Color alternate records in the grid view of detail(tile view)



I want to color the alternate records in detail grid in tile view. Can any one provide the solution for this?




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Hello Faustina,


Unfortunately, there is no ready-to-use functionality, it should be developed.  But tere is a marketplace add-on the has very similar functionality that you described. Please check it using this link.

This functionality helps to color section grid records but you can use the schemas of the installed package as an example to develop the same logic for the detail.


Best regards,

Bogdan S

Hi Faustina,

Are you referring to the alternating light gray background, like what you get on a detail when in list mode? (and not a background color based on some value in the row)

If so, you can add the following CSS to the page:

.grid-detail .grid-tiled .grid-row.grid-active-selectable:nth-child(odd) {
    background-color: #f7f7f7;

That will look like this: 


You can see how to add CSS here:…

Note, the CSS above will add this for all details, so if you want this through the entire system, all you need to do is add this to BootstrapModulesV2 and it will add the alternating gray on rows in all details in card mode.

Also, if you remove the .grid-detail from the front, it will add the alternating gray background on odd rows in section lists in card mode as well.


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