i created a business process that uses the addOn “Save printable' process element”.
After selecting a contact person and the printable, the word-report should be generated and automatically attached to the order.

On my local instance everything is working fine and the printable is generated and attached to the order.
But after transferring the package to another instance i get this error:
An error occurred while applying the value of the parameter "PrintableId" of the business process element:
Unable to compute expression "[#[IsOwnerSchema:false].[IsSchema:false].[Element:{a9befd22-f3f3-40a2-919e-46e06dc16789}].[Parameter:{cf7d4c69-06f2-47d6-b0d3-209ddb1cf073}]#]", error: Formula value error: Expression expected (at index 0).
I checked all the settings and it seems there is no difference between my local and the target instance.