Add field in Activity mini page


I am trying to add a new field in an activity's mini page, I added the field in the mini page as in the picture below:

I would like for the mini page to look:

But instead I get:

an I have to click the pencil to get the new field:


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I recommend checking if this field was added only for edit mode. However, let us also explain the logic of displaying modes in more detail.

In the system, the fields used in mini-page are tied to a specific type of mini-page.

If the field is not tied to a specific type, the system recognizes such fields as common to all types (and the behavior of such fields is common to all types of mini-cards).

When configuring a mini-page, you must follow several rules.

1) If a field is used on one of the types of mini-cards, it must be in the same place in other types of mini-cards, or not be used on other mini-page.

2) You can not display a field from another type of page on the page, but in this case, the place where the field was located must:
2.1. be empty (see screenshots 1, 2).
2.2. can be filled with another field that is not used in other types of minimaps (see screenshots 1, 3).

3) If you move a field that is used in other types of mini page on any type of mini page, it will move to that location wherever it is used.

It is also possible to bind a field to a specific type of minimap, but the current option can only be implemented using the development tools. (In this case, the configured field will only be available in the type of card to which it is bound).

Halyna Parkhomenko,

I have added the field for all the modes and it's the same result

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