
I have a problem with the new open Activity in an already created Lead.

I create a new lead, I add an activity on that lead and after that, I change the owner of the Lead. Unfortunately the activity owner changes too.

I want to know if it's a core functionality that changes the owner of the activity after I change the owner of it's Lead and if so, how can I deactivate it?

Thank you,



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Hi Ivan,


I think, this can be switched off with feature "ChangeEntityActivitiesAndProcessOwner"

Kind regards,


Vladimir Sokolov,


Thank you Vladimir for your response. 

I changed the state into 0 and nothing happens. I changed the code in "ActivityPageV2" and the I have the same result as before. 

Should I make other changes? 


Thank you, 


Could you please check if feature is switched off for every role and cache is cleared?

There is nothing to change in the Page, this functinality is implemented in the EventListener

And it would be nice if Creatio describes all implemented feature in the field 'Description'...

Kind regards,



I have an older version of Creatio ( and the Feature Toggle doesn't  exists. Is there any possibility to change that from somewhere else?


Best regards, 


Vladimir Sokolov,

Ivan Rares Marian,

You can find them in database and update:

Select * from "AdminUnitFeatureState" Where "FeatureId" = (Select "Id" from "Feature"

Where "Name" = 'ChangeEntityActivitiesAndProcessOwner')


Vladimir Sokolov,



I checked and in the database the FeatureState is 1 for both of them.

What should I try now?

Best regards, 


Update it with 0

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I would like to display on the Activity page detail, the modification history tab.


When i go into the section assistant, i can see an unregistered Detail.



Logging is enabled in the system settings change log .


But the history tab is not displayed in the activity detail page.


Does anybody have an idea to solve this issue please ?

Thank you,


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There is no such OOB functionality.

You can track changes directly in the Change log section or check additional add-ons, for example:



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The default behaviour in Creatio cases is that any outstanding activities on a case are removed if the contact emails in and the case goes to re-opened. One of the consequencies of this, is that some of our support reps, have Outlook sync enabled and as that does not delete activities, only creates them from Creatio to Outlook, they end up with lots of orphaned activities in Outlook.

As a quick and simple fix, is it possible for individual users to have the default behaviour of the 'Show in Calendar' to be unchecked?




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Good afternoon, 


Starting from version 8.0.0 this function works correctly, unfortunately our team observed problems with versions before 8.0. 

Best regards,



Hi Orkhan


Thank you for your reply. Are you saying that from v8 the full sync function with Outlook should work? We have been running v8 for a while now and have not seen any difference in the behaviour, where deletions on one side are made automatically in the other.


Is there a setting, we can disable on a per user basis?


I tried to configure Business Rules in the Activity section, and am able to create a rule to do the match, but cannot get the value to change to 'deselected' as an action.





Mark Roberts,

Good day,

Unfortunately, there is no built-in method to disable the default display in the calendar for individual users. Additionally, we do not recommend toggling this checkbox after the activity has been created, as it may create duplicate records.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that according to the default logic, when a case is closed, activities are not deleted but rather canceled. They still remain in the system and calendar.

However, as a workaround, you can add a "Show in calendar" checkbox to the mini card, allowing users to indicate the need for this option when creating activities themselves.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know. I'm here to help.





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I'm looking for some guidance on setting up a process.


I want the process to run once per week, reading all Activities where the start date is <= Yesterday and the field (Result) is not filled in. 

Then I want the process to send 1 E-mail to the organiser listing the records that need the results field completing. 


I'm  relatively new to processes and sub processes so any guidance would be really appreciated.


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Hello Tom,


You can design your business process to run once a week with a help of "[Start timer] event" element, more detailed information is available on our Academy:



Best regards,


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We would like to add the City of an Account in the Visit Scheduler container. How can that be achieved ?

Thank you


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Hello team,

Any update on this ?

Sasori Oshigaki,


This title is composed in the schema ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel and its method getScheduleItemTitle and if you want to change the title, you need to modify this method. Keep in mind that you cannot simply override schema ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel, you need to write a new nodule with a code similar to ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel with the exception of the needed method and connect your new schema to the base schemas similar to an old ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel

Hi Creatio,

I have managed to retreive the City Valye.

