Dear community

I request your collaboration with a question for Mobile Application Wizard, I have configured some sections, Opportunities and Claimant (Custom section), once exit system or compile all items, or modify some field in section wizard, the sections dissapear and I must configured everything again.

In my manifest file, I'm calling some business rules, that I need for some validations.

Please check the following image.

I really appreciate your help.

Thank you so much.

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Dear Gio, 

Unfortunately, it is not possible to tell what exactly is causing such system behavior. Please send us an email at and we will be happy to help.



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What I need is that when a new contact is created in the category, it is easy to identify with a color as shown in Lead. (




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Hello Pedro,

I have an article on how to color list rows based on conditions in the data here:…

Additionally, if you'd rather not write the code yourself, there is a marketplace add-on that does this as well here…

Hope this helps,


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I have created a MS Word printable template for accounts in a Sales Enterprise Instance. I am able to print the form in pdf format also.

But I have created a printable template in studio trail account, in that "Convert to pdf" check box is not visible. I was able to download the form only in doc format not in a pdf. Please guide me on how to get the "Convert to pdf" check box in studio account?

Thank you.


File attachments
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Starting from 7.14.2 version the functionality of PDF-convertation was excluded from an out-of-the-box features list. All clients that are updating between versions and already use such a feature in their printables have this feature being available.

Currently our R&D team is working on implementation of this feature in an out-of-the-box version and we hope that it will return back very soon. We are very sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Best regards,


Thank you for your quick response.


I have created a overdue activities form which is accessible from accounts page. I need to create a summary column "Number of overdue activities". Can you please guide me on this issue?

Thank you.

likhitha sirisha,

I've created a printable which shows the count of activities in "Completed" status for contacts and here is steps to do that:

1) Create a printable for "Contacts" section

2) Select Quantity of activities for a contact (but you need to change aggregated column from "by Contact" to "by Owner")

3) Once selected click on the edit button

4) In the opened window please specify filtering conditions for activities that need to be taken into a count (in my case those records are activities in completed status)

As a result you need to create a template of this printable and display all those columns. In my case I received the number properly (this number also included "Email" activities Here is also an Academy reference on printables setup here. Please do the same to achieve your business task.

Best regards,


Thank you. I followed the procedure and I got the required result.


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How can we Create menu / section for the existing object?

Is this possible by applying db scripts. If yes please suggest the same.

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Dear Sriraksha,

Firstly, we highly do not recommend to create several sections per one object. Please note, that data will be duplicated in both sections, since they are referring to one object. You can create a new object in the system with the same range of columns and copy data from initial object to newly created. 

Nevertheless, if you intend to add section manually, please take a look at following tables: 









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When I install application from file, occurs an error:

insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc"


Can you help me? Thank you

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Dear Carolina,

   The error was caused by a sql-query. In order to catch the query please deploy the application on-site and use Sql Server Profiler. Then please try to analyze the query and find out what went wrong.

   Most likely the error caused by missing cultures in the target application. Please check that the target application contains all cultures from the application where the package was developed. For further developing please, use the same product and version on the dev and target application.  


   For more detailed assistance, please contact technical support.

Besr regards,


What can I do? Is there any configuration - data (in advanced settings) to add?

I don't have access to folder of target application.

My local environment is on version 7.14.2 and target application is on version 7.14.1.


Thank you

How do I have all the cultures?

I compare two database and the data in SysCulture table is the same.

Dear Carolina,

Unfortunately, it's not possible to install a package on a different version. Please consider upgrading the target application to 7.14.2. 

Best regards,


Thanks for your reply.


The target application was upgraded to 7.14.2.

I continue with this error:

Terrasoft.Common.DbOperationException: Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 23503: insert or update on table "SysPackageDataLcz" violates foreign key constraint "FKfg1JPl35PDx2FCE8Oagxv7VAMIc"

Is there a problem if the local database is different than target database?

My local database is SQL Server and target database is PostgreSQL.


On target application I can't change the "Date and time format" and "Time zone" in my profile. May be related?

