Hello Community. Somebody know if there is a way to run the mobile debugger emulator in mac or linux?

I tried to change the patch and URL but something is missing.


@echo off
SET CHROMEPATH=C:\ChromePortable\GoogleChromePortable.exe
  SET /p CHROMEPATH="Enter path to chrome.exe (ver. 79.x or earlier): "
SET PAGEPATH=..\web\MobileMainPage.html
copy NUL "..\web\cordova.js" /Y
start %CHROMEPATH% --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-popup-blocking --enable-device-mode "file:///%~dp0%PAGEPATH%?platform=webkit&usecookie=true"


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So far Im getting this error

I managed to solve the issue but is ask me to allow store in the system, and after allowed I got an error.

Solved. The issue was in the version of chrome (Needs to be 7.9 or below) After that just create a script to run chrome. A example of the script if in case somebody wants to use it.

export PAGEPATH="\home\federico\Documents\7.18.0\web\MobileMainPage.html"
google-chrome --disable-features=IsolateOrigins,site-per-process --allow-file-access-from-files --disable-web-security --disable-popup-blocking --user-data-dir="/home/federico/ChromeUserData" --enable-device-mode  "file:///$PAGEPATH?platform=webkit&usecookie=true"


Federico Buffa ...,

Thanks for sharing this. I'll give it a try as well ??


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I was trying to validate email format and phone number format in activity section in mobile application but could not find anything.

Please provide me a way to validate these fields in mobile application.




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Hello Malay,

Could you please provide us more detailed information on your business task? Could you share screenshots?

Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Hello Bogdan,


Hello I want to apply validation for mobile number and email in activity section. For example, the phone number should be of 10 digits and only contain numbers and email format should be of the form abc@xyz.com.


I have used JavaScript for lead section to do it for the web version but how to do it for the mobile application?


Below is the screenshot of the mobile activity page where I want to apply this validation.




Hello Malay,

You can use a custom business rule for this task. See here for an example: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/mobile_development/mobile_ap…

For using the custom rule for validation, you can pass a third parameter to the callback function with a message (the validation message) and value (true or false indicating if validation passed or not).

For example:

var result = {};
if (passedTheTestAndIsValid) {
    result = {
        value: true
else {
    result = {
        value: false,
        message: "The entered value is invalid"
// now include the result in the callback
Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [result]);


Ryan Farley,

 Thanks for share it. You have any example using esq query in custom business rules for validations?

Christian Kern,


1. File will be stored in configurations.


2. The main rule - the first word of business rule name should be the section name. Like "Contact", "Case", "Account". 


Best regards, 


Bogdan L.

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Hello Team!


I need to hide one filed based of the selection of one category lookup. I follow the academy  with the steps for the rule type. But my question is whats happend when you have more values in a OR condition. I tried to placed all the conditions in the same rule and didn't work and as well like in the example separate, but only the last one is working. How is the correct process in this case?




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Hello Federico, 


We performed some tests in order to achieve your requirement, but it seems like such implementation is not possible for now. The only one business rule will be active in this case. We already informed our Core R&D team and we will work to add such functionality in our next releases. Thank you for understanding!

Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

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Are there any sdk js docs equivalent to what is here but for the mobile client?



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Unfortunately there is no similar docs for mobile client.




dean parrett,

I figured. Thanks for confirming. It would be fantastic if there were more info available for developing for the mobile client (anything beyond using the wizard). The few pages that exist in the Academy now are pretty limited and leaves too many things undocumented. If at least the JS docs were available, it would make things easier for a developer to figure things out on their own.


Hi Ryan,


I've registered your request for our developers to consider making similar sdk for mobile.




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Hi Team,


I want to know how we can use the functionality of open- edit pages, pre - configured pages and dialog box in Creatio mobile application.


Can you please help me out in figuring this out?


Thanks in advance

Sarika Sharma

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Hello Sarika, 


Unfortunately, the pre-configured pages and the dialog boxes (modal windows) are not presented in the default configuration of the mobile application yet. 


Detailed information about the mobile application interface (as well as information on how the edit data option works there) can be found in the Get started with the mobile app UI Academy article. 


Best regards, 


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I have a scenario to show a pop up message based on user action (something similar like the screenshot) in the edit page of a section in mobile application.


Any ideas / suggestions would be great.





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Best reply



There is no option to add similar custom notifications. But as the workaround it is possible to setup push notifications for mobile app. Here is the Academy article that has step by step description regarding this task https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-13/how-set-push-no…






There is no option to add similar custom notifications. But as the workaround it is possible to setup push notifications for mobile app. Here is the Academy article that has step by step description regarding this task https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-bpms/7-13/how-set-push-no…




dean parrett,


Thanks a lot, Works like a charm.

