How to cancel Open edit page?

When Open edit page is used in a process, how do you complete the process if the page is canceled?  If the user selects CANCEL, instead of SAVE, the process should continue and this should be detectable in some way. How do I set it so that the element is considered complete without saving the record and verify it afterwards?

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If the page is canceled the process is left in "Running" status so the system user could return to it and complete this element (if he doesn't want to reschedule completion of this element, for example if the page was opened by mistake).

If you select "Cancel" the process is not finished and it is still in "Running" status and you can see it in process log section.

You can leave the page without changes and click on "Save" and the process will go to the next step in this case.

We will leave a suggestion to our R&D team to change the logic of "Cancel" button so it could be easier for users to work with an edit page. Thank you for helping us to make our application better!

Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

So, what's the difference between CANCEL and PERFORM LATER?  Why are there two buttons?  The CANCEL button should be eliminated until the code is fixed to represent the meaning of the button if it doesn't actually stop the process or throw a signal.  It's particularly annoying because the user can delete the notification and ignore the process completely, but the process is left running.

Janine White,

I guess "Cancel" button was left in the application when "Perform button" was developed. I agree that from technical point of view "Cancel" button is useless and should be removed. I've already created a problem for our R&D team and also left your feedback on this question. Hope they will remove this button from the application in nearest version.

Best regards,


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