

The problem is - i didn't see requests to _bundle.js files in "Network" tab in browser console.

System behavior is like there is no bundles.


My steps:

  • Configure bundler and create dictionary appropriate with documentation
  • Generate bundels and check them in "CREATIO_ROOT/Terrasoft.WebApp/conf/content/bundles" directory
  • Check bundles direcory system rights and access
  • Reset IIS and Redis
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Please check if you have debug mode enabled (system setting IsDebug). When it is turned on, the system will not use bundles even though they are enabled.

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Hello, colleagues.


Im using swagger api on 


to configure global search services.


My actions:

  • Launch all required docker containers according with documentation
  • Registered a 'my_precious' site name with the parameters 

    {"databaseType": "mssql", "databaseConnectionString": "Server=DB_SERVER_IP; Database=DATABASE; User Id=USERNAME; Password=PASSWORD; Connection Timeout=10; TrustServerCertificate=true"}
  • Created an index with the parameters 

    {"templateName": "ngram_3.json"}


Configured the system settings according to the academy instructions:

  • Executed an SQL query to activate the global search feature
  • Filled three system settings with url's :81, :82, and :83/indexname


Port 1433 (SQL) on the CRM database server is open.


When checking the status of the global search using 


, I receive the following error: 

Failed to check state for the 'my_precious' site: Internal connection fatal error.

I have checked the logs of all Docker containers related to the global search and haven't found anything similar to this error.

What does this error indicate, and where can I find a more detailed description of it?


And no, global search isn't working.

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1. I suggest performing a check using the Swagger interface:

  1. Follow this link:


Where GS_server_address is the address of the server hosting the global search services. Locate the command /sites/my_site_name/search/state

Essentially, this is the same check but through a more user-friendly interface.

  1. 2. Additionally, I noticed that the connection string uses PostgreSQL server flags (Server/Database). I suggest trying the following format, which is more typical for MSSQL:


"Data Source=server\\Instance;Initial Catalog=DB;User ID=*****;Password=*****"  




"Data Source=ip;Initial Catalog=DB;User ID=*****;Password=*****" 


  1. 3. I also recommend verifying that the database server and the database itself support external connections. You can refer to this guide:

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Hi community, 

does anyone successfully upgraded a creatio instance hosted on docker container ? 

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At the moment, there is no official procedure for updating the application to the docker. You can find the relevant communication in this article on Creatio Academy.

We recommend deploying to the docker only for test environments.


Thank you.

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Hi community,

I would like to know if anyone has configured their development environment using a docker container.

I would like to speed up the configuration of a new development environment on a local laptop.

I can create a docker image and use clio to customize it as I want.

My concern is with the process of updating an environment contained in a docker image.

During the development phase a developer need to insert some sample data for testing, so when I upgrade the environment to a new version of creatio I would like to keep this data.


Any suggestions are appreciate

Like 3



Hi, you have two options for keeping data. First - configure your dev environment with persistent volume. In this case, you need to complete and follow the update procedure. But this is a long way. Alternate options (recommended) - save your development data in your packages. You can use a separate package for it. Deploy a clean new Creatio version and install your functional and test data packages on it.  This procedure provides flex scenarios, for example, a fast recovery development environment, easy deployment of new instances of the current version, and an easy way to try a new version without changing your actual environment. 

thank you!

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I am trying to set up a creatio development environment with docker for the guided learning Development on Creatio Platform (November) workshop sessions starting next monday.

I have found the academy article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/application_se…

My problem now is that there is no "Terrasoft.WebHost.dll" in my creatio package.

Where can i find it? Is there another package i have to download?

I tried emailing support, but my message seems to be classified as spam, preventing the message from being sent. (I should still be able to receive mail without problems)

Could you please provide a way for me to have the correct files required for the guided learning workshop sessions.

Best regards


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As far as we can not help you with this question because we do not know what Creatio package you are using, this question can be resolved as a case for the Creatio Support Team.

If you having problems with sending an email, you can try to connect with us by calling:


USA: +1 617 765 7997

UK: +44 20 3384 0040

Australia: +61 261 452 888

+38 (044) 363-31-33

Alternatively, you can send your question through Customer Portal.

Thank you.


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I see that the Appserver is possible to be run in a container.

Did anyone try to make a docker compose file for the whole Creatio setup?

Like 1



Good day,


Unfortunately, Creatio support does not have a ready-to-install compose file nor do we have documented instructions to create one.


I will create a request for our developers to create a detailed guide for this task and add it to our Academy.


Thank you.

Hi Artem,

 Any update regarding the compose file , kindly we try to scale our infra machines

Ali Sami,


We have checked this and it has not been implemented yet, but I will mention your inquiry in the registered idea to increase its priority.

Actually it's very simple to run Creatio in Docker. I've wrote a ~30 lines of Docker compose that runs just fine.

The actual pain is Upgrade. If your DB worked with one App version then just starting it with another App version of Creatio simply fails. That's because you need to run "magic" exe that does downloading, upgrading App and DB. 🤮


Hi, can you share the Docker Compose?, please to try?


Thanks :-)

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Hi there!

I'm trying to run clio in Docker on Ubuntu Server 20.04.

Following instructions provided here - https://github.com/Advance-Technologies-Foundation/clio#installation-an…, I have downloaded the source code, and executed "docker build -f ./install/Dockerfile -t clio ."