I have this error: Errors occurred while saving the profile. Please try to save again.


Best regards,


My problem is solved.

The database from target application was in PostgreSQL and now it is updated to SQL Server.

Then I did an install application from file and it's working fine.

After update, it's possible change "Date and time format" and "Time zone" in my profile. 


Thanks for help :)

Best regards

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I am following the documentation about adding a calculated field you can find here.

I am following it piece by piece, and am doing everything exactly as it says but every time I try to view the calculated field in the edit orders page it says "Invalid column name UsrBalance". I've logged out and back in along with clearing cache. I also have recompiled it in the configuration advanced settings. When I download the package and import it though it works fine, no issues. I compare my package to their package and its the same. Maybe I am missing a part where I need to somehow validate the UsrBalance column or something I'm not sure. All parent inheritance is correct and followed as they have put it too.

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Please check if you have the value of system setting called "Prefix for object name" set as Usr and if it is not - you need to change it to Usr and relogin to the system and check the issue after that.

If it won't work, please try to find this column in the database and if it is not present in the database - please run update database structure for the object which is represented by the table where this column is present.

Also please double check if the field was added the same way to this part in the article:

define("OrderPageV2", [], function() {
    return {
        // Edit page object schema name.
        entitySchemaName: "Order",
        details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
        // The attributes property of the view model.
        attributes: {
            // Name of the view model attribute.
            "UsrBalance": {
                // Data type of the view model column.
                dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.FLOAT,
                // Array of configuration objects that determines [UsrBalance] column dependencies.
                dependencies: [
                        // The value in the [UsrBalance] column depends on the [Amount] 
                        // and [PaymentAmount] columns.
                        columns: ["Amount", "PaymentAmount"],
                        // Handler method, which is called on modifying the value of the on of the columns: [Amount] 
                        // and [PaymentAmount].
                        methodName: "calculateBalance"
        // Collection of the edit page view model methods.
        methods: {
            // Overriding the base Terrasoft.BasePageV2.onEntityInitialized method, which 
            // is triggerd after the edit page object schema has been initialized.
            onEntityInitialized: function() {
                // Method parent implementation is called.
                // Calling the handler method, which calculates the value in the [UsrBalance] column.
            // Handler method that calculates the value in the [UsrBalance] column.
            calculateBalance: function() {
                // Checking whether the [Amount] and [PaymentAmount] columns are initialized
                // when the edit page is opened. If not, then zero values are set for them.
                var amount = this.get("Amount");
                if (!amount) {
                    amount = 0;
                var paymentAmount = this.get("PaymentAmount");
                if (!paymentAmount) {
                    paymentAmount = 0;
                // Calculating the margin between the values in the [Amount] and [PaymentAmount] columns.
                var result = amount - paymentAmount;
                // The calculation result is set as the value in the [UsrBalance] column.
                this.set("UsrBalance", result);
        // Visual display of the [UsrBalance] column on the edit page.
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
                "operation": "insert",
                "parentName": "Header",
                "propertyName": "items",
                "name": "UsrBalance",
                "values": {
                    "bindTo": "UsrBalance",
                    "layout": {"column": 12, "row": 2, "colSpan": 12}
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Hi Community,

I created an editable detail according to the source code provided on the Academy.

The problem is that I don't know how to make Columns to be a Read Only column.

Please find the link to the academy article:

Please find here the code from the Academy:

