Hi community,


When implementing a web service, I have a GET method with a parameter :


public int GetMethod(string name)


In this method, I did a query to get the age of the person in parameter :


var select = new Select(UserConnection)



     .Where("Contact", "Name").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(name)) as Select;


Then I save the age into an int var :


var age = select.ExecuteScalar();


return age;


The problem is the following :


How can I check if the name of a contact in the method parameter exsists in the DB or not ?


Example :


if(name != exists) {

   return 0;

} else {

  return age;



Thanks a lot.


Best regards,


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Best reply

Hi Jonathan,


Usually you use dataReader to get the value from your select query. What you can do is:

bool hasRecord = false;
using (DBExecutor executor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(executor)) {
  while (dataReader.Read()) {
    hasRecord  = true;
  return age
  return 0

Or you can just set the default value of the age =0. Therefore if the dataReader does not return any record, the default value age (0) will be returned.


Cheng Gong

Hi Jonathan


Please add the next using -     

     using Terrasoft.Common;   

on the top of the page(if you didn't have this one). 


Then in the part of the code when you are trying to retrieve the age:


if (name.IsNullOrEmpty())


return 0;




return age;



Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Hi Jonathan,


Usually you use dataReader to get the value from your select query. What you can do is:

bool hasRecord = false;
using (DBExecutor executor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(executor)) {
  while (dataReader.Read()) {
    hasRecord  = true;
  return age
  return 0

Or you can just set the default value of the age =0. Therefore if the dataReader does not return any record, the default value age (0) will be returned.


Cheng Gong

Bogdan Lesyk,

Thanks for your answer. It helped a lot !

Cheng Gong,


Your answer is really perfect ! Thanks a lot, i'll definitely save this snippet of code for my future implementations.




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Hi community,


Let's take an example :


I created multiple records in a section. In this section I have a detail that contains some fields like the "name", the "date", the "quantity". I want to return, through some code in a webservice, all the names of the detail that belongs to a certain record (the record passed as a parameter).


How can I do this link between the detail and its record ?


If we take the standard example of the "contact" section, there is something strange. In the "Noteworthy events", when we create a birthday for instance, we directly can access to the "BirthDate" field from the "Contact" object. But when I create a custom section I can't access like this to the fields of the detail of a specific record.


Do you have any solutions for this ?


Thanks a lot.


Best regards,


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Hi Jonathan,


When you create a custom detail for a custom section there is always some column that is used for connection. Let's take your example with noteworthy events of contacts. The table that represents noteworthy events of contacts in the database is called ContactAnniversary and if you perform a SELECT query to it:

SELECT TOP 1 * FROM ContactAnniversary --MS SQL
SELECT * FROM "ContactAnniversary" LIMIT 1 --PostgreSQL

You will see that the column that is used for connecting the "Contact" table and  the "ContactAnniversary" table is "ContactId":

So you need to use this column as a reference.


As for the custom section - when you add some detail to the custom section you also specify some column to connect detail and the section. This is also described here (see "Add an existing detail to a record page" paragraph and step 6.(c-d)). And the "Where detail column" field contains the column that connects your detail with your section and it should be used as a connection in your webservice.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Hey, thanks a lot for your useful answer. By the way, how can you query this foreign key column ? 


For example :


var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "ContactAnniversary");


var contactColForeignId = esq.AddColumn("ContactId");


Doesn't work because, I think, that is doesn't recognize it as a real "column" in the "ContactAnniversary" object. How can I fetch this foreign ID in a C# code and then saying that the Foreign Id of the "ContactAnniversary" object must correspond to the Id of the "Contact" ?


Thanks a lot for your help Oscar ! :)

Jonathan Quendoz,


You shouldn't use an Id suffix for the column name. Esq uses an actual column name from the object (which is "Contact"). So you need to use:


var contactColForeignId = esq.AddColumn("Contact");

And then it will find the column correctly.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Thanks for your answer, now I encounter another problem :


Let me take another example :


var result = " ";

var esqAnniversary = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "ContactAnniversary");

var esqContact = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Contact");


var esqColId = esqAnniversary .AddColumn("Id");

var esqColForeignId = esqAnniversary .AddColumn("Contact.Id");



var esqContactColId = esqContact.AddColumn("Id");

var esqContactColName = esqContact.AddColumn("Name");


Then I initialize an entity collection :


var entites = esq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);


How can I query, through a filter, both the esq ?


