How do you add a dashboard page as a section in Freedom UI? I have an existing dashboard page which I want users to be able to access as though it were its own section, but I can't add the existing page to the workplace as it doesn't exist in the lookup window. I had a look at creating a new section in the application hub, but this will either create a new entity or have to be based over an existing entity, but this dashboard isn't based over any one particular entity and presumably doing this would create a new Section page which I didn't want. Any info on how to turn an existing page into a Section in Freedom UI?

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Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?

Hi Harvey!

Please confirm, am I understanding correctly that you want to replace the section ListPage with your own page containing dashboards?

Is your dashboard page implemented in FreedomUI?

Which page does this page inherit from? Is it the Homepage?

Hi Pavlo, Essentially I want to create a standalone section page, so one that isn't tied to a specific entity or have to be created using the section template in the application hub.

Yes, using Freedom UI exclusively.

And the page I have created is inherited from the Homepage exactly. Is it possible to register this page as a section page?



In general, there isn't a built-in feature for this. However, for such usage, we have the option to set a Homepage for the workplace. You can set this page instead of the current one.


But if you need two of your dashboard pages to be on the same workplace and displayed as a section, you can create a new section in the Freedom UI and replace its SectionSchemaUId with the UId of your dashboard page schema.

update "SysModule" set "SectionSchemaUId" = 'UId of dashboard schema module' where "Id" =  'Id of the section you want to open with the dashboard'


For example, I successfully set the SalesEnterpriseHomePage to open from the test section.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Pavlo, we already have a page being used as the Home page of the workplace the additional dashboard needs to reside in, so we had to do the database editing you suggested to get it to work, which it now does - thank you! This would be a very useful option to be able to do without custom SQL, no code being the aim of Creatio config going forward!

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How can you set the default values created for an Activity when clicking on the Calendar in Freedom UI? I can't see anything in the OOTB code for calendar setup that would pass default values into the calendar activity creation process, but presume there must be some JSON parameters that could be set to specify things like the Activity Type/Category for example. Any help appreciated.

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Unfortunately, this logic is hardcoded and cannot be changed at the moment. We have raised an improvement for the development team to make it possible to configure the default Category for this element in future releases.

Thank you for reaching out!

Thanks Pavlo, so no properties in the JSON can be set for this currently at all then? And no overriding of any of the schema handlers would enable setting them either? We currently have a fair amount of handler code, so wouldn't be too worried about adding some more in for now until this is possible in no code.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to change this logic for this scheme at the moment, even using such handlers.

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Is there any way to get all  the code column names in an object  in C#.



Rakshith Dheer

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There is no direct method to do that, but here are a couple of options that may help:


1) When opening an object in the designer this service is called (via POST request):




to get the content of the object (metadata). The body for this request is the following:




5479e4d7-510e-4b18-9242-e2b3125ab786 should be replaced with the UId of the object you need. Received JSON string can be then parsed to get the list of columns of the object.


2) You can also create a simple ESQ, use the AddAllSchemaColumns method and then retrieve the list of columns from the Columns property of the ESQ instance you created.

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Hi all,

i read about using installment plan template in Order page from sales tools documentation. i use crm bundles demo in freedom ui for the environment. i found the pre template lookup but can't find the selection/dropdown to use it in "installment plan" detail. anybody know how to use this pre template in order form page (installment plan detail)?

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We have declined to incorporate this functionality within the Order and Contract Management application. The utilization of this detail within the application is accompanied by existing logic, and as of now, there are no plans to integrate it.


However, I will register such idea.



We have declined to incorporate this functionality within the Order and Contract Management application. The utilization of this detail within the application is accompanied by existing logic, and as of now, there are no plans to integrate it.


However, I will register such idea.

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Hello community,

I'm trying to apply dynamic filter for printables, my requirement is i am filtering the detail based on a quick filter(date) and when data's are filtered i want to generate a printable for that filtered data in the detail, now it is generating printable for all the data in the detail not taking the quick filter into account. Is there any way to achieve this?


Best regards,

Mahalaxmi Ganesan

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Thank you for reaching out with your question. I understand that you're looking for a way to apply dynamic filtering, but unfortunately, there is no built-in functionality for this specific feature. 


However, as a workaround, you can apply filtration for the table configured in the report setup. This allows you to customize the data that appears in the printable report according to specific criteria. While it may not offer the same level of flexibility as dynamic filtering, it can still help you achieve your desired outcome to some extent. 


For more detailed instructions on setting up reports please refer to the following link:…

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I hope someone can help me, I am exploring the Idea of Moving our system from Classic UI to Freedom UI. I am experiencing Cyclic Chain issues after updating our Dev system when I save the Freedom UI Account Form Page.


