Good day to everyone! I’ve encountered a task where I need to update the NextSteps component. I used crt.LoadData
and crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest
, but they didn't produce the desired results.
After executing, the component does not update, and data is not displayed; only after a full page refresh does the Next Step appear.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue and could help with a solution? Thanks in advance!
{ request: "crt.HandleViewModelInitRequest", handler: async function(request, next) { this.applyMethods(request.$context); Terrasoft.ServerChannel.on(Terrasoft.EventName.ON_MESSAGE, (await request.$context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc), request.$context); await next.handle(request); }, applyMethods: function(context) { let methods = { refreshNextStepsStates: async function(date) { console.debug(date); const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance; await handlerChain.process({ type: 'crt.ChangeNextStepsStateRequest', $context: context, }); }, showWarnDialog: async function(message) { const actionsConfig = [ { key: "OK", config: { color: "warn", caption: resources.localizableStrings.BnzShowDialogCloseBtn } } ]; const result = await context.executeRequest({ type: "crt.ShowDialogRequest", $context: context, dialogConfig: { data: { message: message, actions: actionsConfig } } }); }, onSubscribeWebSocket: async function(event, message) { if (message.Header.Sender === "Banza_ApprovalAction_WebSocketSender") { await this.handleShowWarnMessage(message); } }, handleShowWarnMessage: async function(message) { const sysValuesService = new sdk.SysValuesService(); const sysValues = await sysValuesService.loadSysValues(); const caseId = context.attributes.Id; const currentUserContactId = sysValues.userContact.value; const msgObj = JSON.parse(message.Body); if (msgObj && sysValues && currentUserContactId === msgObj.currentUserContactId) { if (caseId === msgObj?.recordId) { if (msgObj.action === "showWarnDialog") { await this.showWarnDialog(msgObj.message); await this.refreshNextStepsStates(msgObj?.date); } } } }, context.ServerMessageReceivedFunc = methods.onSubscribeWebSocket.bind(context); Ext.apply(context, methods); }, }
17:38 Nov 12, 2024
Normally, the Next Step component should refresh automatically and show a new step, does it now work in your case? If so, how do you add a new task to it?
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