Like :


First I filter through the Contact I want :


var esqFilterContact = esqContact.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, esqContactColName.Name, parameter);


var esqFilterId = esqAnniversary.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, esqColForeignId.Name, esqContactColId.Name);


So I take only the detail corresponding to the name of the contact in parameter ?

How can I do a query like this ? My example doesn't work, can you help me troubleshooting this ?


Hopefully you can understand my problem and help me through this !






Best regards,


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Hi community!


I'm trying to set up a call to a web service (the built-in no-code approach), which uses a custom HTTP header for authentication called 'X-API-KEY'.


I haven't found a way to add a header to the web service via the UI. Is there some way to achieve this?




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Hi Robert, 


Usually such operations is performed by using OData: 





Please also check out this articles to find some useful tips: 


[Call web service] process element -




API Keys - 







Bogdan L.




Hi Bogdan,

thanks for the answer!

However, that's not quite what I was looking for ;)


I know of OData and how to use it. Unfortunately, the 3rd party service doesn't support it.

What I'm looking for is actually a way to add custom headers to HTTP requests when calling external web services via business processes.


I know I could use a script task and program it myself, but I was wondering if it also worked when using the standard web service integration.




Robert Pordes,


Actually we don't have practical examples of such implementation. 


So in this case as you said you may use a script task to achieve required result. 


Probably the link of how to Run business process via web-service will be also useful for you:




Thank you! 




Bogdan L.

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Does the ODATA Web services mechanism supports collections?

meaning, using a post request with a json that includes arrays?




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Best reply

Hi Raz, 


Unfortunately we don't have practical examples of such implementation.



 "id": 1234,

"status": "ABC",

"Line_Items": [ {"prod_id":1111,"quantity":10},{"prod_id":2222,"quantity":20}],

"Order_Lines": [],

"Coupon_LInes": []



Most likely this code will not work, because Line_Items, Order_Lines and etc. will be perceived by the system like "field". 


You may create one order, in response you will get it's "Id" and then with using batch you may add  couple records in your details.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Hi Raz,


For this kind of requests OData has Butch. 


Please follow the link to check the details of how to work with it: 




Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Bogdan Lesyk,

Hi Bogdan,


Thank you for your response and article.

I didn't understand how the batch requests solves my scenaro.

I'll elaborate:


I have a woocommerce website that needs to update creatio every time there is a new order.


The woocommerce json looks like this:


 "id": 1234,

"status": "ABC",

"Line_Items": [ {"prod_id":1111,"quantity":10},{"prod_id":2222,"quantity":20}],

"Order_Lines": [],

"Coupon_LInes": []



As you can see one Json includes all the order data.


In Creatio for each array, like Line_Items, Order_Lines and etc, we have a detail connected to the order section.


Is there a way to use the ODATA Web services mechanism in such a way that the woocommerce website can update all the relevant sections and details?





Hi Raz, 


Unfortunately we don't have practical examples of such implementation.



 "id": 1234,

"status": "ABC",

"Line_Items": [ {"prod_id":1111,"quantity":10},{"prod_id":2222,"quantity":20}],

"Order_Lines": [],

"Coupon_LInes": []



Most likely this code will not work, because Line_Items, Order_Lines and etc. will be perceived by the system like "field". 


You may create one order, in response you will get it's "Id" and then with using batch you may add  couple records in your details.


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Bogdan Lesyk,

Thank you for your response

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I'm working on Activities right now and I created my own activity.

I wanted to insert a New Activity with a press of a button which is located in the MainHeader. Question, what's the best way to insert my own activity?

I am currently trying to insert it via custom web service through

Insert insert = new Insert(UserConnection)

I'm afraid there are events, computations that won't be triggered.

Any comments?

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Best reply

Solem Khan Abdusalam,

After you call activity.Save() you can get the created record Id using 

// get primary Id value
var id = activity.PrimaryColumnValue;
// or get any of the column values using 
var title = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Title");
var start = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<DateTime>("StartDate");
// etc


Using the Insert class does not trigger process events, etc. Instead, you can use the Entity class. Something like this: 

var schema = UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager.GetInstanceByName("Activity");
// Create a new Activity object
var activity = schema.CreateEntity(UserConnection);
// Set any any default column values 
// Now set the column values as needed
activity.SetColumnValue("Title", "This is a new activity");
activity.SetColumnValue("StartDate", DateTime.Now);
// etc
// Save when done

Hope this helps.


Ryan Farley,

Is there a way to fetch the Id of the created Activity?

