Hi community, 

does anyone successfully upgraded a creatio instance hosted on docker container ? 

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At the moment, there is no official procedure for updating the application to the docker. You can find the relevant communication in this article on Creatio Academy.

We recommend deploying to the docker only for test environments.


Thank you.

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Hi Community,


We couldn't find more articles regarding the client side coding of freedom ui form page in documentation, mainly because it is already promoting no code platform. However, we've able to achieve so many complex client requirements before through the help of client side coding in classic ui. Could you please help us know the counterpart of the following classic ui functionality in freedom ui.


1. "dependencies" in attributes to Call custom function

2. "lookupListConfig" attributes for custom filter in lookup

3. "filterMethod" in detail for custom filter of detail

4. ESQ in client side

5. asyncValidate

6. ProcessModuleUtilities to call business process from client side

7. ServiceHelper to call source code schema function


Thank you so much.


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As for 1-3 - there are no particular examples of implementing the same in Freedom UI unfortunately.


4. ESQ in Freedom UI is "replaced" with the sdk.Model class (see examples here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…)


5. validator example in Freedom UI can be found here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…


6. An example of calling the business process from the client-side can be retrieved manually: you can add a button clicking which will trigger a business process (setup is performed in the designer). The autogenerated code of the click handler for a button can be then reviewed and the same functionality implemented.


7. As for calling ServiceHelper - you can add a separate module as a dependency to your list or form page (like


define("Accounts_FormPage", /**SCHEMA_DEPS*/["UsrSomeCustomModule"]/**SCHEMA_DEPS*/, function/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/()/**SCHEMA_ARGS*/ {




and in that UsrSomeCustomModule implements service calling like in the classic UI and calls the method that calls the service as: UsrSomeCustomModule.MethodFromTheCustomModule.

Thank you Oleg,


Is there any other work around for 1,2 and 3?


Regarding number 6, we need to call the business process from client code as there are few extra processes to prepare the parameter that needs to be passed on business process. 

Fulgen Ninofranco,



As for 1-3 the only workaround is using business rules for filtration, this is the only workaround for the moment.


As for the 6th - you can also setup the process to be triggered with passing some parameters, so it will give an example of such a code.

Hi Oleg, 

In case we need to filter a lookup inside an editable grid, is that possible with Business Rules too? 

We used to do this with Business Rules in the detail.

#1 For change events on the page the equivalent is just handing the change request and checking if the change is for the column you're handling it for. See https://customerfx.com/article/responding-to-an-event-when-a-field-is-c…


#2 For filtering lookups there are filtering business rules available, however, if you need to filter a lookup in code, see https://customerfx.com/article/dynamically-filtering-a-lookup-on-a-crea…


#3 For filtering lists (equivalent to details), the article I listed for #2 works for filtering a list as well. All things like lists and lookups request a datasource to retrieve it's data, so you can handle that request and apply filters to it as needed. Also, you can add filters to lists easily in the designer as well with no code. I've not tried the approach with filtering a lookup in an editable list. There are a few things in editable lists that aren't yet possible as far as I know (such as validation, applying rules etc)


#4 Using the model class is the ESQ equivalent. See





#5 Validators are the equivalent. They can async or synchronous. See https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…


#6 You can start processes easily with no code. However, if you need to start them via code, see https://customerfx.com/article/starting-a-process-from-client-side-code…


#7 For Freedom UI equivalent of calling a configuration web service, see https://customerfx.com/article/calling-configuration-web-services-from-…



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I changed the SQL Server Authentication settings to Windows Authentication Mode. But when I login to Creatio I get a Login Failed error.

What do I need to set in the Connection String?


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Hello all,


Is there a way to add an Iframe to a Freedom UI page? I found the documentation here that details how to add one but it only seems to describe how to add to a Classic UI page.

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Hi colleagues,


Is there any way to stop the process when processing multiple records, in this case the service returns more than 16000 elements/records and I want just process the first 20 or 30, I tried to use all of this process properties to stop it, without results:

  • Number of completed instances
  • Number of terminated instances
  • Total number of instances

Any Idea, in the image goes to 95 completed, I want to stop at 20, but no idea how to do...



Thanks in advance, 

Julio Falcón

Like 1



Hello, some ideas, please?


When using a multi-instance subprocess, the number of process executions is regulated only by the size of the collection you pass to it.

If you use the "Read data" element, you can adjust the size of the collection through the "Read first XX records" property.

If you receive a collection from a web service, you should use such parameters in the request that will allow you to receive the required number of records. You can check the web service documentation or modify the backend if it is your own web service or you have a contact with the developer.

Another option would be to resort to development and write a script task that will process the collection from the web service and trim the resulting collection/response.


Thank you.

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Hello, I am trying to make the Email field in the account section synchronize in real-time with the main email field in the communication options. Could you help me with that? I have tried using the functionality with the SyncEntityWithCommunicationDatil method, but I haven't been able to achieve it.

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Actually, synchronization for some fields is already implemented in the Account section, such as Fax, Phone, etc.

To set up similar synchronization for the email column, you need to do the following:

  1. Create a column named UsrEmail if it doesn't exist already, and select "Email address" as its type.

  2. Go to the Source Code page, and in the "attributes" block, add the following code:



attributes: {

            "UsrEmail": {

                "dependencies": [


                        "columns": ["Email"],

                        "methodName": "syncEntityWithCommunicationDetail"







Replace "UsrEmail" with the code of your column that needs to be synchronized with the detail.


