
I've been searching, but I can't seem to find the function I want to override, it's the function that creates the "Run Process" button on the section page.


I want to disable it to users who aren't the Supervisor.

I've done something similar with the getViewOptions function so that only the Supervisor could change the column layout of the different sections.


Any help in finding the function I need to override would be appreciated!


Thanks in advance! 😁

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Best reply

Hi Edo,

I've not tested this yet, but wanted to mention for you to try. That button does have an attribute that controls its visibility. The attribute is "IsProcessButtonVisible". The attribute, and populating of the menu items is done in the mixin "ProcessEntryPointUtilities". You can override the function "fillRunProcessButtonMenu" on BasePageV2 (or which ever specific page you want to do this on). Something like this: 

fillRunProcessButtonMenu: function() {
    if (UserIsSupervisor) {
        // call base function to populate menu and set visible
        this.mixins.ProcessEntryPointUtilities.fillRunProcessButtonMenu.apply(this, arguments);
    else {
        // do nothing except ensure button not visible
        this.set("IsProcessButtonVisible", false);

Again, I've not tested that, but I believe it would work.


Hi Edo,

I've not tested this yet, but wanted to mention for you to try. That button does have an attribute that controls its visibility. The attribute is "IsProcessButtonVisible". The attribute, and populating of the menu items is done in the mixin "ProcessEntryPointUtilities". You can override the function "fillRunProcessButtonMenu" on BasePageV2 (or which ever specific page you want to do this on). Something like this: 

fillRunProcessButtonMenu: function() {
    if (UserIsSupervisor) {
        // call base function to populate menu and set visible
        this.mixins.ProcessEntryPointUtilities.fillRunProcessButtonMenu.apply(this, arguments);
    else {
        // do nothing except ensure button not visible
        this.set("IsProcessButtonVisible", false);

Again, I've not tested that, but I believe it would work.


Ryan Farley,

Thank you very much!

This is exactly what I was looking for and is working great 😁

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Hi, Is it possible to change the "number of active background processes" referenced on the acadamy information Here



I'm trying to get more than 50 parallel processes but i can't find a way to do it. The box running the portal has enough to do it.

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The maximum amount of business processes that can be run simultaneously in the background is 5 for each application (for example, if you have two nodes with two apps on them but one database - the number of business processes will be already 10).

Alternatively, you can run business processes not only in the background but also "live" (which means you will see the uploading mask in front of you while business processes are running). This way, you can run plenty business processes at once but please take into consideration the memory capacity of the machine

Thank you for the answer.


I will try to not run it in th background to see how much faster it is.


So the app doesn't care about the number of processors, or threads available on IIS, it's a fixed value based on the number of nodes?




Luciano De Munno,


Yes, it's fixed value based on the number of nodes.


When you say "Live" you mean to uncheck the Run current and following elements in background, right? Or is there another setting?

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Good day!

Task: Upon changing the Type field in the account card, export all records from the section  to a CSV file on the user's computer.

You encountered an error message: 'File' does not contain a definition for 'WriteAllText'. However, you have included the using System.IO; directive.



  namespace Terrasoft.Configuration


    using Common;

    using System;

    using System.Linq;

    using Terrasoft.Core;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Entities.Events;

    using Terrasoft.Core.Factories;

    using Newtonsoft.Json;

    using System.IO;

    #region Class: CHAccount_Custom_1EventListener

    [EntityEventListener(SchemaName = "Account")]

    public class CHAccount_Custom_1EventListener : BaseEntityEventListener


        Entity _entity;

        UserConnection _userConnection;

        public UserConnection UserConnection => _userConnection ?? (_userConnection = _entity?.UserConnection);

        #region Methods: Public

        public override void OnSaved(object sender, EntityAfterEventArgs e)


            base.OnSaved(sender, e);

            _entity = (Entity)sender;

            _userConnection = _entity.UserConnection;

            var typeId = _entity.GetTypedColumnValue("TypeId");

            // Check if the saving event occurred for the Account object.

            if (typeId == new Guid ("f2c0ce97-53e6-df11-971b-001d60e938c6"))


                // Retrieve data of the accounts from the Account object.

                EntitySchemaQuery esq = new EntitySchemaQuery(_entity.Schema);



                EntityCollection collection = esq.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection);

                if (collection != null && collection.Count > 0)


                    // Create a CSV file.

                    string csvContent = "Name,Date\n";

                    foreach (Entity entity in collection)


                        string name = entity.GetTypedColumnValue("Name");

                        DateTime date = entity.GetTypedColumnValue("CreatedOn");

                        csvContent += $"{name},{date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}\n";


                    // Save the CSV file to the C drive of the user's computer.

                    string filePath = @"C:\Accounts.csv";

                    File.WriteAllText(filePath, csvContent);









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Best reply



It happens because the system thinks that File is the Terrasoft.Configuration.File class by default. You need to specify complete class path (System.IO.File) in the code:


System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, csvContent);


for the code to publish successfully.