I've not worked with Cyclic Dependencies previously and the help from Creatio Support didn't help me achieve a fix. 

If someone could explain step by step how to fix these dependencies (image attached) I would be very grateful.


Many Thanks





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Hi Tom,


What's happening here is that the Account Form page needs to access items that are located in your Custom folder, but because of the hierarchy, it's unable to do so. 

If you move the Freedom UI Account Form page to the custom folder, you can test saving the page and see if that works. If it does, the above is indeed the issue. 


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I have tow connected objects, and I want to display them in nested lists (foreach row in Object1, display the connected objects from Object2). Something like that:

  • Object1
    • Object2
    • Object2
  • Object1
    • Object2

How can I do it?


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Dear Smadar,


For Classic UI, you can use a marketplace solution:


For Freedom UI, you will need to create your own component. You can find more information about that on Creatio Academy:…


I hope this helps.

Have a great day!

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Dear colleagues,


In Classic UI I can solve this by code, but in Freedom is also possible?, somebody know in which schema I need to do this and the related code?


Thanks & Regards

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Hello Julio,

See this article here:…

You can override the menu (usually to add other menu items to it). When you do so you override the "Open", "Copy", "Delete" options and need to add them back in. You could override the menu and then just only add back in the "Open" option. It would look like this (the article will provide more details)

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
        "operation": "merge",
        "name": "DataTable",
        "values": {
            "rowToolbarItems": [{
                type: 'crt.MenuItem',
                caption: 'DataGrid.RowToolbar.Open',
                icon: 'edit-row-action',
                disabled: "$Items.PrimaryModelMode | crt.IsEqual : 'create'",
                clicked: {
                    request: 'crt.UpdateRecordRequest',
                    params: {
                        "itemsAttributeName": "Items",
                        "recordId": "$Items.PDS_Id"

Essentially you're replacing the existing menu with one that only has the Open menu option. This works for any list (section or a list on a page)


and the same in a Detail (Freedom page)?

Hello Julio,

See this article here:…

You can override the menu (usually to add other menu items to it). When you do so you override the "Open", "Copy", "Delete" options and need to add them back in. You could override the menu and then just only add back in the "Open" option. It would look like this (the article will provide more details)

viewConfigDiff: /**SCHEMA_VIEW_CONFIG_DIFF*/[
        "operation": "merge",
        "name": "DataTable",
        "values": {
            "rowToolbarItems": [{
                type: 'crt.MenuItem',
                caption: 'DataGrid.RowToolbar.Open',
                icon: 'edit-row-action',
                disabled: "$Items.PrimaryModelMode | crt.IsEqual : 'create'",
                clicked: {
                    request: 'crt.UpdateRecordRequest',
                    params: {
                        "itemsAttributeName": "Items",
                        "recordId": "$Items.PDS_Id"

Essentially you're replacing the existing menu with one that only has the Open menu option. This works for any list (section or a list on a page)


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I promise I looked first, before to publish, in your articles, but didn't found this one. Thanks a lot




Ryan Farley,

Dear Ryan, I didn't found the crt.DataGrid element in the viewConfigDiff in the code of the listpage, I found it on a FormPage, but I need it also in a the ListPage

solved no need to search crt.DataGrid, jus add it on viewConfigDiff


Yes correct. For the list page, the List (crt.DataGrid) exists in the parent page, you just need to merge in the changes.


No worries - there's so much new info now with Freedom UI stuff, it's hard to know what to even search for!

Julio.Falcon_Nodos writes:

Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I promise I looked first, before to publish, in your articles, but didn't found this one. Thanks a lot



This could really do with being configurable using no-code tools, as it's quite cumbersome to apply to every list users will see but is often important - being able to copy records which should have to be created in specific ways is often an issue for business data.

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Dear mates,

Our system display a compilation error warning. If we click on the button, the tooltip displayed is empty.

We had compilation errors in the past, but the issues are resolve.

I tryed to delete records in the Compilation History Lookup but the system refused to delete them.

How can i remove the Warning ?

Thank you,


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Please note that this issue is connected to the 8.1.2 release and in order to fix it you need to create a case directly for our Support team ( so we could work with the site in question.

Same here in our cloud dev environment with this new 8.1.2 functionality

You are right, we do not have the problem on our production environment, only on the dev env.



Please note that this issue is connected to the 8.1.2 release and in order to fix it you need to create a case directly for our Support team ( so we could work with the site in question.

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Hi Everyone,

I want to exclude all the contacts that are in a particular folder from the main folder so that those contacts are visible only in that folder and not on the main list page. How can I do it?


Thanks in Advance.

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to perform this task in a basic way. You can only filter the data you need in folders, but there is no way to completely move all records from the main contact list page to one folder so that they are only available in one folder and not on the main list page.


We've registered this idea in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

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