
I am trying to add the a currency lookup column to the country object, as it will be very helpful a specific use case we have to be able to know which countries use which currency. I have already created a new package with a replacing object to add the column, but now whenever I try to impor...MoreLess

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It turns out the problem was that I did not publish the new object before compilation. After publishing and compiling once more the lookup works...MoreLess

It turns out the problem was that I did not publish the new object before compilation. After publishing and compiling once more the lookup works...MoreLess

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Problem Description
I'm trying to integrate an external .NET library (Npgsql) into my custom Creatio package to connect with a PostgreSQL database. However, I'm encountering version compatibility issues with System.Runtime.

 Current Setup
- Package Name: UsrWebServiceLog
- Target Library: Npgsql

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Kyrylo Atamanenko,

According to your suggestion, it might function if I use an older version of the Npgsql driver.

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Hi community,

I’m working on a custom web service in Creatio that connects to an external PostgreSQL database deployed on Neon. My goal is to query data from this external database, acting like a custom ORM. However, I’m running into an issue with using the Npgsql package inside Creatio’s source code...MoreLess

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Please revert all the changes and perform the setup in the following manner:

  1. 1) Deploy another website that will be used as a mediator...MoreLess
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Hello Creatio Community,

I am working on a project where I need to either replace or override an existing Creatio web service with a custom implementation. Specifically, I want to extend or modify the functionality of a base Creatio web service (e.g., CallServiceSchemaService) to fit my business requirements...MoreLess

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We would recommend not to redo the standard web service page, but to set up a custom service.

Here are the options for configuring the...MoreLess


We would recommend not to redo the standard web service page, but to set up a custom service.

Here are the options for configuring the...MoreLess

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I am trying to open a page for an object that I have created in a business process, but the page isn't showing up in the dropdown menu for the "Open edit page" process element.

The closest I have come to a solution is on this post from 2020, where someone said that in order for it to show up you need...MoreLess

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Can you please provide screenshots of the configured business process?

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I have encountered such problems, maybe someone knows how to solve them?

There is a configured queue and a process that processes a queue item.

The first problem is that when opening the Cases_FromPage page the Case state is not loaded into the progress bar

The second problem I encountered...MoreLess

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Please contact our support team directly at support@creatio.com and make sure to describe each problem in a separate request so we could...MoreLess

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In the classic UI, there is an element that allows you to send emails, chat, etc. that is towards the top of the page by default and looks like the following screenshot:

next steps communication pannel

How can I get the same functionality in Freedom UI? I am specifically asking because I am trying to use the Twilio SMS Connector...MoreLess

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There are no plans to add channels in the near future, but it may be available as a Marketplace add-on in the future.

We have registered...MoreLess


There are no plans to add channels in the near future, but it may be available as a Marketplace add-on in the future.

We have registered...MoreLess

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I have a record that I'm trying to delete, but just as the title says, the system is telling me that I do not have the rights to any CRUD operations despite me being the system user and making sure that I have full operation permissions on the object.

The specific object in question is the AppValidation...MoreLess

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Having verified all information, we inform you that in order to work with the Validation object, you must need the finserv lending...MoreLess

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In the default Addresses expanded list, there is a column called "Full address" which combines all of the different parts of the contact address object into one, and cannot be edited directly, such as in the following screenshot.

I'm having trouble figuring out how this is implemented, as I would like...MoreLess

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That is implemented in BaseAddressEventListener. It’s basically an entity event listener class. See more about those here: https://customerfx...MoreLess

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As the title says, we sometimes need to disable buttons while still showing them - something which was easy to do in Classic UI. Is there any way of doing so in Freedom UI? I can't see any examples in OOTB Freedom UI areas, anywhere that does have disabled buttons OOTB are in Classic UI sections (e.g. the "Finish session" button on the System User page on the Access Rules tab when no record is selected).

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Classic UI buttons have a property 'enabled'
Freedom UI buttons have a property 'disabled'

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