It happens because the system thinks that File is the Terrasoft.Configuration.File class by default. You need to specify complete class path (System.IO.File) in the code:


System.IO.File.WriteAllText(filePath, csvContent);


for the code to publish successfully.

Oleg Drobina,

Thank you very much, that helped."

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For now

request.$context.LookupPropName = undefined

clear the value, but not triggers any change events on page.


How can i clear lookup value on the page with triggering 

crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest request?

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It looks like the only possible solution for you would be to clear the value inside the business process.

Otherways you just don't trigger the handler.

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we have a new requirement of the customer like when we perform the import from excel, the customer wants to change the screens while performing the import process. as shown in the picture. 



File attachments
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unfortunately, because of the fact that the mechanism behind the import process is quite difficult to customize as it has some core dependencies, there is no possibility to create those changes you are talking about at the moment.




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I need to redirect a user to an Account edit page under certain conditions, after an activity is completed via the activity mini page. For this I used the OnSaved() event as indicated in the sample code, but I get the error below. How do I resolve this?

onSaved: function() {
	this.sandbox.publish("PushHistoryState", {hash: "CardModuleV2/AccountPageV2/edit/" + "f71a7d76-8ac6-46cb-ab7a-a8dae49471b4"});

core-base.js:704 user: Supervisor/7f3b869f-34f3-4f20-ab4d-7480a5fdf647

 file: http://localhost:50081/0/core/hash/ng-core/src/polyfills-es5.js?hash=cd…

 line: 1

 column: 83823

 message: Uncaught Terrasoft.UnsupportedTypeException: Message PushHistoryState is not defined in MiniPageModule (ViewModule_MiniPageListener_MiniPage_ActivityMiniPage) module 

 date: Tue May 23 2023 18:15:14 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

 stack: undefined



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Try sending a custom sandbox message to MainHeaderSchema for example and call NetworkUtilities.openEntityPage (see it's usage in the basic code) upon receiveing this custom message. This should also open the edit page of account.

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We are using an out-of-the-box detail created by Creatio with code "OpportunityTeam" in the Opportunity section and would like to remove a filter on it.   The Contact lookup on the detail object "Opportunity participant" is being filtered by the Account lookup on the Opportunity object.  This means that users can only add contacts to the "OpportunityTeam" detail which have the same account as the account listed on the opportunity.  We do not want this behaviour so are looking for how to remove it.


There are no business rules on the Opportunity section page or the detail causing this filter.  Does anyone know which schema or perhaps mixin is causing this filter?

Thank you for your help!

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I added a new section based on the ActivityFile object but the folders  are not displayed in the section? and in  the actions menu .

Who can i display folders in the section!




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We checked your problem and unfortunately, there is no possibility to add a “Show folders” button item.

When you created a new section, you should have seen this popup:


Best regards,


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Can we get MFA implemented for Portal access?  The portal may contain private/personal info and would be required for compliance.

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Hi Mike,


At the moment there is no possibility to set up a two-factor authentication directly through Creatio.

But I believe your business task could be achieved by SSO integration.


If Creatio wants this product to be adopted by Enterprise level customers, you will want to have this capability.  In today's world of security, I'm shocked and frankly dismayed that your CISO and CTO don't have this on your roadmap.  unbelievable.

Hi Mike Oliver,

The 2FA is currently in beta testing:


Please pay attention to the list of limitations:

1. Integrations only work through OAuth, as the integration cannot pass the second factor.

3. Additional configuration of the mobile application is required - the mobile app utilizes the system setting MobileExtendedAuthenticationUrl.

3. Only one authentication provider is allowed (provider with built-in second factor).

4. The provider must be registered with the name "InternalUserPassword" for the proper functioning of password expiration checks.

5. Not supported for portal users.

6. There is no possibility to specify which users require a second factor. It is enabled for all users.



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Lookup fields on Freedom UI have a feature that let user create a new record from lookup Field, like on the following screenshot (Owner field on Account Form Page):

I'd like to set some default values on such created record. For example, I'd like to set the new contact's account to current account record. I'm able to do this while using simple buttons, but I don't see such possibility for lookups.

It will be ok, even if the answer requires some coding, I have nothing against :)


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You can set the default value for the column if the object settings:



I know that its possible to set default value on the object level, but unfortunately it doesn't solve my problem. Let's see an example:

In Account, I have two important fields: Owner (which is my company employee, who takes care about the customer) and Primary contact (which is my customer, related with the account). Both fields refer to Contact records.


In Contact, I have a Type lookup, which I use to recognize whether a contact is my company employee or a customer.


I'd like to set Type to my company Employee, when adding record from Owner field, or set it to Customer otherwise. I can't do it by setting a default value on the object level.


Anyway, thank you for your answer :)


Hello again, do anyone know answer for my question? :)

Maybe try to set value through Business Rules. It can do this as much as I understood your query.

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