Hi all,


Could someone please kindly advise:

1. "Timestamp" for Stages similar to Stage in Opportunity Section. 

2. How to measure Interval duration for each stage


Many thanks


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Hello Mid,


We have consulted with our colleagues from the R&D team regarding your case.

Unfortunately, there is no such option. Apart from that, its implementation would require development tools. 

For example, 

The necessary logic according to your business task is implemented on the coreb part "Case Lifecycle" and you can build on the work of this part when developing.

The implementation of CaseLifecycle filling method can be observed in the event process (CaseSaving and CaseSaved) of the Case object from the SLM package.

CaseLifecycle filling method - SaveLifecycle().

To implement the logic, you will need to create two objects - Usr[ObjectName] stages and Usr[ObjectName]history, on the basis of which the detail will be created.

We will also create a case for our R&D team on this matter so it may be implemented in the next releases.

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Hi community, 

does anyone successfully upgraded a creatio instance hosted on docker container ? 

Like 1





At the moment, there is no official procedure for updating the application to the docker. You can find the relevant communication in this article on Creatio Academy.

We recommend deploying to the docker only for test environments.


Thank you.

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Hi colleagues,


Is there any way to stop the process when processing multiple records, in this case the service returns more than 16000 elements/records and I want just process the first 20 or 30, I tried to use all of this process properties to stop it, without results:

  • Number of completed instances
  • Number of terminated instances
  • Total number of instances

Any Idea, in the image goes to 95 completed, I want to stop at 20, but no idea how to do...



Thanks in advance, 

Julio Falcón

Like 1



Hello, some ideas, please?


When using a multi-instance subprocess, the number of process executions is regulated only by the size of the collection you pass to it.

If you use the "Read data" element, you can adjust the size of the collection through the "Read first XX records" property.

If you receive a collection from a web service, you should use such parameters in the request that will allow you to receive the required number of records. You can check the web service documentation or modify the backend if it is your own web service or you have a contact with the developer.

Another option would be to resort to development and write a script task that will process the collection from the web service and trim the resulting collection/response.


Thank you.

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Dear colleagues,


How can AVOID this? The link to an object in dev is "https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com/Navigation/Navigation.aspx?schemaName=Ndo…]" and in TESTING or production, when deploy packages remains https://dev-XXXXX.creatio.com, when it must be https://pre-XXXXX.creatio.com or https://XXXXX.creatio.com


Some idea, how to solve this?

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Please create a separate case for Support Team support@creatio.com  and we will analyze it deeply. 

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when we tried to create a report it worked normally when the user language was English, however

when a user language Arabic the BP shows the below error

System.NotSupportedException: Unsupported report type '0'

   at Terrasoft.Configuration.ReportEngine.Generate(ReportSettings settings)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.Configuration.ReportFileProcessingUserTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.RunInCultureScope[T](Func`1 action)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteElement(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessActivity.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context)

   at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context

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Dear Sayed!


We can see that you have already submitted a case for our support team and this case is currently in progress. We will update you in that request. 


Have a great day!

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    I input the Chinese address on Account, however, it can't show on the map below,  Besides, the Creatio connector, mapsly, is okay to input Chinese address. Please help. 

I user the instance of Version locating in Japan.

Jeffrey / Taiwan user

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Open Street Map is an external service; unfortunately, we cannot control its operation. Please note that this is mentioned in our Academy documentation: [link to documentation].

Now, let's go into more detail about how this service works.

Unfortunately, the Open Street Map service is not predictive, and searching a specific address requires maximum completeness and accuracy in the address input, including city, country, and postal code. However, if any of these indicators are incorrect (for example, a city that does not exist in the country), the search may be conducted based on different parameters.

It's also important to understand that OpenStreetMap is not Google, and the data in its database may differ. Therefore, it's essential to ensure that the data you are searching for exists in this service.

For example, you can notice that the address you provided does not exist in this service, so it displays the nearest address to the one you filled in: [link to OpenStreetMap].

Therefore, when filling in such addresses, you should rely not on Google but on the service used in the integration.

It's also worth noting that the address does not exist in the service even upon clicking on this building directly.

The OpenStreetMap service allows users to contribute data.

Unfortunately, as Creatio vendors, we do not have the ability to influence third-party services.

Our team is actively exploring alternatives to improve this functionality in future versions of the application.

I hope I was able to answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Thank you for your help, hope it will be solved in the next version release.

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Hi all,


I am required to set authentication for the Redis server (bitnami/redis image)  (Email server microservices) for production on-site deployment email server.

Setting the password from the docker-compose file using REDIS_PASSWORD : 123abc as the environment variable, creates the password authentication successfully. the issue I am having is specifying the new password in my Redis connection string which is used by ListenerAPI & ListenerWorker containers. 