But I got unexpected output, and, seems, clio container did not even started:


DEPRECATED: The legacy builder is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
            Install the buildx component to build images with BuildKit:
Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.899MB
Step 1/13 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:3.1 as base
 ---> 1e8401d05dea
Step 2/13 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 18f52a48e0a5
Step 3/13 : FROM mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:3.1 AS build
 ---> 1e8401d05dea
Step 4/13 : WORKDIR /app
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 18f52a48e0a5
Step 5/13 : COPY clio clio
 ---> Using cache
 ---> fa0fb42a25ec
Step 6/13 : COPY clio.sln clio.sln
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d8527c9fcc93
Step 7/13 : WORKDIR /app/clio
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f4ae3f90ec62
Step 8/13 : RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o /app/published
 ---> Running in 432ba7ef38dd
Microsoft (R) Build Engine version 16.7.3+2f374e28e for .NET
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
  Determining projects to restore...
/app/clio/clio.csproj : error NU1202: Package DocumentFormat.OpenXmlSDK 2.0.0 is not compatible with net6.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v6.0). Package DocumentFormat.OpenXmlSDK 2.0.0 supports: net35 (.NETFramework,Version=v3.5)
  Failed to restore /app/clio/clio.csproj (in 6.4 sec).
The command '/bin/sh -c dotnet publish -c Release -o /app/published' returned a non-zero code: 1


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Anybody, please, help!



Based on the issue you are experiencing with running Clio Docker on Ubuntu 20.04, it seems to be related to compatibility or configuration problems. To address this, I would recommend following these steps:

  1. Make sure you have met the minimum system requirements for running Clio Docker on Ubuntu 20.04. Check the official documentation for any specific prerequisites.

  2. Double-check that you have correctly followed the installation steps outlined in the documentation or guide provided by Clio.

  3. If the issue persists, I suggest visiting the Clio GitHub repository for more information and possible solutions. You can access the repository at the following link: GitHub Repository. Please search for any existing issues that match your problem or consider opening a new issue to report your specific problem. GitHub representatives and the community can provide further assistance and guidance in troubleshooting the issue.

Remember to provide as much detail as possible when reporting the issue, including any error messages or logs you have encountered. This will help the GitHub community understand and address your problem more effectively.


I hope this helps.

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I am trying to set up a creatio development environment with docker and found the academy article https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/net_core_application_server_on_linux/installation/deploy_the_creatio_net_core_application_on_linux#title-247-4

My problem now is that there is no "Terrasoft.WebHost.dll" in my creatio package.

Where can i find it? Is there another package i have to download?

Best regards,


Like 1



Hello Oliver,

Please contact our support team to get the correct installation files for the local environment. 

Best regards,


Thanks Bogdan,


I just did it


Best regards,





You can also contact the support team directly and specify your issue so we could fix it.



As was already mentioned above, please contact the support team directly.

We will provide you with the correct installation files for the local environment. 

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Hi Community,


To test the HAProxy, I've installed two Creatio Applications on my virtual machine, using Docker. Each instance can be access through a specific container address.


I've successfully configured HAProxy by following this guide (https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/deployment_additional_setup/application_server_web_farm_shortcut/application_server_web_farm). If I stop one of the containers, the HAProxy sends the requests to the other container, as expected. However, when both containers are up and running, I cannot pass through the login page.


I need help to understand:

What is the cause of such behaviour?

What are the possible solutions to solve this problem?

Will this problem occur if each instance is in a separated machine?


Note: I’ve notice on other tests that when I have two Creatio instances on the same machine I can only be logged one at the time. Maybe this is related to the problem.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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I think I’ve managed to solve this problem. In some applications we need to ensure that the user must be connected to the same server during the whole session. So, to allow this I changed the Load Balance Algorithm to source.

frontend front
     maxconn 10000
     #Using these ports for binding
     bind *:80
     bind *:443
     #Convert cookies to be secure
     rspirep ^(set-cookie:.*)  \1;\ Secure
     default_backend creatio
backend creatio
     #set balance type
     balance source       
     server node_1 nodeserver1:80 check weight 2
     server node_2 nodeserver2:80 check weight 1

The problem was solved, but I don't know if this is the correct way to solve it. I would like to hear some feedback. Thank you.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

Hi Pedro, 

We generally recommend using round-robin, as it's optimal in most cases, but the "source" algorithm is working as well. 

As for why the log-in issue happened: it's hard to say definitely, but on of the options is if the machinekey is different on different nodes - it won't let you log in. 


Best regards,


Hi Yurii Sokil,


I moved this infrastructure to a Linux server. In this server I have the same two instances but with different ports instead of docker containers. How can I generate this "machinekey”?


The documentation only explains how to generate them on windows servers, through  PowerShell.


Best Regards,

Pedro Pinheiro

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Hi community,


I followed the documentation found here : https://academy.creatio.com/docs/user/on_site_deployment/containerized_…


Everything worked fine until this curl request :


curl -v -X POST -d '{"templateName": "[TEMPLATE_NAME]"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://[SERVER2_IP_ADDRESS]:81/sites/[SITE_NAME]/search


I get the error found in the attached files.

I saw a post in Russian where they advised to re-install all the components and retry. I did it but it didn't worked. All my containers are up and work perfectly.


Do you have any idea on how to solve this issue ?


Best regards,




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Hi Jonathan, 

Judging by the error message, the Global Search service cannot access ElasticSearch server. 

You need to specify the Ip of the server where your ElasticSearch is deployed in env file in the folder [services] 

Best regards,



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