My last hurdle is how to set the retrieved city string value to a global attribute inside the ESQ, because as you know ESQ is aysnc.


This is the Global attribute:

attributes: {
		"CityNameEsq": {
		dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
		type: this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN

This is the method:

getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			var title = this.get("Title");
			var account = this.get("Account");
			var accountGuid = this.get("Account").value;
				var recordId = this.get("Account").value;
					var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
						rootSchemaName: "Account"
					esq.addColumn("City.Name", "CityName");
					esq.getEntity(recordId, function(result) {
						if (!result.success) {
							// For example, error processing/logging.
							this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
						this.set("CityNameEsq", result.entity.get("CityName"));

Sasori Oshigaki,

Here is a sample to get the result of an asynchronous function using Terrasoft.chain

getMyEntity: function(callback) {
    var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
        rootSchemaName: schemaName
    esq.getEntity(recordId, function(response) {
        if (callback) {
    }, this)
globalMethod: function() {
        function(next) {
            this.getMyEntity(function() {
        function() {

Also, please check this article's getentity method to synchronous!




Bhoobalan Palanivelu.

Bhoobalan Palanivelu,

Thank you very much Bhoobalan. As always you help is much appreciated.

I am still not getting the wanted result.

Here is the entire module code

define("SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel", ["ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel","ActivitySectionGridRowViewModelResources"
		function() {
	 * @class Terrasoft.configuration.ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel
	Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel", {
		alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel",
        override: "Terrasoft.ActivitySectionGridRowViewModel",
	    attributes: {
					"CityNameEsq": {
						dataValueType: this.Terrasoft.DataValueType.TEXT,
						type: this.Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN
		 * ########## ######## ######### ######## # ##########.
		 * @return {String} ######## ######### ######## # ##########.
		getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			function(next) {
				this.GetCityName(function() {
				function() {
		GetCityName: function(callback)
			var recordId = this.get("Account").value;
			var esq = Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
				rootSchemaName: "Account"
			esq.addColumn("City.Name", "CityName");
			esq.getEntity(recordId, function(response) {
				if (!result.success) {
					this.showInformationDialog("Data query error");
				this.set("CityNameEsq", result.entity.get("CityName"));
			}, this);
		getTitleInfo: function()
			var title = this.get("Title");
			var account = this.get("Account");
			var accountDisplayValue = (account) ? account.displayValue + ": " : "";
			return Ext.String.format("{0}{1}", accountDisplayValue, title,this.get("CityNameEsq"));
	return Terrasoft.SasActivitySectionGridRowViewModel;

What am in doing wrong here. Because i get

Sasori Oshigaki,

Can you please try to add in this method  getScheduleItemTitle: function()



Hi Bhoobalan,

Still getting the same result

after applying 

	getScheduleItemTitle: function() {
			function(next) {
				this.GetCityName(function() {
				function() {


The esq async logic may be pretty complicated. if you have a debug mode enabled, please turn it off, this may fix the issue. If it, not the case, try to change the title in the method getScheduleItemTitle without using ESQ by setting some test value, maybe the problem isn't in the async logic but in the method itself.

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Hello Creatio team,

I try to create a Visit Activity, and i set the start time and due time

When i click Save, and reopen the record the due time is not 20:00 ( as i specified) but 18:00 (1 hr later from start time).

This happens only for activites of category visit

Any idea how to solve this ?

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do you have your Time Zone Set for your Profile?

Hello Keith.

I dont believe this is a Time-Zone problem.

For the same user, if I choose Activity of category Task, everytih works as it should be. 


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Hello Creatio team,

How can i activate the Section Wizard option for the followin detail:

This feature is deactivated in the PlanningAccountDetailV2 schema part of Field package

I need to activate the wizard for this task:

Deactivate the filter that filters the accounts based on the selected employee.

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Best reply

Hello Sasori,


In order to deactive the filter based on employee it is just needed to click on the cross sign, and you will see all the accounts.