  1. Create an override for the AccountCommunicationDetail module with the following code:
define("AccountCommunicationDetail", ["AccountCommunicationDetailResources", "terrasoft", "Contact",
        "ConfigurationEnums", "ConfigurationConstants"], function(resources, Terrasoft, Contact, ConfigurationEnums,
        ConfigurationConstants) {
        return {
            methods: {
                initMasterDetailColumnMapping: function() {
                            "CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.Email,
                            "MasterEntityColumn": "UsrEmail"
                        "CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.MainPhone,
                        "MasterEntityColumn": "Phone"
                        "CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.AdditionalPhone,
                        "MasterEntityColumn": "AdditionalPhone"
                        "CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.Fax,
                        "MasterEntityColumn": "Fax"
                        "CommunicationType": ConfigurationConstants.CommunicationTypes.Web,
                        "MasterEntityColumn": "Web"



Again, replace "UsrEmail" with the code of your column that needs to be synchronized with the detail.


After these changes, when adding a communication means of type Email to the detail, the column "UsrEmail" will be populated with the same value.


4. For the logic of reverse synchronization, which would create a record in ContactCommunication, event logic is responsible. The process upon saving the contact is implemented in the CrtBase package, the Contact object, and the method "SynchronizeCommunication()" is called upon saving the record.


You can use these methods and create an analog for the Account object


I hope this helps you solve your task. Thank you for reaching out!

Thank you, was very useful

Pavlo Sokil,

Hello Pavlo,


how do we need to do this with Freedom UI?




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Dear colleagues,


How can AVOID this? The link to an object in dev is "https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com/Navigation/Navigation.aspx?schemaName=Ndo…]" and in TESTING or production, when deploy packages remains https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com, when it must be https://pre-XXXXX.creatio.com or https://XXXXX.creatio.com


Some idea, how to solve this?

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Please create a separate case for Support Team support@creatio.com  and we will analyze it deeply. 

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Hi everyone, 


is it possible to upload and show different ratio for the Account logo, not only 1:1? 


Thanks, Timea

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You can upload photos of various formats, however, currently they are displayed only in a 1:1 aspect ratio.


We've added it to our R&D team's backlog for reviewing the logic in future application releases.



Please note that the request can also be fulfilled using the ImageInput component.

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Hi everyone,


in the 7... versions business rules managed the filtering for the lookups, but in the 8.1 version I couldn't find it there. This is the previous article: Filter values in a lookup field | Creatio Academy


I would like to select only Managers from the contacts when I connect the Opportunity to the contact.


Thanks, Timea

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I think is still in Business Rules. If its a lookup associated to the main entity you should be able to do it there. Check in the sidebar that you can add BRs for the page and for the entity. The filtering of the lookup should be in the second one.

If its a lookup inside an editable list then I'm not sure how to do this. Before that was done in the detail BRs but here I'm not seeing how.


Unfortunately, there is no option to filter lookup fields in the same way as in the Classic UI.


We've added it to our R&D team's backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.

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I use a Creatio Instance at version 8.1.0, running at .NET Core. When I tried to Compile All, I got such error:

Do you know what could cause problem?

Version (.NET 6.0.24)

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Best reply

Eryk Andrzejewski,

Hello, i found how to fix it
1. Go to directory 
2. Backup CrtDigitalAdsApp.csproj
3. In CrtDigitalAdsApp.csproj find the ItemGroup with <EmbeddedResource Update="Properties\Resources.resx"> and  comment the line  <<CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>

4. Go to 
creatio_dir/Terrasoft.Configuration/Pkg/CrtDigitalAdsApp/Files/Bin/netstandard/Properties and remove Resources.resx
Now i have no warnings and errors when compile all



Most likely, during the first launch of the application, one of the folders required for the application was not generated correctly.

We recommend checking that all paths are generated correctly.

You mention that you are running the application on .NET 6 using .NET Core. We ask you to make sure that you deployed the environment according to the official instructions and that all the necessary components are present on the server.

If you still can't resolve this compilation error, please create a separate request to the Creatio support team.


Thank you.

Hello, thank you for your reply :)

I suppose it may not be a problem of first launch. I get that problem regularly when I try to Compile All. But when I perform this action two times in a row, the problem disappears :) But I see such warning:



Unfortunately, the problem with Resources.resx repeat again during the next compilation :(

Eryk Andrzejewski,

I have the same error and the same system behavior.
Version (.NET 6.0.31)
Did you find any solution?

Oleksandr Kadkin,

Hi, since I started using Compile instead of Compile All, I no longer encounter this problem :)

Eryk Andrzejewski,

Hello, i found how to fix it
1. Go to directory 
2. Backup CrtDigitalAdsApp.csproj
3. In CrtDigitalAdsApp.csproj find the ItemGroup with <EmbeddedResource Update="Properties\Resources.resx"> and  comment the line  <<CopyToOutputDirectory>Always</CopyToOutputDirectory>

4. Go to 
creatio_dir/Terrasoft.Configuration/Pkg/CrtDigitalAdsApp/Files/Bin/netstandard/Properties and remove Resources.resx
Now i have no warnings and errors when compile all

Thank you :)

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