I tried returning false and not calling next?.handle(request), but the record still seems to get saved. In Classic UI it was possible to prevent saving by not calling the this.callParent method, which I believe is somewhat analogous to the next?.handle(request), but I guess not perfectly? Maybe I'm missing something.

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Hello Harvey,

It is possible, and you do it in the right way as I can see from the description. To prevent saving you have to declare this handler in the scheme and simply do not call next?.handle(request). 

Hello Harvey,

It is possible, and you do it in the right way as I can see from the description. To prevent saving you have to declare this handler in the scheme and simply do not call next?.handle(request). 

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I'm looking to trigger page data validation in a specific circumstance from code. I've found that you can use


within client event handlers to trigger the OOTB fields validation for the page, but this just returns an object representing any/all errors in validation for the data. What would make sense to do in our use case after that would be to trigger the NotifyService message you usually see when saving fails due to such validation checks, but I can't see how to trigger it/how to fetch the string that should be shown in the message. I located a method that looks like it is performing this task for the OOTB save validation, called getValidationErrorMessage, which would be passed the request context and the error object returned by the validate function, but this method doesn't seem to be available for use.


Has anybody had any luck with triggering validation in Freedom UI and then displaying the OOTB message based on that validation result? Any help would be greatly appreciated. We're currently running on 8.1.0

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If I'm not mistaken, you can use simple OOTB validation that is described here https://academy.creatio.com/docs/8.x/dev/development-on-creatio-platfor…

Hi Dmytro,


This doesn't give us a way to trigger the validation manually though unfortunately. What we were trying to achieve was to show the validation message to users without saving/trying to save the record at that point in time. We ended up making our own very basic error message that shows the results returned by


if there are any and stops the user progressing in our custom path, but it would be good to be able to tap into the OOTB error toast message so it's a little more detailed and polished.

Harvey Adcock,



Unfortunately, so far, we don't have the functionality to trigger the OOTB validation snackbar-message without saving /trying to save the record. 

We have registered your suggestion, and our R&D team will consider implementing it in future releases.

Thank you for making our product better!


Best regards, 


Harvey Adcock,

Dear Harvey,


See this community article, I think it could help you to answer your question https://community.creatio.com/questions/dynamic-parameter-validator-freedom-ui




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how can I add the multicurrency data to my Opportunity page, like it worked properly in the Classic UI? 


For example, I would like to add the Opportunity value in USD, than the system calculate the EUR value, or if I add the value in EUR, the system will calculate the USD value.opps

Thanks, Timea

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Our R&D team has a task to implement a multicurrency field in Freedom UI in the 8.2 application version.


Unfortunately, there are no examples in the documentation or application of implementing it in the current application versions. So please wait until 8.2 when this column will be available out-of-the-box and could be used on the pages.

Thanks for your answer.

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when adding a CSS module in Creatio it is deleted when refresh, i cannot show the effective colors after refresh

 in first pic i add CSS file and it work 

After refresh it return to original

Can any one help?

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Hello, ElSayed!

Such problem can appear when you've opened the app in a few tabs and logged out+ loged in on one of the tabs. For example: the tab with the configuration page is open and you're writing code there. Then you press the save button, click on the nearest tab to check the result, and relogging to the second tab. After this, your changes in the first settings tab will not be saved. Or it can happen if you have two settings tabs for one object.

I would recommend you to close all tabs and try to add the CSS again, save it and check the result by reloading the page button.

Hello, ElSayed!

Such problem can appear when you've opened the app in a few tabs and logged out+ loged in on one of the tabs. For example: the tab with the configuration page is open and you're writing code there. Then you press the save button, click on the nearest tab to check the result, and relogging to the second tab. After this, your changes in the first settings tab will not be saved. Or it can happen if you have two settings tabs for one object.

I would recommend you to close all tabs and try to add the CSS again, save it and check the result by reloading the page button.

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Hi Community!


I need to display existing documents from other sections together with the directly attached documents in FreedomUI 8.1.


The attachments are stored in the table "SysFile", which has a column called "TypeId". That lookup has the values "File" (default), "Link" and "Link to object".


I have tried to tinker around with the database of my on-premise dev environment. While I could manage to display inserted documents of type "Link", they won't open because the SysFile-table has no columns for referencing other documents.


There is also a table called "FileLink", which looks promising because it has the columns "FileSchemaName", "FileRecordId", "RecordSchemaName", "RecordId". That would be enough to link existing documents to various records, but the don't show up in the FreedomUi AttachmentList component.


Did anyone already manage to do this without duplicating documents?


Any help is much appreciated, thanks!


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Hi Robert!


Unfortunately, displaying the various sections' attachments together in one attachment component is impossible. However, you can use a separate attachment component for each section.


To implement this, we recommend the following steps:

1.  Open the Page Designer.

2.  For each section that you would like to display the attachments from:

- add the dropdown field, specifying this section as “Lookup” in the field’s general settings (or make sure that such a dropdown field already exists);

- add the attachment component.

3. In each added attachment component, set “Record to attach files” (general settings) to a value from the previously added dropdown field and “File storage location” (advanced settings) to the corresponding table.


After you choose the exact records in the dropdown fields, they will be linked to the current record, and you will see their attachments in the corresponding components. It will help you to avoid duplicating documents.


Best regards,


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Is it possible within Freedom UI to trigger a refresh of the Timeline/Feed/Next Steps components using JS? We seem to have an issue where the "Enable live data update" option does not seem to be working in Creatio CRM 8.1 for our Activities on certain pages, and while we've raised a support request for this, we were trying to find a workaround by manually updating the components from code for a specific use case, but we can't see what the data source is called for these types of components. Does anybody know what it would be? I presume refreshing the PDS would refresh them, but this seems heavy handed and might end up with data being lost on the main form page while the data actually being refreshed is just a child entity, so I would expect it to have its own data source.

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Hello Harvey and Damien!

In Freedom UI Pages, the structure of the page is different and along with this a new way to refresh anything on the page. In this article you can find the way to achieve your goal:


Here's example of handler which you can use:

handlers: /**SCHEMA_HANDLERS*/[
  request: "crt.HandleViewModelAttributeChangeRequest"/* The custom implementation of the system query handler. */
  handler: async (request, next) => {
   await next?.handle(request); 
   if (request.attributeName === 'Your Attribute Name' )
    const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance;
    await handlerChain.process({
     type: 'crt.LoadDataRequest', $context: request.$context,
     config: { loadType: 'reload' },
    dataSourceName: 'Data Source Of Obj You Want To Refresh'

You may also find this article useful:





How can we find what the data source is for a component like a Timeline or Next Steps component though? The article suggests looking at the modelConfig elements in the page code, but none of these seem to relate to the timeline or timeline tiles. I expect there is some data source being created behind the scenes but finding out what it's called is the main problem for applying the theory of being able to reload anything on the page as is suggested.


Many thanks,


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