Dear Community,

There are some system settings, email templates which we would like to change according the environment in which the package is deployed. For example, we want to change the URL in email templates to that of BUAT/Production URL. Is there a way to automate this process? Is it possible to run a Business Process/ Stored Procedure exactly once, as soon as package is installed successfully?



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Dear Shivani,

When you add a web link or object link to your template, they are saved in Html code of an indicated template in <a href="">name</a> tag. The link in a tag is static and within template transfer, it will not be changed. 

This functionality did not include the logic of creating all-purpose links, which would work when migrating templates to another environment.

This has been already reported to our R&D team so they can work on implementing the needed logic upon future releases.

Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura

Ivanna Yatsura,

Hi Ivanna. Follow up question reg Package installations and entity events -…

Request your inputs. 

M Shrikanth,


You will be updated on the corresponding post shortly.

Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura

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Hi All,

We are facing an issue, flooded with WebSocket connection errors in console,

When we tried to ping the Server Channel it returns with an error,

Due to this, all our "Terrasoft.ServerChannel" items are not working.

How to resolve this issue? Any idea on this will be really helpful.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Best reply



The error indicates that the WebSockets are not properly set up in your local environment. 


Please take a closer look at the Setup WebSockets Academy article that describes the process of setting up Creatio configuration files for the correct operation of websockets.


Please let us know in case any additional information is required. 


Best regards, 




The error indicates that the WebSockets are not properly set up in your local environment. 


Please take a closer look at the Setup WebSockets Academy article that describes the process of setting up Creatio configuration files for the correct operation of websockets.


Please let us know in case any additional information is required. 


Best regards, 


Olga Avis,

Thanks, the issue is fixed.


Adharsh S

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My team and I are using the agile method of development so every couple of weeks we change, drop, hide, move, adjust, or add something to Creatio. I will reach out to the users with a mass email with screenshots and enrichment documents but the communications seem to add to the clutter. Is there anything available like Chameleon or another user onboarding communication tool that we can explore? Instead of moving forward with programs outside of Creatio I wanted to see what, if anything was in-house. 

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You can paste images in the feed. To do this you need to add this image to some section "Attachments and notes" detail and then drag it to the feed editor in the CTI-panel:

Or you can also copy links to download images in the feed message:

This is one of the ways to share images in the system. Also you can use standard feed and add a note that images can be found in the "Attachments and notes" detail of the related record (and share the link to this record).


And also there is a free marketplace app via this link and you can also check if it fits your needs.


Best regards,


I was looking more towards a tool that would help build training for clickable options or videos, the type that Chameleon makes. Is there anything like that in the Creatio Marketplace?

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Hi Community,


For one of the system user, we have one custom action which is visible and editable only when certain conditions meet.



When everything is working user can see the highlighted action and fields on which the condition is applied  : 


Issue : When we remove any one of the field let's say OrderType(lookup) from Section List view Action is not visible even when the conditions meet.


Please see the below image when Order Type is removed from section list view.


Error : 

In statusordertype = selectOrder.get("UsrOrderType"); It is taking statusordertype as undefined.

But UsrOrderType is filled.


So Complete scenario is this that when the field on which the condition are applied are visible on the section List view Custom Action is Visible but the moment we removed the field from section list view It is throwing error even when the field is filled in.


This is not the case with Admin.


Please help me to understand the root cause of this issue ?

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Best reply


Your issue is likely this line: 

if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField1", "UsrField2", "UsrField3", "etc") 

The contains function on esq.columns accepts only a single field name to check for (so it is only checking for the first one, all the other parameters are ignored). See implementation here.

Change your code so you are doing it like this: 

if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField1") {
if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField2") {
// etc

Or something like this:

var fields = ["UsrField1", "UsrField2", "UsrField3"];
for (var i=0; i&lt;fields.length; i++) {
    if (!esq.columns.contains(fields[i]) {

Hope this helps.


