We have active directory which locks user account after 5 login attempts.

After user change password and his exchange account was added in crm, email listener try to consume mails and 5 times fail it because password in crm is not changed yet (user need to remove his account from crm before changing password).

Our listener is deployed in docker. How we can configure attempts to consume emails < 5 times?

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Best reply



The values for 'attempts to consume emails' are in the SyncErrorHandler table under the RetryCount column. For example, you can reduce it to 3 times. This would be the most optimal value.

Also, please note that a RetryCount value that is too large or too small can lead to undesirable consequences regarding interaction with your mail server (for example, the mailbox will be disabled upon any negative response from the server). Therefore, we recommend changing this cautiously.



The values for 'attempts to consume emails' are in the SyncErrorHandler table under the RetryCount column. For example, you can reduce it to 3 times. This would be the most optimal value.

Also, please note that a RetryCount value that is too large or too small can lead to undesirable consequences regarding interaction with your mail server (for example, the mailbox will be disabled upon any negative response from the server). Therefore, we recommend changing this cautiously.

Sergii Zhmurko,

mb you know concrete row what is responsible for my question in this table? We use exchange basic auth

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Hello all,


Is there a way to revert the Freedom Date time selector to the old option for picking date and time? The new element is incredibly clunky and difficult to use. I frequently find that I have to pick the hour and minutes of the time and then reopen the entire element, click through date and time again just to pick if I want AM or PM. We really like Freedom UI but this UX is impossible to avoid.

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Just as a tip, you can also click on the part of the date or time you want to change on the left side. So, instead of clicking through the date, then time, to be able to change AM or PM you can just click it on the left side. It's not super intuitive - I'd also rather just have the dialog display things differently, but at least it's something 🤷🏼‍♂️ (there's not a way to change that or revert to the older picker dialog)

Ryan Farley,

Thanks. I'll try that to see if feels any better.

+1 for this. It would be great if there is a composable calendar component we can use. Setting the time especially is a little hard

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Hey everyone,

I'm exploring integrating Creatio platform with a .NET SDK or REST API SDK for PDF data extraction. Any tips or resources on how to do this would be appreciated!







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Hello team,


Is it possible to add a custom button in a mobile application that uses the html5-qrcode javascript library to read qr code?


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Hello Stefano,


Our R&D team has a task to implement a QR scanner in the mobile application (was also discussed here). The task is still in progress on their end and we expect this functionality to appear in the app in the next application releases. Currently it won't be an easy task, html5-qrcode is an external library and cannot be added to the client module.

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All the information you need is stored in the Activity object, Body column. From there you can retrieve the information you require.

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Hey everyone! 

How am I able to remove this option from a Expanded list?

Thanks in advance!

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Best reply

You can remove that by overriding the list's rowToolbarItems and just leave it as an empty list. 


See this article here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creati…


You can override the menu (usually to add other menu items to it). When you do so you override the "Open", "Copy", "Delete" options and need to add them back in. You could override the menu and then just not add back in the delete option. It would look like this (the article will provide more details)

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
        "operation": "merge",
        "name": "DataTable",
        "values": {
            "rowToolbarItems": []

The important part there is just the empty array [] for the rowToolbarItems property. This would leave it with an empty menu (and the delete would no longer show)


You can remove that by overriding the list's rowToolbarItems and just leave it as an empty list. 


See this article here: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creati…


You can override the menu (usually to add other menu items to it). When you do so you override the "Open", "Copy", "Delete" options and need to add them back in. You could override the menu and then just not add back in the delete option. It would look like this (the article will provide more details)

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
        "operation": "merge",
        "name": "DataTable",
        "values": {
            "rowToolbarItems": []

The important part there is just the empty array [] for the rowToolbarItems property. This would leave it with an empty menu (and the delete would no longer show)


Hey, Ryan ! 

Many thanks, man! 

The thing I've found out is: 

On this new update, the, there's no "rowToolbarItems": []".  so I had to "create" it. 

Awesome knowing about you, tho. I'll seek out your articles on my next doubt. 

Have an awesome week!

Gabriel Henrique Pagotto Otero,

This is true, you won't always see all properties for a List (or any component), especially in the case where the page inherits the list from the base/parent page. However, any of the properties can be added to the merge to override them from how they are implemented in the base page.


Ryan Farley,

It would be time to organize advanced Creatio development training from other Creatio partners, it seems you have most advanced documentation/knowledge😅😅

Gabriel Henrique Pagotto Otero,


Hi, I didn't found the schema page where I must add this code? in wich schema I must add it? in the schema page where the detail is? in this case, where?





Yes. You'd add this in the page that contains the list object. That's a main difference from classic where the list was a separate schema, now it's just another element on the page. 

  1. Open the page containing the list
  2. Select the list, on the properties pane, on the very bottom, copy the Code for the list
  3. Toggle to the code for that same page
  4. CTRL+F to locate the code for the list element in name property (it will also have a type of crt.DataGrid)
  5. In the values node of that list element, add the rowToolbarItems: []


Found and solved! :-). To help someone with the same issue.


