Add a custom field in Activity task minipage

Hi, I am trying to add a custom field in Activity task minipage: 

I tried to edit ActivityMiniPage, but it does not add the new field.

Where should I add this field?

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You need to make sure that you are making changes in the view mode of the activity mini-page.

Hi Pavlo Sokil,

Thank you for your response.

I have added the new field in all three modes, but the new field doesn't show on the mini page, as I have shown in the photo. The new field shows on the mini page that opens on the click of the pen:



Maybe you have some custom Activity types which are not related with this Mini Page in SysModuleEdit.

Run the sript:
Select * from "SysModuleEdit" where "SysModuleEntityId" in (select "Id" from "SysModuleEntity" where "SysEntitySchemaUId" in (select "UId" from "SysSchema" where "Name" = 'Activity' and "ExtendParent" = 'false'));

And check if for your type Mini page and Mini Page Modes are defined.

For a more detailed analysis, we recommend contacting Creatio technical support.


Best regards,

Pavlo Sokil,

After executing the query you sent, I get these values for the columns you pointed out:

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