Hi Akshit,


This is correct since the data is received from the grid itself (meaning only from columns in the grid), but not from the record. So in case some column is not present in the grid data from it won't be fetched by the client logic. I believe there was a community post previously with an explanation on how to overcome it, I will try to find it and share the link with you.


Best regards,


Here is the link to the related topic where Ryan shared an idea on how to add missing columns to the ESQ -….


Best regards,


Hi Oscar Dylan,


We had already added the columns in esq, According to what Ryan has said in reply.



But it's not working.


There is one more Information I would like to share once the record is  approved the user only have read permissions.


For Admin it is working even when the fields are not on the section list view.


Any Idea what could be the issue ?







Then if the columns esq working for Admin, but not for a regular user then maybe the problem is with column permissions? Also have you tried another approach with managing access rights to records via a business process (using the "Change access rights" element)?


Best regards,



Your issue is likely this line: 

if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField1", "UsrField2", "UsrField3", "etc") 

The contains function on esq.columns accepts only a single field name to check for (so it is only checking for the first one, all the other parameters are ignored). See implementation here.

Change your code so you are doing it like this: 

if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField1") {
if (!esq.columns.contains("UsrField2") {
// etc

Or something like this:

var fields = ["UsrField1", "UsrField2", "UsrField3"];
for (var i=0; i&lt;fields.length; i++) {
    if (!esq.columns.contains(fields[i]) {

Hope this helps.


Ryan Farley,


Thanks, Ryan. It works!

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Hi All,

By default in the Calendar section page, it shows only one button "Task" which maps to the edit page of Activity Type - "Task" :

I have added a new edit page of Activity type "Schedule" and overridden the Button Diff to change the caption.

As a result of this, it shows all the edit pages in the Test button DropDown as you can find in the below image. The above code returns all the editPage when count greater than 1.

How to map the "Schedule" edit page button to the Test and remove all the other buttons and the dropdown feature. Similar to how by default "Task" edit page button gets mapped to Task button.

Kindly help me how to implemet this.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Hi Adharsh, 

We  checked your problem and came up with the following solutions: 

1. You may turn off 'Values of the type Lookup' that you don't want to use in your drop-down menu. In this way you'll get just one button to choose. But please be careful because all you previous activities will be shown due to the page that is opened upon clicking on the chosen button. (In your case - Schedule).


2. The second way you can implement it using code (in case option 1 was applied all the changes from option 1 should be reverted before applying the next code): 

Bellow you may find the example: 

 define("ActivitySectionV2", [], function() {

  return {

    entitySchemaName: "Activity",

    details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,

    diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                    "operation": "merge",

                    "name": "SeparateModeAddRecordButton",

                    "parentName": "SeparateModeActionButtonsLeftContainer",

                    "propertyName": "items",

                    "values": {

                        "controlConfig": {

                            "menu": {

                                "items": {

                                    "bindTo": "EnabledEditPages",

                                    "bindConfig": {

                                        "converter": function(editPages) {

                                            if (editPages.getCount() > 1) {

        // Add some condition here

        // Add filter to display only specific pages

        var result = editPages.filter(function(page) {

            return page.get("SchemaName") === "UsrActivity1Page"; // Display only activities


        return result;

    } else {

        return null;











    methods: {}





In this case you still have a little drop down menu (with one option): UsrActivity1Page - the object page that will be displayed. In this case all your activities remain the same. 

Hopefully it will help you! 

Best Regards, 

Bogdan L

Bogdan Lesyk,

The above code is really helpful.

As you mentioned a little drop-down menu with one option is shown.

But the use case is to show only one button("NEW TASK") similar to what we have in OOTB which is mapped to the Activity Type - "TASK".

Even though we are adding a new edit page, I don't want to have a separate button for it.

I just need to show the OOTB button "NEW TASK" and ignore all others, similar to what you see in the below image.