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Hi Community,


We've this situation where we need to execute a query to the database when we press the button that we created following this article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/mobile_development/mobile_ap….


So far we manage to create the button itself and retrieve the record id when this button is pressed.

Ext.define("Terrasoft.controls.CustomRecordPanelItem", {
    extend: "Terrasoft.RecordPanelItem",
  	requires: ["Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery"],
    xtype: "cftestrecordpanelitem",
    config: {
        items: [
                xtype: "container",
                layout: "hbox",
                items: [
                        xtype: "button",
                      	cls: 'btn',
                        id: "clickMeButton",
                      	text: '<div style="color: white">TERMINAR</div>',
                        flex: 5,
    initialize: function() {
        var clickMeButton = Ext.getCmp("clickMeButton");
        clickMeButton.element.on("tap", this.onClickMeButtonClick, this);
    onClickMeButtonClick: function() {
        var record = this.getRecord();
      	var servicoId= record.data.imdServico.data.Id;
      	var activitycategoryId = '82e0f151-a00a-46c5-8916-b87992266de6';
      	var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
            rootSchemaName: "Activity"
      	esq.addColumn("imdServicos.Id", "ServicoId");
      	esq.addColumn("ActivityCategory.Id", "TipoCheckListId");
      	var esqFirstFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "imdServicos.Id", servicoId);
      	var esqSecondFilter = esq.createColumnFilterWithParameter(Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, "ActivityCategory.Id", activitycategoryId);
      	esq.filters.logicalOperation = Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND;
      	esq.filters.add("esqFirstFilter", esqFirstFilter);
		esq.filters.add("esqSecondFilter", esqSecondFilter);
        esq.getEntityCollection(function (result) {
            if (result.success) {
                /*result.collection.each(function (item) {
  		}, this);

We are having problems trying to execute the Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery") because we think that some dependencies are missing.


Any idea on how to solve this problem?


Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi Pedro,


Can you send the debug result using the mobile application emulator? What is the error?


Best regards,


Hi Oscar Dylan,


Thank you for your response. The following image shows the error that we are getting when pressing the button.



var esq = this.Ext.create("Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery", {
            rootSchemaName: "Activity"

We think that the error might be related to the lack of dependencies.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hello Pedro. Did you manage to get the result of the queries?

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Hi Community,

In mobile application I have a button "Terminar" that when I press it I want run a process from my process library in Creatio.

To implement this button I created the following component and a function "onClickMeButtonClick", that is responsable for executing the process after pressing the button. To execute the process I used "Terrasoft.configuration.ProcessModuleUtilities", but I'm not sure if this is the best way to implement this example.

Any idea on how to develop this logic?


Thanks an advance.


Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hello Daniel,


The mobile application UI doesn't support working with business processes and processes are only triggered on the server side in real-time once the record is modified in the mobile application or record is added (and correspondent start signals are present in some process).


Our core R&D team already has a task to make it possible to work with business processes from the UI directly and I will also let them know about your post so to prioritize the task for them.


Thank you for helping us in making the app better!


Best regards,


Thank You Oscar.

I think it is a important feature for the application, so that the actions of the buttons can be dynamic and don't just give it "Message Alerts".


Best Regards,

Daniel Longo

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Hi Community?

I want to hide some column filters, like I show in image below, since I have many columns in this object.

Does anyone know if there's any way to hide it? I'm not finding any documentation about it.

Thanks in Advance.


Best Regards, 

Daniel Longo

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Hello Daniel,


This is a core application logic and it's not possible to hide these columns. However you can use the "Search for filter column" option that was developed to find the needed filter column fast.


Best regards,


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I want to open a webpage in browser in mobile application by tapping on a custom string field but could not find any solution in academy or community.




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Dear Malay,


In detail Communication option for accounts and contacts, you can find the communication option Web - after the link is added to it you will be able to click it. To add this logic to your field check the code of this detail in OOB mobile application and mimic it for your field. 


Best regards,


Hello Angela,


I have seen this field, but in the advanced settings it is hidden from me as it is a out of the box field. I cannot find it in any lead mobile page or lead edit page v2.

If you have source code for this, please provide me so that I can implement that on my field.





Check MobileAccountCommunicationModelConfig schema or simular schema for contact section. 


Best regards,


Angela Reyes,


I have checked all the schemas related to account and contact, but could not find the definition for that "Web" field which is clickable in mobile.

I have checked the MobileAccountCommunicationModelConfig  also but could not find anything.




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