I'm using this.reloadEntity() to refresh page, but the problem is i have to double click a button to refresh a page. Any idea for this case?

             messageHandler: function(args) {

                this.set("UsrIsLead", "1");

                this.save({ isSilent: true });


            onOpenPrimaryContactClick: function() {




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Try to debug the functionality. I've just tried the JS code specified below and it worked every time.

define("ContactPageV2", [], function() {
	return {
		entitySchemaName: "Contact",
		details: /**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/{}/**SCHEMA_DETAILS*/,
		modules: /**SCHEMA_MODULES*/{}/**SCHEMA_MODULES*/,
		diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
		methods: {
			getActions: function() {
				var actionMenuItems = this.callParent(arguments);
					"Caption": "testBtn",
					"Tag": "testMethod",
					"Visible": true
				return actionMenuItems;
			testMethod: function(){
		rules: {}


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Is is possible to have quick filters for detail similar to the Owner and Date filters on the Activity Section? If so, is there any academy article on that? 

Thank you, 


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Dear Hatim,

Your detail object needs to have the Owner or Date columns to be able to display them in the filter. Here is the example.

Lets add the owner lookup field based on the contacts to the Noteworthy Events detail. As the result, you can get apply the filter to the detail http://prntscr.com/ozg26u and select the owner  http://prntscr.com/ozg2bf

You can also set up the columns of the detail http://prntscr.com/ozg2jf http://prntscr.com/ozg2oh and display the  owner http://prntscr.com/ozg2uc 

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thank you for your response. 

We do have owner and date fields in the date to filter on, however we want these filters available as quick filters (just like Owner and Date Quick filters in Activity Section). These quick filters should automatically appear next to the Detail as soon as the Page with this Detail is rendered. 

Intended Quick filter on the Detail is shown below

Dear Hatim,

Here is the example of how to add these filters to a section


You can analyse it and implement for the detail.

Best regards,


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Hello Community!


In one of my environments I realized, that sometimes, when a notification is sent to a user the red bubble indicating new notifications on the Notification Bell won't turn on, even when, if opened, the notification will be there.


Anyone has any idea of what could be going on? Perhaps is the notification not well configured or something happened with the Communication Panel?



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Dear Ignacio,

There might be a couple of reasons to it, like localization bug that influences the notification counter. Try to check if in the English localization it works fine, unless you are already using it. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to resolve this problem within the community thread. Therefore, we suggest you to contact our support team via support@bpmonline.com to conduct the investigation in your particular environment.  

Best regards,


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Hello Community, how are you?


I'm working on a project where the users come from others CRM where the time format is 24 hours instead of 12 hours (AM PM), is there a system setting/configuration or workaround to change this?


Thanks for the help!


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Dear Ignacio,

To set the time format, please go to the user profile settings and select the corresponding time and date format http://prntscr.com/ozfxzm

For example, If you select United Kingdom - you will get 24 hrs format. If United States - you will get 12 (AM/PM) hrs format. 

Best regards,


Thanks a lot!


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While trying to create a new section, I am getting the following error at the front end (screenshot1) while the corresponding objects are created (screenshot2).

But the section is not available to be added to the workplace.

I am working on BPMOnline Sales Services Marketing Enterprise package for Oracle db


File attachments
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Dear Dharini,

This is know issue which is currently being fixed by our R&D team. There is a workaround solution to overcome this problem 

The issue usually persists under ODAC v.12. Therefore, you need

1. Delete to delete ODAC v.12 

2. Please install ODAC v.11 x64 and try to create the section.

3. If the issue persists - try ODAC v.11 x 32 and turn on 32-bit applications usage by setting 'true' value in the application pool setting "Enable 32-bit applications" . 

The ODAC v.11 x32&64 can be found here  http://ftp.bpmonline.com/support/pub/ODAC11_32&64.rar

Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

Thanks for the solution Dean. I'll try and get back if there are any issues.



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I would like to have an option to specify that an attachment detail is read only in the properties. For example, I use multiple attachments sections for answering questions where one is reference information that should not be changed by the person answering the question and the other is for adding attachments in response to the question. This feature would significantly simplify using attachments. We have several sections that would use this functionality.


Dear Janine,

You can set up the access permissions for the detail attachment object. The user will be able download the file, but not able to upload the edited one. Here is the example with the account attachment detail http://prntscr.com/oywufb

Once the user tries to upload the new edited file, the system will display the error message. 

Best regards,


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I am running this code as a script task in a business process.

string POid = Get<string>("PurchaseOrderID");
var arParts = POid.Split('_');
		int i = Convert.ToInt32(arParts[1]);
		int newid = i + 1;
		string prefix = string.Empty;
		else if (newid<100)
		{ prefix="0000";
		else if (newid<1000)
		else if (newid<10000)
		else if (newid<100000)
		string intstringid = newid.ToString();
		string name = prefix + intstringid; 
		string newPOid = "PO_" + name;
		Set("NewPurchaseOrderID", newPOid);
return true;

I have "PurchaseOrderID" and "NewPurchaseOrderID" as the parameters that I've defined for this business process. They are spelled as in the code, I've checked that.


When I try to run this process, I get the error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


Can't seem to find which object I have not initiated.


Any help would be appreciated.




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It seems that  "PurchaseOrderID"  parameter has no value, so in the following row

var arParts = POid.Split('_')

the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" occurs because POid is null. To know for sure please debug the code. The article by the link below will be helpful in that: https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-13/server-code-debugging

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Is there a good way to get the column headers to remain visible while scrolling through the grid (e.g. on section pages)?  I've tried CSS position:sticky, but it doesn't appear to have any effect with the way the grid is constructed.

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Unfortunately, there is no good way to create sticky header while scrolling through the grid. After freezing header row in the grid all other blocks on the page need to be adjusted in order the page is displayed properly.

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Hi all !


In a section page, I have some processes that re run from the page using the ‘Run Process’ object.

The problem is that users activate the process before data on the current screen is saved.

I need that when user activates one of the processes in the Run Process, the page will saved automatically before the process is run.


How this can be done ?

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Please override the method runProcessWithParameters in the BaseDataView module. Then use messages to save the page before running the process.


Then debug the "save:" and "onSaved:" methods and find how to use them for saving the page and getting back to the runProcessWithParameters method after saving. 

Hi Eugene

Thanks for answering me.

When you say "Override the method runProcessWithParameters"

Do you mean to copy it to the Schema Section module?

As I could understand the Schema Section inherits from the "Section base schema ( NUI )" that inherits from the "Base data view ( NUI )".


I tried to copy the function to the Schema Section and implanted debugger, but it's not activated.

Please advise if I've done something wrong.


Oren Diga,

I recommend reading all articles from the development guide before starting development. It will help to avoid mistakes at the very beginning.



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Is there a way to make a thread sleep (like "Thread.Sleep(nnn)" in C#) in order to make it possible to wait for a property set by an ESQ return, such as the code example below ?


this.set(("EsqOk", false);

esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {


     // ESQ return


     this.set(("ValidationMessage", "xxxxxxxx");

     this.set("EsqOk", true);


}, this);

// main thread flow

while (!this.get("EsqOk") {



return {

     invalidMsg: this.get("ValidationMessage")



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No. It's a bad idea to stop the application for data selection. It's better to use masks. Like MaskHelper.showBodyMask and MaskHelper.hideBodyMask

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