The docker-compose file


version: "3.8"



    image: 'docker.io/bitnami/redis'

    container_name: 'redisOfficial'

    restart: unless-stopped


      REDIS_PASSWORD : 123abc # redis Authentication mode

      REDIS_AOF_ENABLED : "no"


      - "6379:6379"



   image: rabbitmq:management-alpine

   container_name: 'rabbitmqOfficial'

   restart: unless-stopped


    - ./rabbitmq.config:/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config:ro

    - ./definitions.json:/etc/rabbitmq/definitions.json:ro


    - 5672:5672 # AMQP protocol port

    - 15672:15672 # HTTP management UI



    image: registry.creatio.com/emaillistener:1.0.24

    container_name: 'ListenerAPI'

    restart: unless-stopped


      - 10000:8080 # Port forward. External port:local port

#      - 10001:8443 # SSL port by default. Uncomment if https endpoint needed


      ExchangeListenerRedisHost: redisOfficial:6379 # Redis connection

      ExchangeListenerRedisPassword: "123abc"

      ExchangeListenerRedisDatabase: 0 # Redis DB

      PodName: ExchangeListener

# SSL certificate parameters by default. Uncomment if https endpoint needed

#      ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password: password

#      ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Path: /https/el_self_signed.pfx


      - redisOfficial

      - rabbitmqOfficial


# SSL certificate folder by default. Uncomment if https endpoint needed

#     - ./ssl:/https:ro

     - ./appsettings.json:/app/config/appsettings.json:ro

     - ./rmqsecret.json:/app/config/rabbitmq.secrets.json:ro

#    dns:

#      -

#      -

#    dns_search:

#      - tscrm.com



    image: registry.creatio.com/emaillistener-worker:1.0.24

    container_name: 'ListenerWorker'

    restart: unless-stopped


      ExchangeListenerRedisHost: redisOfficial:6379 # Redis connection

      ExchangeListenerRedisPassword: "123abc"

      ExchangeListenerRedisDatabase: 0 # Redis DB

      PodName: ExchangeListenerWorker


      - redisOfficial

      - rabbitmqOfficial


     - ./appsettings.json:/app/appsettings.json:ro

     - ./rmqsecret.json:/app/appsettings.Production.json:ro

#    dns:

#      -

#      -

#    dns_search:

#      - tscrm.com\


When I run this container in docker, i am getting blow mentioned container log for the LisenterAPI container

2024-01-24 13:24:01 [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel] 2024-01-24 07:54:01,426 [40] ERROR: Connection id "0HN0SM07SMRGL", Request id "0HN0SM07SMRGL:00000018": An unhandled exception was thrown by the application.

2024-01-24 13:24:01 StackExchange.Redis.RedisConnectionException: It was not possible to connect to the redis server(s). There was an authentication failure; check that passwords (or client certificates) are configured correctly.

2024-01-24 13:24:01    at StackExchange.Redis.ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectImpl(ConfigurationOptions configuration, TextWriter log, Nullable`1 serverType) in /_/src/StackExchange.Redis/ConnectionMultiplexer.cs:line 733


I suspect the way (syntax) password is specified docker-compose file is not supported for the LisenterAPI container. How to fix this issue?


Note: Container connections work fine because, if I use ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD : "yes" for redis environment variable, the service works perfectly.

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Docker is not a scalable option for development or pre-production environments. For Docker, we provide a ready-made docker-compose file.

We do not support connecting to Redis with a password in a configuration deployed in Docker. 

We recommend using Kubernetes to add password to REDIS in the Email Listener microservice:


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I am trying to automate the gathering of data using some business process that perform API calls to one of our client private APIs. I have defined the WebServices with no problem like the one from this example:



And sending the test request with a valid API Key and Authorization token works perfectly. However, if I try to group all of this inside a business process I get an error that I don't know how to solve. This is the business process:



And the error that I get exactly on the web service call is this one:



The full error message states:

Terrasoft.Common.UnsupportedTypeException: Type "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" is not supported.


I have done some tests and I can confirm that the error only appears when I try to use a the valid Authorization token retrieved previously, and if I set any other value in that Web Service parameter I don't get the error but obviously the call fails because I am using and incorrect token.


The length of the token is 299 characters and as it is an authorization token, it must be preceded by the word "Bearer", so the full value that I am passing to that parameter is "Bearer " with a total length of 306 characters. I also tested using some random strings of length 500+ and the error doesn't show up, so it is not related to a limit of the parameter length. I also checked that the token I am passing is 'correct', i.e. no breaklines, weird characters (not UTF-8) or anything that could cause problems with the encoding of the string.


Therefore, I guess it is something related to the way Creatio builds the API request from inside the process, that is not the same as doing from a test request inside the Web Service...


Your help is highly appreciated.


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Note: I have not tried yet to perform the same kind of requests inside a business process to another API (like a public one), but the error I am getting is not related to the API I am using, it must something related to the Creatio business process logic when invoking web services methods, regardless of the endpoint and the API specifications.



I recommend that you create a support request.