Alternatively you can create a replacing view model for the schema PlanningAccountDetailV2 and modify the method getFilters according to your needs.

 define("PlanningAccountDetailV2", [],

    function() {

        return {

            entitySchemaName: "Account",

            attributes: {},

            methods: {

                getFilters: function() {


                    var filters = this.sandbox.publish("GetSectionFilters");

                    if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(filters.filtersValue)) {

                        this.setFilter(filters.key, filters.filtersValue);



            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/





As for the section wizard, this whole detail was created with code, so it would be not possible to enable it. But the first option by clicking the cross sign would be the more simple one.


Best regards,



Hello Sasori,


In order to deactive the filter based on employee it is just needed to click on the cross sign, and you will see all the accounts.


Alternatively you can create a replacing view model for the schema PlanningAccountDetailV2 and modify the method getFilters according to your needs.

 define("PlanningAccountDetailV2", [],

    function() {

        return {

            entitySchemaName: "Account",

            attributes: {},

            methods: {

                getFilters: function() {


                    var filters = this.sandbox.publish("GetSectionFilters");

                    if (!this.Ext.isEmpty(filters.filtersValue)) {

                        this.setFilter(filters.key, filters.filtersValue);



            diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/





As for the section wizard, this whole detail was created with code, so it would be not possible to enable it. But the first option by clicking the cross sign would be the more simple one.


Best regards,



Thank you very much Dariy.

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Hello Creatio Community,

I have made the Activity participant detail (Activites section) as an editable list.

When I add a new record and click on the added row ( the active row doesnt behave normally) as editable lists in other sections. I think is probably sort of bug of the system, because i have tried in fresh installations and the same thing happens.


I overcome this by refreshing the page so that the added row behaves normaly.

I manage to refresh the page by sending a message from a business process to the Front-End and subscribe to the message. But i refresh the whole Activity (entity), i want to refresh only the Participant detail.

This snippet is implemented in ActivityPageV2

			init: function() {
				// register our onProcessMessageReceived function to get messages from the server
				Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, this.onProcessMessageReceived, this);
			onProcessMessageReceived: function(scope, message) {
				var sender = message && message.Header.Sender;
					if (sender === "RefreshDetailActivityParticipantFromBP") { //"SMRefreshPaged"

How can i manage to refresh only the Participant detail list?

I have tried also this.reloadGridData() and this.updateDetail({reloadAll: true}); without success.

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this.reloadGridData()  is not defined in the ActivityPageV2. (console)

I think that the proper solution involves using the this.reloadGridData()  method ? Should i just add the :

mixins: {
			GridUtilities: "Terrasoft.GridUtilities"

in the ActivityPageV2 ?

Any updates on this Creatio team ?

Sasori Oshigaki,

this.updateDetail({ detail: "NameOfDetail" });

You can find the "NameOfDetail" value to use by looking at the details section of the page code for your detail (it's not the name of the detail schema, but the name or Id it gave it when it added it to the page). The reloadGridData function only works from within the detail schema code itself. 


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As a user I want the orders module to be displayed in Activity Stream

because it will allow you to inform other users of the system about the new order. Is it possible?

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Dear Arkadiusz,


Thanks for your question.


Could you please specify your final business task?


Thanks in advance. 


Best regards,




the point is that other users of the system have information about the new order. Something like a notification in the channel bar on the right site of the screen

Dear Arkadiusz,


Thanks for the clarification!


For such business task, we can offer to use the addon Multichannel notifications for Creatio:




Please let us know if additional questions arise, we will gladly assist you!


Best regards,


Is it free app?

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Once the activity is created by DCM, I want to show only the activity which is assigned to the current user. Any lead woul help.




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You can create a business process that grants read permission to an activity only to its owner.


More about the business process element "Change access rights":


Cherednichenko Nikita,


I have already tried this approach. Although it works perfectly fine for Activity section, but under DCM it still shows the Activity which I want to show or hide conditionally.




Sourav Kumar Samal,


If you remove read permissions for other users, then only the responsible user will be able to see this record.

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