I have created a detail and now I wanted to convert the detail into an editable list. The option that is provided in the detail setup is disabled. Then I added the required code in the client module. The detail has been converted to editable list but when I click on the record it is throwing the following error.
The details regarding the issue are attached below.
Could you let me know how can I convert an already existing detail to an editable one?
Regarding data import, how does the system recognize and track data imports into specific objects?
For instance, when I click on the link ("Open imported records") provided in the data import notification, I wanted to know how the system knows which object it's associated with and in which object/table is that information being stored?
It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.
It tags the records. Each record imported has a tag added of the date time of the import. When you click that link from the notification it opens the section and sets a filter for that specific tag.
I wanted to send a notification when data is imported in a particular object. As you stated above "when we click on notification it opens the section", how can I get that section details or which table in database is the section id stored for that particular import?
In Web instance i want every user to see it's own list of activities but not the other users's . I am currently using classic UI , how can i apply this default filter ?