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Dear colleagues,


If have a couple of process calls in a client module, very similar, one works and the another ones fails before to call the process getting a "400 (Bad Request)" error


Here is the code, the first one fails:

OnGeneraDetalleContratoBtnClick: function() { 
	// Guarda el registro, por si hubo cambios
	const RunProcessRequest = Ext.create( "Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
		// El nombre del Proceso
		"schemaName": "NdosCreaDetalleContrato", 
		// Parámetros de entrada
		"parameterValues": { 
			"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get( "NdosGrupoEconomico" ),
			"NdosContratoID": this.get( "Id")
		// Parámetros de Salida - True => Hay sucursales
		"resultParameterNames": [ 
	} ); 
	// Ejecuta el proceso
console.log( RunProcessRequest );
// THIS gets error "400 (Bad Request)" here in the execute	//ERROR ERROR HERE HERE			
	RunProcessRequest.execute(function(response) { 
		// Si OK, actualiza el valor en funcion de la salida
		if (response.isSuccess()) { 
			// Actualiza la cantidad de meses que dura el contrato
			if ( response.resultParameterValues[ "NdosReturn" ] === true ) {
				// Tiene sucursales, inhablitita el boton...
				this.set( "NdosDetalleContratoGenerado", true );		
	}, this ); 


This another wroks fine and are (as I saw identical!!)

// Jalcon - NoCode-Services - 20240110 - 
// Cambia alguna de las fechas del Contrato, debe ajustar la duración en meses del mismo
updateDuracionContratoMeses: function() { 
	const runProcessRequest = Ext.create("Terrasoft.RunProcessRequest", { 
		// El nombre del Proceso
		"schemaName": "Jfl_MesesEntreDosFechas", 
		// Parámetros de entrada
		"parameterValues": { 
			"NdosFechaInicial": this.get( "NdosFechaInicio" ), 
			"NdosFechaFinal": this.get( "NdosFechaFinContrato" )
		// Parámetros de Salida
		"resultParameterNames": [ 
	// Ejecuta el proceso
	runProcessRequest.execute(function(response) { 
		// Si OK, actualiza el valor en funcion de la salida
		if (response.isSuccess()) { 
			// Actualiza la cantidad de meses que dura el contrato
			this.set( "NdosMesesDuracionContrato", response.resultParameterValues[ "NdosCantidadDeMeses" ] ); 
			// Si el contrato ya tiene importe, cctualiza el importe del Contrato
			if( this.get( "NdosImporteMensualContrato" ) > 0 ) {
				this.set( "NdosMontoContrato", this.get( "NdosImporteMensualContrato" ) * this.get( "NdosMesesDuracionContrato" ) );
	}, this); 


This is part of the error, console log

       POST https://XXXXXX.creatio.com/0/ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProcess 400 (Bad Request)
all-combined.js?v= Error al enviar solicitud 
	estado de respuesta: 400 (Bad Request)
	url de solicitud: ../ServiceModel/ProcessEngineService.svc/RunProcess

Some ideas? please help




Julio Falcón

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Best reply

Hi Julio,


Just guessing, is "NdosGrupoEconomico" a lookup? The parameter is named with an Id, so assuming it is. If that is the case, you need to get it's value, right now it's sending the entire object from the lookup. 

For example (note, the .value at the end): 

"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get("NdosGrupoEconomico").value

However, if it's possible that the lookup can be blank, might be a good idea to check for that as well.


Hi Julio,


Just guessing, is "NdosGrupoEconomico" a lookup? The parameter is named with an Id, so assuming it is. If that is the case, you need to get it's value, right now it's sending the entire object from the lookup. 

For example (note, the .value at the end): 

"NdosGrupoEconomicoID": this.get("NdosGrupoEconomico").value

However, if it's possible that the lookup can be blank, might be a good idea to check for that as well.


Hello Julio,


Can you please share the RunProcess request body (from the network tab in the console)? We can compare it to the successful calls and see the difference. Additionally you need to check if both retrieved values (using this.get getters) are strings.

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, you are right. Fortunately I had already found my mistake... almost a beginner's mistake :-(

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I've noticed a problem when users try to import data. For example, they select the Case object  to add data and upload an excel file with columns that correspond to lookup fields in the case. If the lookup value already exists in Creatio there is no problem and the field will be filled with that value, but if it does not exist, Creatio does not allow the user to create that new value and will throw the following error inside the ExcelImportLog page:


Current user does not have sufficient permissions to run "CanManageLookups"


If I change this operation permission and allow it for a given user, it will work fine but then that user has complete access to the Lookups section. This means that he is able to see all the lookups, create new values and remove them if they want. This is not a good practice and implies security issues.


Therefore, is there another way to achieve what I want without having this risk?


PD: I don't know if it may be an incidence related with my own environment, because I haven't noticed this behavior in any other Creatio instance before and it seems to happen only with some lookups, not all of them.



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Unfortunately, it is not possible to allow users to have access to specific lookups only, but we have already registered the following suggestion for our R&D team and they will consider adding the following functionality in the upcoming releases.

However, we can offer you a workaround, but it is also worth noting that this is a workaround and that you can only track which rights have been issued through the database.

1. Grant everyone the rights to the CanManageLookups operation

2. Enable administration by records for the Lookup object.

In this case, do not configure the administration privileges.

Thus, there will be access to the lookup section, but only the author of the lookup will have rights to the records themselves (for system directories, this will be the Supervisor)

3. Using the BP and the element of granting rights, grant rights only to the required record.

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