// Defining schema and setting its dependencies from other modules.
define("UsrCourierServiceDetail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",
    "ConfigurationGridUtilities"], function() {
    return {
        // Detail object schema name.
        entitySchemaName: "UsrCourierService",
        // Schema attribute list.
        attributes: {
            // Determines whether the editing is enabled.
            "IsEditable": {
                // Data type — logic.
                dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,
                // Attribute type — virtual column of the view model.
                type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,
                // Set value.
                value: true
        // Used mixins.
        mixins: {
            ConfigurationGridUtilities: "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGridUtilities"
        // Array with view model modifications.
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[
                // Operation type — merging.
                "operation": "merge",
                // Name of the schema element, with which the action is performed.
                "name": "DataGrid",
                // Object, whose properties will be joined with the schema element properties.
                "values": {
                    // Class name
                    "className": "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGrid",
                    // View generator must generate only part of view.
                    "generator": "ConfigurationGridGenerator.generatePartial",
                    // Binding the edit elements configuration obtaining event
                    // of the active page to handler method.
                    "generateControlsConfig": {"bindTo": "generateActiveRowControlsConfig"},
                    // Binding the active record changing event to handler method.
                    "changeRow": {"bindTo": "changeRow"},
                    // Binding the record selection cancellation event to handler method.
                    "unSelectRow": {"bindTo": "unSelectRow"},
                    // Binding of the list click event to handler method.
                    "onGridClick": {"bindTo": "onGridClick"},
                    // Actions performed with active record.
                    "activeRowActions": [
                        // [Save] action setup.
                            // Class name of the control element, with which the action is connected.
                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
                            // Display style — transparent button.
                            // Tag.
                            "tag": "save",
                            // Marker value.
                            "markerValue": "save",
                            // Binding button image.
                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.SaveIcon"}
                        // [Cancel] action setup.
                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
                            "tag": "cancel",
                            "markerValue": "cancel",
                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.CancelIcon"}
                        // [Delete] action setup.
                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",
                            "tag": "remove",
                            "markerValue": "remove",
                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.RemoveIcon"}
                    // Binding to method that initializes subscription to events
                    // of clicking buttons in the active row.
                    "initActiveRowKeyMap": {"bindTo": "initActiveRowKeyMap"},
                    // Binding the active record action completion event to handler method.
                    "activeRowAction": {"bindTo": "onActiveRowAction"},
                    // Identifies whether multiple records can be selected.
                    "multiSelect": {"bindTo": "MultiSelect"}
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Displaying some columns on editable detail in readonly mode can be implemented via js development. There is a base method named getCellControlsConfig which returns configuration of an editable registry cell. Please feel free to override the method in the detail schema. Set the enabled property to false to make concrete column readonly.

In the example below the UsrTest column is readonly:

// Defining schema and setting its dependencies from other modules.

define("UsrCourierServiceDetail", ["ConfigurationGrid", "ConfigurationGridGenerator",

    "ConfigurationGridUtilities"], function() {

    return {

        // Detail object schema name.

        entitySchemaName: "UsrCourierService1",

        // Schema attribute list.

        attributes: {

            // Determines whether the editing is enabled.

            "IsEditable": {

                // Data type — logic.

                dataValueType: Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN,

                // Attribute type — virtual column of the view model.

                type: Terrasoft.ViewModelColumnType.VIRTUAL_COLUMN,

                // Set value.

                value: true



        // Used mixins.

        mixins: {

            ConfigurationGridUtilities: "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGridUtilities"



            getCellControlsConfig: function(entitySchemaColumn) {

                var columnName =;

                var enabled = (entitySchemaColumn.usageType !== Terrasoft.EntitySchemaColumnUsageType.None) &&

                    !Ext.Array.contains(this.systemColumns, columnName);


                if (columnName === "UsrTest") {

                    enabled = false;



                var config = this.getDefaultCellControlsConfig(columnName, {

                    enabled: enabled,

                    caption: entitySchemaColumn.caption


                if (entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType === Terrasoft.DataValueType.LOOKUP) {

                    config.showValueAsLink = false;


                if (entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType !== Terrasoft.DataValueType.DATE_TIME &&

                    entitySchemaColumn.dataValueType !== Terrasoft.DataValueType.BOOLEAN) {

                    config.focused = {"bindTo": "Is" + columnName + "Focused"};


                return config;



        // Array with view model modifications.

        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[


                // Operation type — merging.

                "operation": "merge",

                // Name of the schema element, with which the action is performed.

                "name": "DataGrid",

                // Object, whose properties will be joined with the schema element properties.

