr.com/pbnhhm This column can also be found in the activity object http://prntscr.com/pbni9r 

Note, if you try to build the filter in the section based on this column - you will not see any activities with the Email type due to the application logic. http://prntscr.com/pbnio9

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

There it is! Thank you so much!

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Hi Community,

I have completed tasks on Activity object, I want to know the completion date, what column in activity table the completion date is?


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Dear Fulgen, 

Unfortunately, there is no such column, however you can add this column in the section wizard or configuration and use business process to populate it. This process would trigger on status changed to Completed and populate this column's value to the current date. 

Best regards,


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I am trying to set-up the activity tasks and the owner of that activity, as in the users who get notified of that activity, should be the users who belong to one of the functional roles in the organisation.

Question 1: Is it possible to do that?

Question 2: How to do that?

P.S. I did try inputting one functional role from the lookup Roles(view) but then the process goes into the ERROR stage when it reaches that task.

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Could you please specify, how do you want to notify about the task? Did we clearly understand - you want to notify both owner and other users, which belongs to one of the functional roles? Maybe you can attach a screenshot of your business process?

Best regards,


Anastasia Polo,

In the process below, I want to all of the users of a functional role to get notified of the task and then anyone can go in the record and perform the task.

Can that be done?




It is possible to set up a described process. Firstly, use please "Add data" element instead of "Perform task" element http://prntscr.com/nx4e36, after that use another "Add data" element with such settings http://prntscr.com/nx4gcc, http://prntscr.com/nx4glm. This part of the business process will create an activity and send a notification for users of the chosen functional role (System administrators in the example). If you want to continue the business process running after completing an activity, use the "Wait for signal" element http://prntscr.com/nx4jqd.

Best regards,



Thanks for your response.

I didn't try it yet but looks like it should work.

Thanks again. :)



I am trying this now for one of our clients but it's not giving any notification for the selected roles.

Attaching the screenshots of the Process and the Process log. You'll see that the process did run but it did not give the notification to the users in the roles selected.

Process: https://prntscr.com/ogm9iq https://prntscr.com/ogm9g4 https://prntscr.com/ogm9dj https://prntscr.com/ogm9a1 https://prntscr.com/ogm94q https://prntscr.com/ogm8zn

Process Log: https://prntscr.com/ogm9ok





To resolve this issue we need access to this process. Please submit a case to the support team (support@bpmonline.com) and we will investigate the issue.

Best regards,


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When I am in my section with process, in this case Lead, and attempt to schedule a Task with the schedule task -button.


The Start-time I choose is one week from now. However the reminder-time is initially set to the current date and time. 2019-04-05 09:28. (The reminder time is set to one week ahead of the start time, which seems strange).

Another strange thing that happens is that when i uncheck and re-check the Reminders > Responsible check-box. The Reminder date and time changes to the vales of the Activitys Start time, date and time.

Update : The issue described above only exists when I have the add-in Task Control for bpm’online (https://marketplace.bpmonline.com/app/task-control-bpmonline) installed.

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Dear Julius,

Please send an email to support@bpmonline.com. We will be glad to help!

Best regards,


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Hello, I create a new Activity Type and Activity Category called a "QA Activity". I designed a page specifically for the new QA Activity. However, I would like to be able to create a new Activity record of this type directly from a case.

For example, I want to be able to click this task icon in a case and have a QA Activity to open up. Is this possible using standard functionality? What extra configuration is needed? 

The issue right now is when I open a task in a case, it will only open a to-do type activity. 


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The root issue is that the flag button you highlighted creates an activity of type 'Task'. The 'To do' is the Activity's category and has no bearing on your issue.

What you want is the activity to be created with your new type, 'QA Activity', rather than type 'Task'.

The 'Activity' entity schema automatically assigns the type of all Activities to be 'Task'. You can try editing the mini-page schema of the activity to have it set to your new type 'QA Activity'.

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Hi everyone. I'm starting with bpm'online and I have a question related to reminders. I know that in an activity we can send reminders to author and to the owner, but here where I work arise the need of remind everybody in the same department of the owner, I mean, imagine the owner is someone that works in commercial department, so everybody in commercial department should be notified. Do you guys know how can I do it?

Thanks a lot.

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Dear Paulo,

In the current version of the application there is no option to send the reminders to a separate department, however, you can add the members of the department separately on the participant tab of the activity page. Here is the example - http://prntscr.com/n0jlym  Thus, all the participants will get the notifications. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks for reply. That's exactly what I thought. Do you know whether can I import a list of participant on the same excel I'm importing the activity? I need to import a list with about 120 activities and add at least 3 or 4 participant per activity. It is not easy to set one by one.

Dear Paulo,

It is not possible to import the activity with all participants, however, you can create a separate excel file and import the participants into already imported activity. For instance, I have the activity where I want to add one more contact http://prntscr.com/n0z3gc . I need to prepare the excel file with the contact and add the column with the activity title - http://prntscr.com/n0z498 

After that, I just need to go to the data import section, choose 'activity participant' object http://prntscr.com/n0z55p , map the columns and start the process. As the result, I have the required contact in the list of the participants. http://prntscr.com/n0z671

Once more solution, is to import the list of participants directly on the detail of the activity, however it is convenient to use it if you have a lot of participants http://prntscr.com/n0z9hz

Best regards,



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