Hi Community,

Using below link we can add custom button on CRM section/edit page and specify our own logic like for example we will execute a business process after clicking this button



Any idea how we can achieve it in mobile example, I need to show custom button in section/edit page then on click i will execute a business process?





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The functionality can be implemented through development.

In order to add a button to the mobile application please follow the instructions from the article by the link below:


The business process is run on the server side. It's possible to run it from the mobile application by calling the web service. The ProcessEngineService.svc service allows the external application to run business process in the bpm'online. Please find more information about using the web service in the article on Academy:  https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-14/processengineservicesvc-web-service

Also please check the article about how to call the web service in the Mobile App. It will be helpful for your purposes. 


Alina Kazmirchuk,

Thanks Alina,

Any idea how can i put a custom button on section page?


Fulgen Ninofranco,

Unfortunately, there is no way to add a button on a section page in the mobile application.

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How to find Employee Manager by Process.



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You can use read element to find employee record and ther read manager value from it: http://prntscr.com/pi74m7. Then you can use second read data element to find contact of this manager. 

Best regards,


Hi Angela

Thanks for your reply.

I did read manager of the employee succesfully, as shown below:


Regarding second read data to find the contact of this manager, I am doing as below, but it does not return manager contact, what should be the correct filter here.



Best Regards



Use Employee object for second read data (http://prntscr.com/pix585) and then you can take needed contact from it (http://prntscr.com/pix5r3). Since manager is also part of Employee object it cannot find such contact. 

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Hi. I am having the issue of page Tabs, Field Groups not showing correctly in the section wizard edit mode.

I've had this problems many times. But what is causing this issue?

I'm using the english language (I have not changed language on this environment) on a demo environment with system admin role.

I believe there is a bug causing this. This is the HTML

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Dear Julius,

It seems like the section object did not save the changes correctly. Try to do the following:

1. Go to the system configurations in the advanced settings. http://prntscr.com/phqih3http://prntscr.com/phqiqe 

2. Update the database structure 

3. Generate the source code for all items

4. Compile all items.

It may take some time to perform the last 3 steps. Once you are done, try to clear your browser cache and see if the issue is resolved. If the captions are still missing, please approach our support team via support@bpmonline.com so that we could investigate this problem in your particular environment.

Best regards,


It works. Thanks Dean!

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Hello on a activity task of a case i want to introduce a formula considering the whole name of the current user / current user contact (I don't understand the difference)

I use [#System variable.Current user contact.Name#], but not recognize Name, aldo try using value, which is the correct way to get the name?

"Estimado " + [#System variable.Current user contact.Name#]+", le recordamos que debe completar su Declaración de Conflicto de Intereses en un plazo no más allá de "+[#System setting.Dias para completar Declaración#].ToString() +" dias."



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Hello Julio,

To test everything on my side I've created a process like on the screenshot http://prntscr.com/phwxfh. This process creates an activity with following subject: "Test activity" + " "+ [#Read Contact record.First item of resulting collection.Full name#] + " " + "end of subject". And here is the result of this process http://prntscr.com/phwxxv. So please modify your process using my process as an example so to paste contact name inside some string field value.



Thanks Oscar


@oscar is really easiest, in my case i was to use [#Main record.Contact.Full name#]

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Is there a way to change the Date format in a grid from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YY?



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I figured out how to get the link for an attachment, but when I include it in a Send email system action, the link is automatically converted to an attachment, which is undesirable because the attachment is too large.  How do I include a link to an attachment in an email and have it remain text or a hyperlink?

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Dear Janine, 

According to the [Send email] element logic, your hyperlinks to bpm'online attachments will be automatically converted to actual attached files in the email, there is no way you can leave them as text links.




The really annoying part is even if I remove https:// it still converts.  I'll have to put in more space to make it unrecognizable.

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I would like to know how I can export and import the data I created in the Organization roles and fuctional roles. Thanks!

File attachments
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Dear Marcelo, 

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to export or import data created in the Organization and Functional roles. We recommend setting the roles manually. 

Best regards, 


Thanks for the feedback. To migrate from one environment to another (Example DEV to PROD), has to be done manually? Thanks

Dear Marcelo, 

Yes, the best practice is to do it manually. 

Kind regards, 


Thanks Olga!

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Hi Community,

Any idea how can I show records count summary in mobile section list just like in crm (please see screenshot below).


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Dear Fulgen,

Such functionality is available starting from the version 7.14.4

Here is the example of the accounts section http://prntscr.com/pg7rwb

More detail are in the release notes:


Best regards,


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How to reduce the size of an integer field to 4 numbers?

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Dear Pedro,

The length of the field by default if restricted only by the specifications of SQL database. However, you can set the field validation in the page schema using the developemnt tools. Here is the guide. There you can find the example of phone number validation format.


Best regards,


Dean Parrett,

You can restrict the integer value with Javascript regular expression.

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How can I auto fill a Boolean field from another Boolean field?

When i select Do not Contact field, Follows Fields must Autofill:


Do not Contact Email, Do not Contact Phone, Do not Contact SMS



File attachments
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Dear Pedro,

The following checkboxes are filled in according to the selected value in the Communication options detail http://prntscr.com/pfr3ae .

To achieve your task you need to create a business process that would trigger once you select Do not Contact box. After that the process would read the contact and its communication options, update them by setting the Do not use values as active http://prntscr.com/pfr3ng

Once these boxes are ticked - the detal in communucationa channels will be updated automatically http://prntscr.com/pfr3y9


Best regards,


Hello Dean,

Thanks for your Reply. I did create the business process with follows conditions:

Signal 1:



Signal 2:



Modify data 1:



But it still doesn't works

Dean Parrett,


Hello Dean,

Thanks for your Reply. I did create the business process with follows conditions:

Signal 1:


Signal 2:


Modify data 1:


But it still doesn't works

Dear Pedro,

Here is the example of similar process and it works fine for me.

Signal: https://prnt.sc/pgornx

Modify data: https://prnt.sc/pgos97

Once I tick the checkbox https://prnt.sc/pgorcq the rest are ticked as well https://prnt.sc/pgorji 

If you want to make changes for one contact where the checkbox was ticked, you need to add read data element before modify data. 

Best regards,


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