It will be really helpful, as how to implement this.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S



Then you need to use the first option Bogdan proposed and also override the initAddRecordButtonParameters method on the ActivitySectionV2:


initAddRecordButtonParameters: function() {
				var caption = this.get("Resources.Strings.AddRecordButtonCaption");
              	this.set("AddRecordButtonCaption", caption);

And specify "New task" as a value of the "AddRecordButtonCaption" localizable string in the ActivitySectionV2.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

We are using two EditPages one is OOTB - "Activity Type - TASK" which is used to create tasks through UI. That's where we need the OOTB button with activity type as "TASK".

Apart from this, we are creating a new custom edit page for Another Activity Type. We don't need to show the button in UI.

If we follow the first option proposed by Bogdon, the business case will get failed.

I need to use both edit pages in the Activity section. But it's enough to show only the OOTB button ("NEW TASK").

Is there a way to implement this.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Hi All,


We found that sometimes the filters are not showing up on the Calendar page when we switch between the sections. We could see a blank space in the filter area and throws a few errors on the base page.

As you can see in the above image, the filters are hidden.

Error in console,

This is an intermintent issue. Repo rate - 2/5. couldn't able to find the root cause for it as it throws error in the base page.

Any thoughts on this will be a great help.

Regards and Thanks,

Adharsh S

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Hi Community,


For one of our customers their On-Site deployed production instance site stops loading the login page certainly. This issue started appearing from last week many times apparently. Before that the site was working fine.

Though when I edit the web. config file(both under root and /Terrasoft.WebApp) from 

Https->Http and then Http-> Https and it resolves the issue temporarily.


Below is the screenshot when login page stops loading.


Below is the screenshot when login page loads.


This issue is appearing quite frequently now.


Can anyone please help me to understand the root cause of this issue?


Many thanks!

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Dear Akshit,

Please, register a case for our support team to be able to investigate the issue and resolve it.

You can just simply send an email to with the description so we can help you.

Best Regards,

Ivanna Yatsura

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Dear community,


How do I add a new custom drop down button (like action button) in activity section?

The idea is to group functionalities under each button so as to have a clean UI.


Thanks in advance!

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Dear Shivani,


Thank you for your question!

You may visit these links below in order to achieve the result you are looking for:



Hope this helps!

Thank you and have a great day!




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Hi All,

By default, how to disable the hide caption boolean field in the Tile view for the display value column for the section object.

Eg : "First Name" is the displayValue for the section Object. By default the Hide Caption is enabled. How to make is disabled by default ?

Any thoughts over this, will helps us a lot?


Adharsh S

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This logic is defined in GridSettingsPage of Nui package, in 

isCaptionHidden: (primaryDisplayColumnName === args.leftExpressionColumnPath),


It is necessary to replace the schema and change this logic.






This logic is defined in GridSettingsPage of Nui package, in 

isCaptionHidden: (primaryDisplayColumnName === args.leftExpressionColumnPath),


It is necessary to replace the schema and change this logic.




dean parrett,


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Hi Team,


On production instance while opening a section I am getting this DataService error due to which section records becomes invisible and also section wizard is not opening.

According to the error msg I have checked the column "Approved Budget" lookup and it is fine.


Please help me to understand the root cause of such issue because this keep on happening very frequently.


Many Thanks!

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Hello Akshit,


Hope you're doing well.

Please, try to generate the source code and compile the system for all items.


Best regards,


Roman Rak,


Thank you for the solution,


Yes, I did the same and it works well.

But this issue keeps on appearing within an interval of 3-4 days that's why it will be helpful if you tell me the what can be the cause of such issues.


Many Thanks, Roman.

Hello Akshit,


There are can be different reasons for such behavior, like package customizations, version update errors, manipulation with connected lookups (adding then deleting), etc. Starting from the application version 7.17.0 there are added additional diagnostic log levels which can help with investigations for such type of issues.


Best regards,


Roman Rak,


Ok, Thanks


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