Solem Khan Abdusalam,


One of possible ways is to create a SELECT query to the database using or the script task process element (if you are going to use a business process) or in the custom web service that is triggered upon clicking the button and select the last created activity (top 1 and ORDER BY CreatedOn conditions). Also the created activity can have some marker in its subject (like "created via web service" or so) that could be used in the filtering condition as well.


Insert query you've proposed won't return an Id of the record, but you can select it once the record is created.


Best regards,


Solem Khan Abdusalam,

After you call activity.Save() you can get the created record Id using 

// get primary Id value
var id = activity.PrimaryColumnValue;
// or get any of the column values using 
var title = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Title");
var start = activity.GetTypedColumnValue<DateTime>("StartDate");
// etc


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In the webservices section - is it possible to have dynamic URL? the URL to be used is subdomain based so the URL changes for 2 or more instances.. 


so is it possible to make the webservice URL dynamic?

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Best reply

Hello Ganesh,


The only thing that can be modified in terms of one web service integration setup is the link to the method that is called. The problem here is that the main domain remains the same and only the link to the method is modified.


In your case you can create two separate web services and call each of them based on some condition (can be specified in the process itself using conditional flows).


Best regards,


Hello Ganesh,


The only thing that can be modified in terms of one web service integration setup is the link to the method that is called. The problem here is that the main domain remains the same and only the link to the method is modified.


In your case you can create two separate web services and call each of them based on some condition (can be specified in the process itself using conditional flows).


Best regards,


ok thanks Oscar

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For a few weeks I struggled with sending a HTTP POST Request to a third party application via script task.

I have a collection object that needs to be sent via the web service and eventually catch the response and use the data inside process parameters.


Here you can find the code for doing that using a JSON object.


string x_param = Get("x_process_param");

string y_param = Get("y_process_param");

string z_param = Get("z_process_param");

var ProductLines = Get>("ReadDataUserTask6.ResultCompositeObjectList");

var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("https://url/api/v1/Documents/?token="+x_param);

httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";

httpWebRequest.Method = "POST";

int ProductLineIndex = 0;

using (var streamWriter = new StreamWriter(httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream()))

using (JsonTextWriter writer = new JsonTextWriter(streamWriter))


    JObject InvoiceJSon = new JObject (

                            new JProperty("y",y_param),

                            new JProperty("z",z_param));


    JArray JProductLinesArray = new JArray();

    foreach(var ProductLine in ProductLines) {


        var ProductName = "";

        decimal Qty;

        decimal UnitPrice;


        ProductLine.TryGetValue("Name", out ProductName);

        ProductLine.TryGetValue("Quantity", out Qty);

        ProductLine.TryGetValue("Price", out UnitPrice);


        JProductLinesArray.Add(new JObject(

            new JProperty("ChargeVAT","true"),

            new JProperty("Number",++ProductLineIndex),

            new JProperty("ProductName",ProductName),

            new JProperty("Qty",Qty),

            new JProperty("Rate",1),

            new JProperty("UnitPrice",UnitPrice),

            new JProperty("VATRate",17)));



    InvoiceJSon.Add(new JProperty("DocumentLines",JProductLinesArray));





var httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();

using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))


    var result = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

    var LinkToPdf = JObject.Parse(result)["LinkToPdf"].ToString();

    var CaspitDocNum = JObject.Parse(result)["Number"].ToString();





return true;


Furthermore, I attached a screenshot with the methods that I'm using in the process


Hope it helps.


Have fun :)

Good luck


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Thank you for contacting us! 


Could you please provide us with additional screenshots of the issue appeared to understand the case better?




Anastasiia Markina,

Hi Anastasiia,

There is no issue. I struggled with this issue and I solved it.

The above code is my collaboration to the community :)


Hope it helps devs with the same issue.


Best Regards,


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Hello Community!


I would like to call a web service using a soap request, but in this case I want to use the UserTask "Call Web Service" for that. Anyone have some sample of how to build it?



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Hello Federico,


You can find detailed instructions on how to call any web services from a business process in the Calling web services from business processes Academy article. Also, you can take a look at the Studying Web service documentation article that describes how to call the web service and what kind of response it will return.


Please, let us know in case any further information is required. 


Best regards, 


Hello Olga,

In my understand the web service element is not supporting soap request. If that is the case can you please give me a example of that?


Hello Federico,


Please, refer to the previously created Community post about SOAP Service Call: https://community.creatio.com/questions/soap-service-call


Please, inform us in case you require any additional assistance. 


Thank you in advance!


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