                "values": {

                    // Class name

                    "className": "Terrasoft.ConfigurationGrid",

                    // View generator must generate only part of view.

                    "generator": "ConfigurationGridGenerator.generatePartial",

                    // Binding the edit elements configuration obtaining event

                    // of the active page to handler method.

                    "generateControlsConfig": {"bindTo": "generateActiveRowControlsConfig"},

                    // Binding the active record changing event to handler method.

                    "changeRow": {"bindTo": "changeRow"},

                    // Binding the record selection cancellation event to handler method.

                    "unSelectRow": {"bindTo": "unSelectRow"},

                    // Binding of the list click event to handler method.

                    "onGridClick": {"bindTo": "onGridClick"},

                    // Actions performed with active record.

                    "activeRowActions": [

                        // [Save] action setup.


                            // Class name of the control element, with which the action is connected.

                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",

                            // Display style — transparent button.


                            // Tag.

                            "tag": "save",

                            // Marker value.

                            "markerValue": "save",

                            // Binding button image.

                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.SaveIcon"}


                        // [Cancel] action setup.


                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",


                            "tag": "cancel",

                            "markerValue": "cancel",

                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.CancelIcon"}


                        // [Delete] action setup.


                            "className": "Terrasoft.Button",


                            "tag": "remove",

                            "markerValue": "remove",

                            "imageConfig": {"bindTo": "Resources.Images.RemoveIcon"}



                    // Binding to method that initializes subscription to events

                    // of clicking buttons in the active row.

                    "initActiveRowKeyMap": {"bindTo": "initActiveRowKeyMap"},

                    // Binding the active record action completion event to handler method.

                    "activeRowAction": {"bindTo": "onActiveRowAction"},

                    // Identifies whether multiple records can be selected.

                    "multiSelect": {"bindTo": "MultiSelect"}






Thanks a lot Alina ! it works.

God bless you.

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Is it possible to specify a lookup as the possible answers for an user dialog ? How ?

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Dear Ricardo,

There is no such option for user dialog but you may use auto-generated or pre-configured page instead for such task - they can be configured as you described. 

Best regards,


Angela Reyes,

Thanks !

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Other than the need for synchronization, are there differences in app functionality between online and offline mode? Our instance was in Offline mode by default. 

However, we're considering switching to Online mode because the case-sensitive search in Offline mode is a significant problem for our users. 

Before we switch, however, we'd like to know if Online mode will cause any other differences. (Aside from the need to synch.)



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Hello Jeffrey,

Please refer to this Academy article regarding bpm'online mobile application architecture. The main difference between these two modes is that if you select the online operation mode, there is no need to synchronize the application manually. In this mode, the app synchronizes with the bpm'online server automatically, in real time. For example, if you add a task using the mobile application, the task will immediately display in the primary application and vice versa.

In the offline mode, the mobile app user should synchronize periodically with the primary bpm’online application. Changes made to the mobile application are saved on the bpm'online server only after synchronizing with the primary application.

There is also a table in the article provided which displays difference between these two modes.

In different mobile app operation modes, synchronization with bpm’online has different functions. In the online mode, the synchronization is required only to apply configuration changes. In the offline mode, the synchronization is required both to apply configuration changes and to synchronize the data between the mobile app and the bpm’online server.

So as a result Online mode should not cause any errors and it is not significantly different from Offline mode.



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How to search emails from a connected mail box? Version used in 7.14.0.


How to include Activity section in search results? Already ticked the "indexing for full text" in activity section; still activities are not listed while searching for a contact.

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Dear Krishna,

Indeed, by default the Activity records are not included to the global search results. After you enabled full text indexing it is better to wait for some time till the records are indexed. Once the process is finished - they should be displayed in the search results. Note, the activities with the type 'Email' are not displayed in the global search results. If you still don't have the activities in the search results, we suggest to contact our support team via and request the full manual re-indexation. Thus, all data in the database will be re-indexed and will be displayed in the search results. 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks Dean!!

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