1.- You need to get the name of the element where the Grid Detail is 

2.- Edit the code of the page where the Detail/Expanded list, search the element code name you get in the previous step, in my case "GridDetail_PartidasObra" 

3.- Add in the values, the rowToolbarItems, like in the image above  (the code is also shared):


// OPTION 1 - If you want to maintain Edit option, remove Copy &amp; Delete
"rowToolbarItems": [{
	type: 'crt.MenuItem',
	caption: 'DataGrid.RowToolbar.Open',
	icon: 'edit-row-action',
	disabled: "$Items.PrimaryModelMode | crt.IsEqual : 'create'",
	clicked: {
		request: 'crt.UpdateRecordRequest',
		params: {
			"itemsAttributeName": "Items",
			"recordId": "$Items.PDS_Id"
// OPTION 2 - If you want to remove allm just add
"rowToolbarItems": [],

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, we are answering it at same time :-)




Be aware, for adding items back in the rowToolbarItems, you'll need to make sure the values for the list's Items and primaryColumnValue match in the added items. For Section lists, these are usually "Items" and "PDS_Id", however for list's added to a page (which I am assuming yours is based on your grid element's name), they are typically different. You'll need to get those values to update in the inserted text. Refer back to here for more: https://customerfx.com/article/adding-row-action-menu-items-to-a-creatio-freedom-ui-list/


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Anyone please clarify the Creatio developer certification exam?

1. How many marks for the case study? 

2. How many marks for the multiple choice questions 


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Could you please describe in more detail what exactly your question relates to?

please clarify the Creatio developer certification exam? 



Approximately half of the marks can be achieved by test case (50 marks), others are achieved by quiz (50 marks).

You need to have at least an 85% score for the quiz to receive the certificate.

Mariia Sorochan,

Thank you

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Is there a way to make a LookUp column the display value of the list. In this case I have the brand and display value to jump into the Record Form, I want that behavior in the ID Fleet which is a LookUp. Is it possible?

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Thank you for being a part of Creatio Community!


From the screenshot, it seems that your ID Fleet is a text field. In this article, you can find more information about setting up lists: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…


We hope this helps!

ID Fleet is a LookUp



To create this kind of solution, you can use this  https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/no-code-customization/customizatio…

as an example.

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Hello Community,


When calling a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication from the browser using this link : 



The page does not seem to work.


Note :  we have an on premise Creatio instance on Linux based on .Net Core.


Bellow are the steps to reproduce the case:


The Academy guides on how to Create a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET Core : https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/back_end_development/web_ser…

This is the class indicated in the first step (that returns the contact ID by the contact name) : 

namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.KycCustomConfigurationService {

    using System;

    using System.ServiceModel;

    using System.ServiceModel.Web;

    using System.ServiceModel.Activation;

    using Terrasoft.Core;

    using Terrasoft.Web.Common;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;

    using Terrasoft.Web.Http.Abstractions;


    [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Required)]

    public class KycCustomConfigurationService: BaseService {

        private SystemUserConnection _systemUserConnection;

        private SystemUserConnection SystemUserConnection {

            get {

                return _systemUserConnection ?? (_systemUserConnection = (SystemUserConnection) AppConnection.SystemUserConnection);



        /* The method that returns the contact ID by the contact name. */


        [WebInvoke(Method = "GET", RequestFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, BodyStyle = WebMessageBodyStyle.Wrapped,

            ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json)]

        public string GetContactIdByName(string Name) {

            SessionHelper.SpecifyWebOperationIdentity(HttpContextAccessor.GetInstance(), SystemUserConnection.CurrentUser);

            var result = "";

            var esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(SystemUserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Contact");

            var colId = esq.AddColumn("Id");

            var colName = esq.AddColumn("Name");

            var esqFilter = esq.CreateFilterWithParameters(FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Name", Name);


            var entities = esq.GetEntityCollection(SystemUserConnection);

            if (entities.Count > 0) {

                result = entities[0].GetColumnValue(colId.Name).ToString();

                result = entities[0].GetTypedColumnValue(colId.Name); */


            return result;




and this is the changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json file

"Terrasoft.Configuration.KycCustomConfigurationService": [



Thank you,


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Based on the coe alone it is almost impossible to say what is the cause of the issue.
What kind of error you are facing, why do you think that the page isn't working?
Make sure that you created a class in the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel for your service and check if you modified a services.config files as well as the Web.config.

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Hey, everyone! 

So.. I've been trying to start a campaign that runs on whatsapp.

I've created a Campaign and a folder on my contacts section to use as "starting point".

  • First of all, I can't select the folder that I've created as the "starting" point for my campaign (it simply doesn't show up...)
  • There's no "call web service" on the business process that I'm creating (trought the Campaigns,,,

How do am I to solve these problems?

Thanks !!! 

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1. Please contact our support team regarding the issue with the folder

2. There is no 'call web service' element campaign, it's available in business processes only. 



1. Please contact our support team regarding the issue with the folder

2. There is no 'call web service' element campaign, it's available in business processes only. 

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