Very strange occurance with our instance. activities that were created during a 'make recurring' process are not visible in Schedule view when logged in and attempting to look at their own activities. When others set the owner in the Schedule view in the activity section to the activity owner, the activities are visible. Has anyone else seen this with this Marketplace add-on?
Based on the symptoms, I recommend rechecking the ActivityParticipant Detail.
All out-of-the-box filters in the Activity section work with this detail because one activity can have several participants. Maybe there is a problem with the data in this detail.
We have also reviewed the add-on and tested it on our site. However, we were unable to reproduce the issue on our end.
Possible reasons for this:
1. Non-standard rights settings on ActivityParticipant Detail.
2. Customized Activity \ ActivityParticipant or Recurring Activities logic.
I recommend using the official version of the add-on.
Also, you may test your settings on a trial site to pinpoint the bottleneck.
I am trying to update a lookup field linked to Owner field of Accounts (Lookup to Contacts) for multiple records using an input box, which is added as custom action. But, the list of records are not displaying either by typing in the field or clicking on magnifying glass icon.
I have tried multiple way to bind attributes and diff but no progress, therefore I have attached the code snippet of this custom action for reference.
I appreciate if you can suggest a way to tackle this issue.
The code works very well. I however need to display the list as a modal pop up instead of drop down. Could you please let me know what changes need to be done or point me to resources?
This usually happens if there are more than 1 workplace set for the Mobile App. The best way is to check your Mobile wizard and see if any of those sections linked to any of the workplaces.
I double checked and nothing is refering to the order. (I only kept Account/Contact/Activity/Lead. The data that I'm showing does not call ORDERs or Products in Orders)
But I still see : Importing data (OrderProduct) = over 2 Millions records.
Can we limit the amount of Order records (Today's data ONLY) ?
I was only able to put the button inside the ControlGroup, but not in the "tools" container since ControlGroups have no "tools" container (like standard details). The result was as follows:
It seems that its impossible to put the button beside the group, but it's possible to put it inside the group using the code like below:
Case can be registered from case section, incoming email and mobile application. Case number is being populated automatically. We need to give different prefix for each. Currently all prefix are coming from system setting "Case number mask" and is being applied for all Cases.
Please let us know to where we can find this function and how we can override it for us to customize it based on our requirements.
This logic can be achieved with the help of a business process. Please see the screenshot below:
It should start with a signal Case Added (when a new case is created). The next element would be Read Data which will read all the data from the case. The data should be read from Category, ID, and Number columns. Please, don't forget to filter the cases by ID. Alternatively, the system will not understand which case to choose and will select the first available one.
Also, you need to set the following parameters here:
NewCaseNumber - Text (500 characters)
OldCaseNumber - Text (500 characters)
Prefix - Text (500 characters)
The next element would be Formula which will be dividing your cases in different flows. You will need to add the conditions according to which you would like to group your cases here. Please, select case category in order to separate the cases by the source they are registered from.
When setting up Formula element (#2), you will need to set the formula value to the following parameter: OldCaseNumber. The Formula value here will be [#Read case. First item of resulting collection.Number#]
The conditional flow (#3) should be filled in this way: [#Read case. First item of resulting collection.Category#]==[#Lookup.Case category.Incident.1b0bc159-150a-e111-a31b-00155d04c01d#]
The conditional flow (#4) is a default flow.
In Formula element (#5) you need to set the formula value to the following parameter: Prefix. The Formula value here will be, for example, “HY” (the needed prefix).
In Formula element (#6), please do the same as in the previous element, just set another prefix.
The seventh element is Script task (#7), its code is:
The eighth element is Modify Data (#8) which will finally change the prefix. Please, filter the cases here by ID as well. In the field ‘Which column values to set for modified records please type [#NewCaseNumber#].
You can customize the process based on your tasks, but the basic structure is described above.
Thank you for your suggestion but I want to override the function before insert. From there I wanted to change the Case Number right away. Please guide me how can I override it?
You can either create a database trigger or you can create the same process that is triggered upon CaseInserting event in the Case object of the Case package, but in your custom package and change the logic of the sequence:
We don't have a practical example of the implementation so you will need to study the logic of this process and create your own process in the same way if you select EntityEvent option.
Regarding the business case you mentioned, you can:
1. Remove the prefix in the system setting. Therefore no prefix will be attached to you case number, which is generated from the user task.
2. Create exact the same process as Oscar mentioned above.
In the last step, "SetGeneratedNumberScript" apply your logic.
string code = string.Empty;
code = GenerateNumberUserTask.ResultCode;
//Apply your business logic for the prefix and attach the prefix to the generated code. So code = LogicPreifx + code;
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(code)) {
Entity.SetColumnValue("Number", code);
return true;
Be careful that the case number will be will be generated on UI when you click on new case. So you need to disable the code generation on page or apply the same logic.
I tried to follow your suggestion, in a standard package (no assembly package) I overrided the CaseInserting event by adding my business logic, but it doesn't work, the application calls the original version.
Unfortunately, there are no such functions as for Facebook integration yet. We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases.
i need some help about adding photo on MS Word Report, i have add the Photo from the object but the photo is'nt showed in Word Report, it just only print the file name. Do you have any idea guys?
The responsible team is working to fix this. The error appears due to the changes in the basic functionality in version 7.18.3. We plan to publish the updated package no later than the end of October.
This is related to when adding records in "subordinate cases" detail. I am getting error when client is calling this service "HierarchicalRecordSelectService" method "UpdateRecords". It is weird because this service exists on my configuration and this is Out of the box, we haven't done any customization into it. Any idea how to fix it?
In addition could you please contact our support at directly and give us the reproducing steps with the external access if you can't handle this issue yourself and we will definitely investigate the problem.