Hi Community,

In mobile, how we can assign default workplace per user so that after login mobile user don't need to go to Settings->Workplace and change it everytime.

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Hi Fulgen,

To have mobile workplace by default you should go to the system settings -> search for "Default workspace" -> Choose the lookup "Mobile application workspace" -> the field Default value should be filled by the name of the workspace you want to be by default.

Thanks Bohdan,

But I believe this setup will applicable for all users, I want something to be it like per user of per role 

Fulgen Ninofranco,

You can use Access rights tab when setting up a workplace to choose roles.

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I am trying to override a few methods in the MobileFileService class on Mobile as I need to replace the default logic of using the "FileService/GetFile" with a custom fetch logic from Sharepoint as we are using it as our document repository.

I have tried the below steps.

1) Created a new class and overrode the existing logic with the custom logic for Sharepoint.

Ext.define("Terrasoft.configuration.MobileFileServiceOverride", {
	override: "Terrasoft.FileService",
	alternateClassName: "Terrasoft.MobileFileServiceO",
	singleton: true,
	* @override
	getDownloadServiceUrl: function(config, schemaUId) {
		var serviceUrl = Terrasoft.ServiceHelper.getServiceUrl("FileService", "GetFile");
		var serviceUrlSP = "rest/SharepointService/File";
		var schemaName = config.fileRecord.self.modelName;
		if(schemaName === "CUSTOM"){
			return Ext.String.format("{0}/{1}/{2}", serviceUrl, schemaUId, config.fileRecord.getId());
		else {
			return Ext.String.format("{0}/{1}/{2}", serviceUrlSP, config.fileRecord.getId(), schemaName);

  2) In the manifest file, I included the new class in the "CustomSchemas" attribute.

	"CustomSchemas": [
	"SyncOptions": {
		"SysSettingsImportConfig": [

While debugging this using the emulator, I see that the method is not getting overridden. It still calls the older method. Am I missing a step here? Any help is deeply appreciated.

Thanks in advance...

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This is resolved now. I actually missed another step. We also need to include the new class "UsrMobileFileServiceOverride" as a page extension for the object like opportunity, customer, etc in the manifest file under Models -> Opportunity/Customer -> PageExtensions.

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I am relatively new to doing development. I have only used it for the addition/removal of columns in objects, and for cleaning up extra versions of Business Processes.

I am trying to learn more and am starting with trying to set up Business Rules for the Mobile application. I am using this article: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdkmob/7-15/business-rules-mobile-application.


I can see where to update the extension section to add a business rule to a page, but I don't see where I create the rule itself. It says to use "add business rule", but where do I call that? Is it within the dev interface as a new object?




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Dear Heather, 

To add business rule you would need to create your custom module where you add the code similar to the one in the article, after that create a replacing schema for MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace and add the Module to the ModelExtensions. I've found a bit more detailed instruction here:


Best regards, 


Thanks very much, that is helpful.

So I choose Module as the object type for the new rules? 

Dear Heather, 

Yes, you would need to create a module. 

Dennis Hudson,

Can you put code for more than one rule into one module, or do I create one for every rule? Thanks


You need to create separate modules for each business rule and put those models to models extensions in MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace.

Thank you for your help so far. I did a test but my rule is not taking effect in the app. Can you see if you see any glaring errors?

Hello Heather,

Please mention the Object name to which you are applying the business rule.

As per your screenshots 

You need to mention the Object Name in line which i have highlighted.

In the below screen shot, you have defined the module name in page extensions of Opportunity . So the Object Name should be Opportunity. 




Sriraksha KS

Senior Software Engineer

AgilizTech software services pvt ltd

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Hi Community,

I have this scenario below, I want to create a business rule that will hide/unhide field if record is in add mode or edit mode. How can I possibly do this?

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Hi Community, Any idea on this?

