In Lead and Opportunity is a list names "Reason for closing" which is populated by some lookup (OpportunitycloseReason it seems).

I find no matching lookup with that name but a configuration object where the values are listed but not editable. How do I edit those values?

Thanks for your help

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I think it is these. 

Hello Christian, Keith, 


The needed lookup is called "Opportunity results". If for some reason it's not available in your system, you can create it manually based on "Reason won/lost" object.

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

Thank you - I was not aware that the System uses data without an existing lookup and that I have to create those manually to edit the data.

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Approvals by the user's manager are showing in the Approvals tab on the Opportunities section edit page, however I assume they should also show on the Communications panel / Notification centre / Approvals tab with the 'Show only my approvals' flag unticked.


Is there any reason why they might not show here?



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basically, there might be only a few reasons for that.

One of the most common ones is the absence of the Time zone in the user profile.

Can you please check on that? If there is no time zone selected, you can fill it with the necessary one and check on the issue again.




Thank you for your reply, much appreciated.


I have set the time zones for both the user and the user's manager, the approval is still not showing in the communications panel.  Are there any other reasons this might be the case? 

Gareth Osler,


then you will need to check all of the right for the object that the user has.

I suggest registering a case for the support team in order to help you resolving the issue as it may take much time and knowledge of the system.

Also, some of the settings may not be correct so it is better to check them as well.






Gareth Osler,

Hello Gareth did you find any solution ?

Anas Znibi,


Hey Anas, this was a long time ago, I cannot remember, apols.

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Hi Team,

We have deleted a Business Process on our dev Environment.

When deploying the custom pacakge to our Test Environment i recieve the following error

'Error occured while performing operation on "Process_123412" item, UId = 589g53bc-gh11-50e8-8c66-5655abb06dd1.'

'023-06-14 17:54:18,841 Npgsql.PostgresException (0x80004005): 23503: update or delete on table "SysSchema" violates foreign key constraint "FKTj5Ti40nTBMfs8akfdQmBIa25bs" on table "SysSchema"'


How can i solve this deployment issue ?


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Best reply


The generation of the source code can't help solve the problem. You need to find the missing schema in the development environment for building the dependency and binding resources to the package.



The mentioned constraint refers to the ParentId column.

This means that you are trying to install a process that has a parent ID that does not exist on your target application.


You need to install the parent first, or simply remove it.


Thank you.

Hi Artem,

Thank your for the response!

Can the generation of the source code in the DEV-Environemnt fix this problem ?




The generation of the source code can't help solve the problem. You need to find the missing schema in the development environment for building the dependency and binding resources to the package.

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Hi All


Can anyone advise how you add and remove new objects here please?

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Hello Rob,


Modifying the detail [Connected To] is only possible by means of development since it is implemented by using different programming logic.

We may suggest checking the below posts where similar business tasks have been already discussed:

ok thanks. I thought it might be but don't really understand how one new section I created appears here and others that I have created do not, as I have not done any development here

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 I'm trying to find the schema that is used to generate the tooltip when I hover on a contact field hyperlink . I've looked in the Configuration , but I can't find it. Can anyone help me?

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I believe that would be the MiniPage?

Hello Pavan,

It's ContactMiniPage entity. This functionality can be  configured through the section wizard if needed:


Best regards,




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Hi Everyone,


Please help me to find a way to add a custom date range filter option on the Home page. 

The exact requirement is to have a filter which is similar to the quick filters in the section dashboards.

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As of now the quick filter functionality (or ability to apply a separate filter) is not yet available for the Home pages. We've registered a corresponding query for our responsible R&D team to consider implementing this functionality in future releases. 

Best regards,


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since an update to 8.08 (from 8.06), one of our processes has an unwanted behaviour :

a [Open edit page] element, linked to an existing email activity, seems to create an extra activity with [ Recommendations for filling in the page ] as title.

Is it a known behaviour ? how to avoid this ?


best regards


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Please contact our support team via so we could proceed with further analizys as it's hard to determine the root cause of this behavior with no access to business process and site itself. 

Thank you for understanding!

Best regards,


Anastasiia Zhuravel,

ok, thanks !

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I'm trying to create a new Application throught Application management - Application Hub.

But every time have an error:

"25P02: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block"

What's wrong?

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Hello Svitlana!


Hope you're doing well.


Please make sure that your development procedure is organized correctly. For that you can check the next articles: 

Also, we suggest to check this Marketplace application. It can help you to generate packages from the file system.

had the same issue, problem is that update from file system is deleting a schema with id = 1, but not deleting schema with parentId = 1. you can delete temporary contrain in sysschema to update from sile system and thne when trying to recreate you will find the schema and will be able to react to fix this and recreate constraint

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Hi all.

I'm tying to manually save in silent mode an active record.

When we open a records from the section page, the record (the edit page) is opened in a combined view so if I have a (custom) button on the action bar (on the top, near the "Actions" button) and when clicking on it >> trigger a function.. the function is located in the "xxxSection" JS module.


The problem is that on the section's JS methods, there is no "" method (like we have on an edit page js module) .


So, how can we programmatically save the active record in the "section" module code?

* We need this because we want to force "save record" before doing the actual logic after clicking the button.

(Regular UI ... NOT freedom UI)




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You can try using the this.executeCardMethod("save") method upon clicking your button (as it's developed for the "Qualify" button in leads (see the onLeadManagementSectionButtonClick method from the LeadManagementUtilities module)). This will automatically save a page record even if the button was declared in the section code.

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It seems that the date format in the Mobile app is always MM/DD/YYYY, while I want it to be DD/MM/YYYY. I've correctly set it to Dutch date and time format (which should be DD/MM/YYYY) in my profile in the browser version, but it does not seem to apply itself to the mobile app.


Is anyone successful in achieving this? 

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