I'm struggling to find the best way to make Creatio Support more tech-friendly like our previous provider. 


Our Consultant has done an amazing job, but I am pretty handy and can do a lot on my own. Just looking for inspiration! 


Happy to share what we've done thus far as well! 

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Hi Team,


We were trying to generate a report based on the service section. We created an Excel report to generate the number of cases created for last year along with some other filters. However, when we try to generate the report we are getting the below error. This error pops up only for certain filters and for some filters the report seems to be working. Like if we get the report for month it works while if we try for last one year it pops with an error.

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Hi Gokul Krishan,


this error relates to configuration or data. Set up all columns from the report in the 'Cases' section, use similar section filters, and try to export data using a basic functionality 'Export to Excel'. Come back with results.

Thank you 

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Hi Team, 


Is there a way to keep a track of activities like who has deleted the order, invoices and accounts. How can we find who has deleted/edited the orders/accounts/invoices etc? Please let me know if there is any way to do it?




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Dear Gokul, 


You can enable a change log to track the modification/deletion of data. Here is an academy page on the change log: 



Dennis Hudson,

Thank you

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Hi Team, 

When I am on the product page and add folders for the filter I am getting the option to set up a filter, move, delete the folder (in filters).

Whereas when I go to the order page and select + option of the product in the order. Then once I click on saved filters (folders) the setup filter option is coming up but nothing can be actioned. 


whether this can be done only in the porduct page ? 



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Hello Gokul,

Product catalog in order page cannot be used to modify filters of the folder (but you are still able to move folder, delete, rename or copy it). As for filters - they can be only set in products section directly, but our R&D didn't have a task to implement the functionality of filter editing in product catalog so currently there is no way to activate this option.

I've left a suggestion to our R&D team to make it possible to modify filters in product catalog when adding product in order. Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Thank you 

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Hi Team, 

Is there a way to link the lookups . for instance if I select a lookup the other field should automatically show up ceratin fields. 

in cases, if I select products the related field (category) should show up the related fields of the product. is there a way to do it?





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Hi Gokul,

Hope that guiding is suite for you.

Using filtration for lookup fields

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Hi Team,

Is there a way to see who has added or modified the fields. in case if the user has added a license in order or an account. What is the way to check? which table should I search for? I can see the last created and modified options in the account table. Just wanted to understand if there is a possibility to check some more extensive information such as who has changed the order status / who has added a product. Thank you in advance.




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Dear Gokul,

You can set up the Change log for this purpose. Here is the guide how how to do it https://academy.creatio.com/documents/administration/7-15/change-log

You will be able to see who and when modified some particular fields. The only thing is that you will be able to track the changes only after the change log is set up. The changes made in the fields before the set up will not be visible. 

Best regards,


Thank you Dean :)

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Hi Team,

We were trying to filter out the account classification. However, we were not able to add the field account classification which is present in the account section to filters. is there a way to add them into the filter so that it can be searched quickly? 




Thank you in advance, Gokul


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Hello Gokul,

This field that you are trying to add to the filtration is a detail and detail values cannot be read using 1 level filter. To achieve your task you need to build a complex filter using Academy article here.

Best regards,


Thank you for replying Oscar. I tried adding the advanced filter too but the account classification is not coming as an option in the filter

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Hi Team, 

BPM is running in SQL server and we were planning to change the recovery model of the database to full recovery from simple recovery model for attaining the point in time recovery. As far as I knew it will not affect the BPM. Still wanted to confirm if there is any drawback in doing so. Thank you in advance. 


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Dear Gokul,

You will not have any difficulties with the application after changing the recovery model. The only difference that is in the database size. Since it will be bigger, you would need to have more free disc space not to affect system performance. 

Best regards,


Thank you Dean :)

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Hi Team,

Is there a way to list out all the permissions of all the system users in one go. We are in the process of finetuning the user access as everyone is having a higher level of permissions. I am okay if I can do it via SQL too. Please let me know if this can be achieved in BPM. Via SQL is also fine. Thank you in advance 

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Hello Gokul!

Unfortunately, this kind of information can not be stored in bpm'online in the way you'd like to have it. As the matter of fact organizational structure can be rather complicated thus displaying of this information in the interface can not be implemented.

You can try to build basic tree of access rights using the following tables and SELECT SQL queries:

- SysAdminUnit (stores information about system users and roles)

- SysAdminUnitInRole (stores information about assigned roles to users)

Bogdan Spasibov,

Thank you :)

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How to add multiple new products on the product page. Is there way to create multiple new products?  

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You can import functionality to add multiple product to the system. You can find more about import here: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/base/7-15/excel-data-import

Best regards,


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