Thank you so much

Dear Fulgen,

It is possible to check a mode of a page using the “phantom” property of the “record” object https://prnt.sc/qkxh4q

If the value of the property is equal to “true” it is mean that the page is in the add mode and vice versa. Please see an example of the code below:

Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("Case", {

            ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,

            position : 2,

            triggeredByColumns: ["UsrIncidentType"],

            events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged],

            executeFn : function(record, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig){



                                    // true, when adding a new record (add mode)

                                    alert("New record");




                                    // edit mode   

                                    alert("Old record");


                        Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [true]);



Please find more information about a custom business rules in the article by the link below:


Best regards,


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Hi Community,

I have a custom business rule which is below

this is working fine, on case creation on value change of field incident type subject is being populated. however after saving the case record and creating the second case this rule is not being executed (i tried to debug it to see, the break point is not being hit). It will work again after i do synchronization, it seems something is caching after making the first case record. Please suggest how i can fix it. 

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Dear Fulgen,

We tried to reproduce the issue, however we were not able to face it. The system worked properly on our side. The business rule was executed successfully after second record creating. Therefore, it is not possible to determine exactly the root cause of the issue now. Please try to compile the application. If the issue occurs again please contact technical support.

Best regards,


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Hi Community,

In mobile how can I change the display name of column in Grid/List Page just like in web application we can change the column display name in "Section->Select fields to Display".


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Dear Fulgen,

Unfortunately, it can be done only with development. Here is the example of how this can be implemented. As an example I'm changing the title of the Account column on the Contact page. 

1) Create a custom module http://prntscr.com/qdktu7 (e.g. UsrCustomMobileContactModuleConfig)

2) In the module write the following code (http://prntscr.com/qdkuqi): 

Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Contact", "primaryColumnSet", "Account", {

    label: "Test"


Where Contact is the model where the column is located, primaryColumnSet is the column set (primary, in a detail, in a custom column set), and the Account is the name of the column itself. 

"Test" is the name of the localizable string where you set the title of the column (http://prntscr.com/qdkx0d)

3) Replace the MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace and add  UsrCustomMobileContactModuleConfig in the Contact model in the PageExtensions (http://prntscr.com/qdky13)

4) Compile the application and synchronize the mobile application 

After that the title is changed (http://prntscr.com/qdkyle)

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Hi Community,

How we can do Multiple Selection on Mobile Section List?


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Hello Fulgen,

In the current out-of-the-box functionality there is no way to select multiple records in the section list using mobile application and problem regarding this topic is already present in a backlog of our R&D team. You can create your own logic of selection of several records in the list via development (try using multiSelect option in Terrasoft.controls.Select class), but we cannot guide you here since there was no practical implementation of this logic. I will also inform our R&D team about your question on the community so to raise the priority of the problem.



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Hi Community,

Any idea how can I show records count summary in mobile section list just like in crm (please see screenshot below).


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Dear Fulgen,

Such functionality is available starting from the version 7.14.4

Here is the example of the accounts section http://prntscr.com/pg7rwb

More detail are in the release notes:


Best regards,


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I want to disable this feature, so when i'm come back open the section it's directly showing the data not the history.

any solution for this?

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Dear Ahmad,

You need to replace the schema MobileApplicationManifestDefaultWorkplace and add this part of the code.


"Models": {

      "Case": {


              { "Disable": true


Here is the example how it would look like for the Cases section. You need to do the same for your custom section. 


Also, make sure the section is not listed in the system setting  'Mobile application section list whose data is displayed through search results only'. You can set the value 0, save it and re-login. 

After that, clear the mobile application cache and re-synchronize. 

Best regards,




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Hi Community,

I used this below link to setup push notification in mobile


Licensed users using mobile are getting push notifications but Portal users using mobile application is not getting push notification. Is there any other setup needs to do for portal users?


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Dear Fulgen,

The most possible cause is access rights to the object and settings for portal users. Please check the access for the following objects:





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